
Naruto: The Strongest Kakashi

A soul from modern earth transmigrates into the Naruto world and integrates with Kakashi's soul after the kyuubi's attack. A new adventure begins... ------------------------------------- Disclaimer: This is just a translated version of the Chinese Web Novel! I am not the author of Kakashi The Strongest in Naruto World, I am just translating the story you can read the original work here : https://book.qidian.com/info/1005115417 --------------------------------------- Support me at https://www.patreon.com/IamPoorGuy There are more than 100 advanced chapters there Update 1 chapter/day

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Chapter 656 Teacher And Student Reunion

Naruto didn't understand why the Yondaime Hokage who suddenly claimed to be his father suddenly said that he wanted to see Kakashi.

But Naruto's heart was also full of doubts at this time.

Therefore, he also wanted to meet Kakashi to relieve his doubts.

In Naruto's heart, he really yearned for a hero-like father.

But with regard to this father, Naruto is still full of questions.

At this moment, Naruto hopes that the person he trusts most can get him the answers.

And that person is naturally his Kakashi-sensei.

Naruto gradually disappeared from the seal place, and his consciousness returned to his body.

Kyūbi coldly snorted and said: "Yondaime, I didn't expect that you have set a counter-measure. It must be to prevent Naruto from rampaging, so you leave these Chakra."

"Yes. When I was re-sealing you into Naruto, even though it was a hasty decision, but just in case, I leave some counter-measure. As you guessed before, Kushina also left some of her Chakra. As long as the seal is completely lifted, she will appear. But now, it seems that these two counter-measures weren't able to play their roles." Minato said with a smile.

Kyūbi sneered and said: "As expected of the man who sealed me up. In such a short time, you still able to thought of such a distant thing. Indeed, if it wasn't for a variable, your counter-measures will be very important. And even if I know about it, there is nothing I can do to change it."

Minato frowned upon hearing this and said: "Variable? Kakashi?"

In just a moment, Minato guessed who the so-called variable was.

For someone like Kyūbi, who has arrogant temperament, to mention Kakashi's name, it shows that Kyūbi attaches great importance to Kakashi.

So when Kyūbi said about variable, Minato can only think of his own student.

'The tone of Kyūbi's speech clearly meant Kakashi.'

'As Kyūbi was sealed here, Kakashi naturally could only come in to see Kyūbi.'

'But there are not many ways to enter this place...'

When Minato thought of it, his pupils shrank slightly.

"Could it be that Kakashi has awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan?"

Minato muttered to himself, but that words fell into Kyūbi's ears.

"Yondaime, you guessed right. Kakashi indeed has Mangekyō Sharingan as early as a decade ago. Perhaps your death caused him to awaken his Sharingan." Kyūbi mocked.

Minato's eyes darkened when he heard this. At this time, he didn't care about Kakashi's strength.

All he thought about was how Kakashi would survive after his death.

In this world, if anyone knows Kakashi best, it is none other than Minato himself.

As Kakashi's teacher, Minato almost watched Kakashi grow up step by step.

After losing his father, he became reticent, and after opened up for a bit, Obito's death happened which caused him devastated and finally, he killed Rin in desperation.

Minato has witnessed Kakashi's tragedy one by one.

It is precisely because of this that Minato knows how bitter Kakashi's heart was.

Every time he finds someone he can get close to, he will quickly lose them.

After White Fang is Obito, after Obito is Rin, and after Rin, Minato is Kakashi's most cherished person.

However, Minato himself died soon after.

Minato didn't know if Kakashi's Mangekyō Sharingan was awakened because of his death, but he that the suffering accumulated in Kakashi's heart was very much.

"Yondaime, there is something that you might be very interested in."

Kyūbi's words interrupted Minato's thought.

"What is it?"

"Don't you want to know who the person who released me from Kushina back then is?"

"Huh? Isn't it Uchiha Madara?" Minato speculated.

The person behaved very strangely at the beginning, and Minato could only guess one of the known characters in the Shinobi World.

Although he thinks that the possibility of this person being Madara is very low, he can't think of any candidate other than this person.

Minato also had to believe this conclusion when all possibilities were ruled out.

This is an asymmetry in information. Even with the Minato's intellect, he won't expect that the Space Ninjutsu's user, who can fight with him bitterly for a while, would be his 14-years-old student, Uchiha Obito.

"Of course not. Although that person's pupil power is not bad, it is far inferior to Uchiha Madara. The reason he was able to control me is only because Kushina was very weak at that time, which hindered my Genjutsu's resistance. My strength has also dropped drastically. Otherwise, his pupil power alone will not be able to control me."

Minato frowned upon hearing this and asked: "Then who is that person?"

"That answer, maybe Kakashi can tell you. After all, he has the same eye as that person." Kyūbi said meaningfully.

Minato complexion changed upon hearing this, as he finally understood in his heart.

The same eye as Kakashi, there is only one person in this world.


Minato muttered to himself, and his mood suddenly became heavy.

At this time, the space fluctuated, and Naruto and Kakashi appeared here together.

"Kakashi-sensei, that is him. He said that he is my father. Is it true?" Naruto hurriedly asked for confirmation as soon as he arrived.

Kakashi did not speak, but looked at the figure in front of him.

The dazzling golden hair which looked like the sun.

No matter where he went, it is always so dazzling.

Strictly speaking, this was the first time Kakashi saw Minato.

But the other half of his soul was very familiar with this person.

Minato also looked at the man in front of him.

Although the original young boy has grown up, and even his temperament has completely changed, but the mask and hair color still made Minato recognize this person in an instant.

The student he valued the most.

After a long time, Kakashi muttered softly: "Minato-sensei, long time no see."

Minato smiled gently and said: "Kakashi, you have grown up and are now taller than me."

Seeing what Kakashi looked like now, Minato didn't know what to say.

After all, in his memory, Kakashi was just a confused teenager.

But now, the mature and steady aura coming out of Kakashi's body is far beyond the comparison of the original young boy.

"Kakashi-sensei, is he really my father?" Naruto asked anxiously.

Kakashi patted Naruto's head and said with a smile: "Naruto, Minato-sensei is your father, no doubt about it."

Naruto was taken aback when he heard this.

When this word came out of Kakashi's mouth, Naruto no longer have the slightest suspicion.

Seeing the close relationship between the two, Minato was quite happy in his heart.

'It seems that Kakashi took great care of Naruto after I died.'

'Otherwise, how could Naruto trust Kakashi like this?'

Naruto slowly approached Minato and made a move that no one expected.


Naruto hit Minato's stomach with a powerful punch and yelled: "You bastard!"

When he raised his head, tears are streaming down his face.

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