
NARUTO : the skill of the sword

Born as the second son of the daimyo of the land of fire ,follow Ken Yamamoto hideyori his path to become a honourable samurai . this is my second fanfic and I will probably switch between my other fanfic and this ,it will probably be updated once or twice a week and maybe unresponsive for some time due to studies my other fanfic is one piece tale of an unparalleled legend so check that out too ....

godlyarrogantz_305 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

chapter -3 Nature is my ally as well as my enemy

ken woke up before the break of dawn, a habit from his time in the Yamamoto manor.

He went to a lake nearby and washed his face and did his basic hygiene, after that he went hunting for some breakfast.

he managed to catch some rabbits, he skinned them and roasted them.

Eating his full he started to swing his sword, practicing his sword till noon, he dropped down in exhaustion, went to the lake again, and drank water refreshing him.

" what should I do now? where will I go? how will I get stronger?...damn all of this is crashing onto me now "

Ken said while laying on the ground facing the sky.

he slowly got up with his belonging and walked out of the forest.

The expanse of land was breathtaking for the young boy who hadn't stepped out of his manor since his birth.

As he was walking through a plain, a certain group of people was stalking him, they looked at the young man with a sharp glint of greed in their eyes.

Ken who wasn't unaware of the people stalking him walked into a dense forest.

The group of men instantly came forwarded with a dagger up to the boy's throat, but before that could happen the assailant felt a wooden sword piercing through his stomach and cutting his body in half.

The young boy gazed at the group of bandits who were dumbfounded at the turn of events.

" Who are you, people? I haven't offended anyone in my life..so what is your purpose?"

the boy asked holding both his bookend in his hand in a stance with no openings.

the bandit leader snapped out of his trance and became furious at one of his men's death.

" you fucking pipsqueak! I'll sell you to the cruelest customer I can find!!"

the boy's eyes widened in realization .and sighed.

A consolidated aura burst forth from his body with impressive control, intimidating the bandits,

but they went into action immediately to subdue the young boy.

As the first bandit came the left-hand bokken of ken descended with bent the forearm of the bandit.

as the others poured into the fight ken showed utter control, managing to incapacitate everyone in the bandit group.

As he gazed down at the unconscious bodies of the bandits he noticed. a sword in a sheath by the leader's waist.

He walked toward the sword and picked it up, removing it out of the sheath he saw his reflection of a neat young man in humble clothes and he looked at the bandits.

Forcing himself to move and not waver in will he went toward every bandit and slit their throats.

After the ordeal was done he dropped the sword from his trembling hands.

he quickly swept the money and ran away seeking refuge to vent his feelings.

He ran away deeper into the jungle finally dropping to his knees as he vomited in from a cliff.

Gritting his teeth at his weak resolve he looked at anything that will help him train his body.

He took 3 humungous stones and tied them with a good rope he got from the bandits.

he went to a strong tree and threw the rope over a sturdy branch and started pulling the stones. (Zoro workout )

he did this until the sunset. his big was broken and had barely any stamina left over.

He flopped down onto the ground again as he felt his body exhausted, birds were surrounding him looking at this crazy human.

and all of a sudden a roar echoed in the jungle.

making the birds fly away and ken to startle awake.

A huge tiger twice the size of a bison emerged into the open space where ken was training.

Its eyes focused on ken and its presence greatly intimidated the young boy.

Gritting his teeth he stood up slowly and stood his stance. his sword was beside the boulders of stone so he couldn't move to get it.

Instead, he went into a normal taijutsu stance used by the generals.

"Heavy steel fist taijutsu "

The tiger slowly walked towards ken fully bent on scaring the boy to death, he pounced with great speed, ken dodged in the nick of time but not Scott free.

The tips of the claw of tiger managed to scrape his shoulder making it bleed excessively.

the tiger smirked and pounced again and landed on top of the boy, ken tried to punch the tiger with chakra supporting his muscles but it was in vain.

the tiger enjoyed the struggling of the bit but what he didn't expect was for the boy to pull out a small knife and stab his chest.

the tiger jumped back with his chest bleeding upon the stab.

Ken also jumped back with great difficulty and grabbed his bokken.

With a roar of rage it came forward again, this time not intending to drag this.

ken also rushed forward and dodged the claw swipe and broke the right leg of the tiger and pushed the knife into the chest deeper.

The tiger wailed in pain and jumped, ken using his bokken placed it in a way to Peirce the tiger's stomach.

And it did hit the stomach but not Peirce it, besides making it vomit blood and making it unable to get up.

Ken used his small dagger to stab the tiger's eyes and finally, its throat.

He fell backward as he won the fight.

The whispers of death still lingering in his ear.

Exhaustion won over him and fell asleep.

He woke up 3 hours later, he woke up and noticed the tiger still dead and untouched except some parts had started to rot.

immediately he took his knife and start to butcher it with great difficulty.

He salted it and made it his provision since he wanted to make his body stronger before diving into swordsmanship more.

Later that night he made a small campfire and

sat silently looking at the flames.

He sighed at the emotional rollercoaster he had gone through the entire week

"...chakra" he mumbled, he had forgotten to look into his chakra natures, he was sure he had fire and electricity but not sure if he had more.

He sat down in meditation and felt his feeble chakra.

Not anything impressive like his family but decent for a 7-year-old.

He looked at his body and saw scratches all over him, he was tidy yet his hand had callouses like never before.

His body was strained to the maximum this past week.

He had to fight for his life like never before and the feeling of victory was intoxicating.

he knew he won't be victorious all the time but he had to admit it was an addictive feeling.

he wasn't feeling sleepy so he took a torch of fire and went to a grass plain nearby.

He fell onto the ground and looked at the night sky and stars., something he had been doing a lot, often.

" Why did grandfather say my ideals were pathetic?...am I on the wrong path?".


he was destined to spill it .as the heir of the Yamamoto clan of generals he was sure to get a high-ranking position in the military as soon as he came of age.

why was accepting that he will spill indiscriminate blood a bad thing? he was puzzled and couldn't get over the feeling of being wronged by his grandfather.

He wanted to be a samurai, not even his grandfather heck, even the gods wouldn't be able to stop him from being one.

If he wasn't accepted as a samurai he will be a ronin. but his heart burned with a desire to be a samurai. It felt like he was destined to be one..why why why why why why why!!!

AHHHHH!!' he roared in his head gripping his hair in frustration.

then he calmed down and thought about how to be better and how to make his ideals better.

"wow, .....I am lonely huh."

" I feel like nature is my ally as well as an enemy now.."

He has never felt this way before.

he felt abandoned, unwanted, like a piece of garbage. Born as the result of someone's pleasure to play with only.

He stood up and went back to the training place and started to exercise, once it was midnight, after 4 hours of training he stopped and ate some tiger meat cooked and slept, unaware of how drastically his life would be changed tomorrow and how it would build him.
