
Naruto: The Strongest Namikaze (Back, kind of)

Warning- I do not own anything I used some jutsu from websites and others the only thing I did was some plot changes - . . Things might be a little boring at the start but will get better later This is an AU so things will be different Kazuto dies and thinks he will get wishes from god but that isn't the case now in the Naruto world in the waring states era how will he survive Please leave a review

KakuzuCantolopes · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Mini Battles

"AHHHHH!" screams were heard across the battlefield in the hidden sand village. Wind Jutsu vs Earth Jutsu. Mangetsu and the Stone commander were standing next to the Tsuchikage waiting for orders.

A huge wind Jutsu came at the Tsuchikage the Jounin commander, Yorisu, stopped it with an earth Jutsu. The attacker was also a high ranking combatant, but for the sand. They looked at each other and almost instantly battled.

Yorisu was very skilled with earth style and had plenty of chakra. He was a very high-level shinobi. The Sand commander was also a high-level shinobi, it would be a very close battle and both of them knew that.

The Stone commander slammed his hands on the ground and used

Earth Release: Sudden Earth Strike:

A Jounin can cause the earth to rise up at a very fast pace, in fact in a very sudden manner fast enough to catch most shinobis off guard. Also, instead of just grabbing an opponent's leg, this technique can cause the earth to rise up and form an 'arm' to strike the opponent from behind.

Alternatively, one can also control it upon the earth mass the opponent stands on to suddenly spring up such that it acts something like an ejector or catapult to suddenly launch the opponent into the air by suddenly jerking up with a tremendous force.

The durability of the earth risen is nearly as thick as rock, meaning that now, even taijutsu specialists would encounter difficulty in breaking out of it. However, the disadvantage of this technique is the fact that it can only be used with the natural earth and not earth created through chakra.

Even Though sand was covering the battlefield there was still a lot of earth underneath all of the sand. A giant earth arm came up from the ground and put its hand on and crushed the shinobi's body. The Sand shinobi also used a wind Jutsu.

The Jutsu was a very strong one it was called

Wind Release: Great Infinite Sandblast Breakthrough:

The user inhales deeply and then exhales a vicious stream of wind capable of holding back a small army of ninjas. The blast of wind is capable of uprooting trees and blowing down cheaply made houses. Any enemy caught within the blast will find it hard to stand up at all as they will be pushed back with the force. If used in the desert the wind is capable of stirring up enough sand to create a huge sand storm in their area.

When the blast came out Yorisu placed his hand on the ground and used multiple Earth walls to protect himself. It did protect him from most of the attack but he still got injured. The sand shinobi then got up but Yorisu used the headhunter Jutsu

Earth Release: Headhunter: This Jutsu allows the user to travel underground, undetectable to the enemy. The user can then grab the opponent and drag them down into the earth, leaving nothing but their head above ground and immobilizing them completely.

Once trapping the shinobi underground he pulled out his short blade and finished him off. It was a very heavy blow to the sand troops and they had to retreat. The stone didn't follow because they didn't want to get ambushed.

-The Cloud battle-

The screams were also heard on the cloud battlefield; this battle was a lot smaller but even more important. The reason was that this battle would provide the positional battle. There was a large hill that overlooked Konoha.

If the cloud could get that location they could figure out when the leaf ninjas would move. The leader of this battle for Konoha was an Uchiha. And the leader for the cloud was just an average jounin.

But he was carrying a scroll, this was a special scroll. It contained a very forbidden Jutsu. The scroll would be destroyed once the Jutsu was used or if the jounin commander died, so there was a very low risk of it being stolen.

It was to only be used if they were losing the battle. And at this point in time, it was around 50/50. The cloud ninjas had more shinobi with the help of Yamagakure but Konoha's shinobi were much stronger.

After not too long the leaf started to get the upper hand on the battle so the jounin took out the scroll the forbidden technique was.

Lightning Release: Electric Fog Technique:

A two-part technique that can cover a large amount of area or hit one person specifically, first performing a few hand seals the shinobi blankets the area in a natural, cloudy fog ending his first move. The fog in itself is not very thick, one could Basically see through it and very much fight as if they were not in fog at all.

However once this fog has been summoned the user, now on his next move, is able to fire at one target or a number of targets indirectly by sending an electrical current through the droplets of condensed water that composes this fog essentially creating a series of small, but powerful, electrical shocks and as such vaporizing the fog.

These shocks cause strong damage to the body and if hit enough can even kill. Although the chakra used for the technique isn't massive it continuously takes chakra to use

Note: The first part of this technique can be essentially avoided if fog exists in the immediate vicinity. However, performing this technique by such methods will cause the essential water vapors to disappear because it is not being kept up with chakra.

The fog quickly covered the area. At first, the shinobi were confused about why the fog had come out of nowhere. The cloud ninjas were not told that this might be used in case of spies. But they could still see so they continued the battle.

But not long after the fight began again the true effect happened. The lightning started spreading and shocking all the Kohana shinobi. This happened until all of the Konoha fighters were dead. The first battle had gone to the cloud!


Better chapter than last time so I'm happy, also option one has won the voting.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. also can you please leave a reveiw

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