
Naruto: The Strongest Kakashi

A soul from modern earth transmigrates into the Naruto world and integrates with Kakashi's soul after the kyuubi's attack. A new adventure begins... ------------------------------------- Disclaimer: This is just a translated version of the Chinese Web Novel! I am not the author of Kakashi The Strongest in Naruto World, I am just translating the story you can read the original work here : https://book.qidian.com/info/1005115417 --------------------------------------- Support me at https://www.patreon.com/IamPoorGuy There are more than 100 advanced chapters there Update 1 chapter/day

Iampoorguy · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 629 Storm Is Coming

Looking at the Box of Ultimate Bliss that has become the size of a rubik's cube in front of him, Kakashi was a little surprised. 'Why did this thing become smaller?'

'It seems that just the Sage of Six Path did not explain this thing completely.'

Kakashi didn't continue to think about it. He just took out a seal scroll, sealed the box into it, and put the scroll into his ninja bag.

At this point, the commotion outside gradually became smaller, and a white-haired girl wrapped in a headscarf ran in.

When Ryūzetsu looked at the scene in front of her, she was stunned.

'What's happening here?'

The four elders seemed to have met their end, and Mui was lying on the ground, and it is unknown whether he is alive or dead.

But what surprised Ryūzetsu the most was the teenager Kakashi was carrying in his hands.

That appearance, although there are some changes, Ryūzetsu still recognize that the teenager is Muku.

'Muku isn't dead?'

Ryūzetsu's heart was filled with joy, and she rushed over, held Muku in one hand, and shouted: "Muku! Muku!"

But Muku did not respond. He still closed his eyes and was unconscious.

"What is going on?" Ryūzetsu asked while looking at Kakashi.

"It's nothing, he's just a bit weakened."

At this moment, Ryūzetsu also saw the mark on Muku's body and asked: "Could it be that Muku was imprisoned by Mui? There is still the mark of Mui's Ninjutsu on his body."

"No, Muku was swallowed by the Box of Ultimate Bliss. This mark was used by me to seal his body..."

After Kakashi said about what had just happened, Ryūzetsu was startled at first, and then she came back to her senses.

Although things are somewhat different from her guesses, in general, they are still very satisfactory.

Muku didn't die, and returned to his original state, which was enough for Ryūzetsu.

"What about the Box of Ultimate Bliss?"

"It's already destroyed. There will be no Box of Ultimate Bliss in this world anymore," Kakashi said.

"That's great!" Ryūzetsu said excitedly.

After all, Ryūzetsu does not have a good feeling about the box, and it is best to destroy it.

Kakashi didn't tell the truth to Ryūzetsu. After all, it is not a good thing to let people know that this kind of thing is in his hands.

No one would have thought that the Box of Ultimate Bliss could become smaller.

After the two talked for a while, Muku started to wake up.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Muku was also surprised.

Kakashi handed Muku to Ryūzetsu and went out by himself.

Next, there may be a reunion between father and son, and the scene of the reunion between lovers, which may be very touching, but Kakashi has no interest in it.

After Kakashi get out of the basement, he saw that the commotion outside had settled down.

It wasn't that someone has stopped it, but because the prisoners have all been beaten to the ground.

After losing Chakra, they wouldn't last long with such a fight.

"Now that the matter has been settled, it's almost time to go back to Konoha. The Five Kage Summit is also about to begin."

Kakashi murmured, and then disappeared from that place.

This incident, with Kazan's testimony and the body of the four masked people, can finally be perfectly solved.

As for Mui, Kakashi does not care.

If Raikage is in a good mood, he may not be killed.

After all, the Five Kage Summit is just around the corner, and Raikage doesn't have so much idle time to pay attention to such a small fry.

Using Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Technique), Kakashi returned to Konoha.

A peaceful atmosphere makes Kakashi quite happy.

After all, this is the place he wants to protect.

Maybe Konoha has a lot of imperfections, but as someone from Konoha, what he has to do is not to criticize it, but to change it.

You cannot change your origin, but you can change the place where you were born.

Of course, the premise is that you have to make yourself stronger.

Blaming the others has no effect. It will only expose one's ignorance and weakness.

The world has no sympathy for the weak and will only ridicule it mercilessly.

Inside the Hokage Office, Kakashi reported about his mission in Hōzuki Castle.

"Very good, you only took two days to solve the problem. As expected of you, Kakashi."

"Thank you for your praise, Tsunade-sama."

"That Hundred Transformations Kazan that you asked Sadaharu to bring back has been interrogated and has been handed over to Kumogakure. Kumogakure also did not mention it anymore, so this matter can be considered solved."

"That's good. It seems that this thing didn't have any impact on the Five Kage Summit."

Tsunade nodded and said: "Yeah, but the Five Kage Summit has been advanced. We will leave the day after tomorrow."

"Advanced? Why?" Kakashi asked in doubts.

"Probably because Raikage feels that there are too many changes, so he wants to hold it early."

"So it's like that. Then, where will it be held?"

"The Land of Iron!"

Hearing this, Kakashi expressed his understanding.

The Five Kage Summit, no matter which Shinobi Village it is held, is not suitable.

After all, it is the meeting of the top leaders of the Five Great Shinobi Villages. If something goes wrong when they are gathered in one of the villages, it will be hard to explain.

So the most suitable choice is the Land of Iron which is a neutral country.

First of all, this country is not weak. It is second only to the Five Great Shinobi Villages.

Then, Mifune, the leader of the Land of Iron, is highly respected and possesses the spirit of Bushido, which makes him worthy of trust. And he is also the most suitable to be the host of the Five Kage Summit.

Finally, the Land of Iron is not far from the other Four Great Shinobi Villages except Konoha, and belongs to the central area.

After they finished discussing the matter, Kakashi left.

Fugaku's house.

At this time, Kakashi and Fugaku sat opposite each other and seem to be discussing something.

"Fugaku-senpai, I wonder how do you thing about what I told you before."

Fugaku's expression was serious, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"Actually, I don't need to think about this matter at all. For the sake of my children, I will do everything I can."

When Kakashi heard this, he smiled and said: "Fugaku-senpai, you are really a great father."

"Don't talk about great, I feel that I'm not even a good father. If I can, I would like to just live in peace with my family. Unfortunately, as a member of the Uchiha Clan, I have no choice but to take this responsibility. Right now, I am already tired."

Fugaku said and a tired look appeared on his face.

Hearing this, Kakashi believes that as the Clan Head of the Uchiha Clan, Fugaku is holding a lot of pressure.

Kakashi was originally alone, so naturally he didn't have so many things to think about, but Fugaku is different. Sometimes, he was feeling helpless and bitter.

The reason Kakashi refused to be the Clan Head of the Hatake Clan is because Kakashi saw Fugaku and the other Clan Head like this.

"Kakashi, I want to ask you a question."

"What is it?"

"How is Itachi?" Fugaku looked at Kakashi with piercing eyes, waiting for an answer.

Kakashi smiled lightly and said, "Very good."

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