
Naruto: The Shinobi of Gluttony

Author: blazuki
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 1.2M Views
  • 49 Chs
  • 4.7
    25 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Naruto: The Shinobi of Gluttony

Read ‘Naruto: The Shinobi of Gluttony’ Online for Free, written by the author blazuki, This book is a Anime & Comics Fanfic, covering ACTION Fanfiction, ADVENTURE Fan Fiction, WEAKTOSTRONG Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: Finding himself in a ninja world with nothing but the power of gluttony, a young man devours his way to the top of the w...


Finding himself in a ninja world with nothing but the power of gluttony, a young man devours his way to the top of the world

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petualangan serena dari negeri thresen

Kisah ini mengenai seorang putri sebatangkara yang ingin membalas dendam atas kematian kedua orangtuanya dan ingin membangun kembali Negerinya yang telah dibumi hanguskan oleh seorang raja kejam dari Negeri jauh. Setiap malam rekaman memori tentang desingan pedang, raut wajah kedua orangtuanya, tawa menggelegar raja kejam, bau darah, jeritan rakyat dan kobaran api selalu muncul dengan jelas di benaknya. Dahulu dia putri yang sangat dimanjakan oleh orangtuanya, kini putri itu menjadi seorang Serena pengembara yang ingin balas dendam. Saat kabur dari Negerinya ia pingsan di dalam hutan dan ditemukan oleh panda dan koala. Ia belajar ilmu bela diri dan ilmu bertahan hidup dari pemuda hutan yang tidak lain adalah tuan dari panda dan koala tersebut. Setelah menguasai berbagai hal, ia pun pergi meninggalkan mereka untuk mengembara mencapai tujuannya. Kisah pun dimulai, perjalanan jauh itu tidaklah mudah. Ia harus melewati berbagai hal dalam keadaan apapun. Memori tentang masalalunya selalu setia bersamanya hingga akhir. Ia harus tertangkap oleh bajak laut, bertarung dengan kadal raksasa dan terlibat berbagai peperangan. Namun pemuda hutan selalu datang menolongnya dan membantunya disaat yang tepat. Serena bersama dengan pemuda hutan yang bernama Olin itu berhasil sampai di kerajaan raja kejam tersebut. Mereka mencuri semua informasi dan pergi meminta bantuan kerajaan lain yang lebih kuat. Disana mereka mengikuti kompetisi untuk menjadi ksatria kerajaan dan berhasil menjadi pimpinan Armada Aquila. Perang dengan kerajaan raja kejam itupun terjadi. Peperangan di medan perang membakar api dendam dan semangatnya untuk membunuh semakin bergejolak. Luka tidak lagi terasa sakit, ia terus berperang hingga akhirnya memiliki kesempatan untuk bertarung satu lawan satu dengan raja kejam tersebut. Tiap ayunan pedangnya berisi amarah, kesedihan dan dendam yang mengalir bersama dengan alunan lagu kematian dari masalalunya. Olin sekali lagi menyelamatkan Serena agar tidak tenggelam dalam kegelapan masalalunya. Berkat Olin, Serena bisa menatap kembali masadepan dan hidup bahagia. Setelah itu Olin pun mengungkapkan identitasnya yang sesungguhnya kepada Serena. Serena merasa sangat terkejut dan tidak bisa berkata apapun. Akhirnya Olin mengajak Serena untuk memulai hidup baru bersamanya.

Chocho_Yucho · Fantasy
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3 Chs


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the writing quality is pretty good, and the updates are also good, but the character/mc is based around is absolutely trash to the point, making him better as character development just dosent help


One of the best authors out there<3 Looking forward to this one. I hope its as great as the rest of em.


Knowing the author I will give this fanfic a five-star review since the quality is all about guaranteed, I will just cross my fingers and hope he will finish this one and not drop it in the middle like he did to some of his other work. Good luck!!




I almost gave up on the story because I was a bit prejudiced in the first three chapters, but my curiosity prevailed and I continued. I'm glad I continued because the story started to get very gripping.This author somehow manages to create a situation in his stories that will leave the reader in conflict, but if I leave my personal tastes aside, I think the story is of very high quality. I'm off to the Chainsawman fanfiction from here~




Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work


5 stars.






It's a great Naruto fanfiction!!! I like it!! 👍👍 It have a great story/plot and good english/translate.. I like the idea of Gluttony seal (can absorb his enemy soul and any seal), it make the MC strong (not from the start), but he must beat stronger enemy if he want to be more stronger.. I like he help Hotaru, Anko, Karin (although for his benefit),, he still kind enough.. I don't mind a harem, but please not too much (no to "he take all beautiful women").. And please no Sakura, Ino, and Hinata to his harem.. Tenten and Shizune is ok, maybe Kurenai and Yugao too 🤔🤔 It will be so much different story with MC/Kuzo kill Orochimaru and Kabuto from this early.. I can't wait to see he kill Danzo as soon as posible (he's the top must kill list for me.. His evil deeds can't be forgiven : He help Hanzo kill Yahiko, he kill Shisui and make Itachi kill all his clan/Uchiha genocide, I'm sure he's the one responsible for Sakumo suicide, spread Naruto secret as jinchuriki Kyubi, etc.. So he must be dead as soon as posible) Can't wait to see next chapter.. Keep up the good job author san 😁👍😍😍


please author make another avatar fic where the mc can bend either air or water


if i don't see a jjk fic by the end of the week your FIRED jkjk but this is gonna be good enjoy it its got top notch writing and has quite good diallage and thats kinda all u need


very good so far. i have read another novel good of this author so no surprise.


brother you hurt me with this , you make a new masterpiece and forget to invite us in the chainsaws man fic, I only found this by accident looking at your profile, عيب عليك مفكرتناش




🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 i love it keep going


As soon as I saw who the author was, I immediately downloaded it and I was not disappointed at all, the story is pretty good and I like the MC'S character and so far(chapter 9) I think he's gaining power at an okay rate


Sooo does this novel have lemons this time? Come on man… ⠀⠀⠀⢀⡴⠋⠉⢉⠍⣉⡉⠉⠉⠉⠓⠲⠶⠤⣄⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⢀⠎⠀⠪⠾⢊⣁⣀⡀⠄⠀⠀⡌⠉⠁⠄⠀⢳ ⠀⣰⠟⣢⣤⣐⠘⠛⣻⠻⠭⠇⠀⢤⡶⠟⠛⠂⠀⢌⢷⡀ ⢸⢈⢸⠠⡶⠬⣉⡉⠁⠀⣠⢄⡀⠀⠳⣄⠑⠚⣏⠁⣪⠇ ⠀⢯⡊⠀⠹⡦⣼⣍⠛⢲⠯⢭⣁⣲⣚⣁⣬⢾⢿⠈⡜⠀ ⠀⠀⠙⡄⠀⠘⢾⡉⠙⡟⠶⢶⣿⣶⣿⣶⣿⣾⣿⠀⡇ ⠀⠀⠀⠙⢦⣤⡠⡙⠲⠧⠀⣠⣇⣨⣏⣽⡹⠽⠏⠀⡇ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠙⠦⢕⡋⠶⠄⣤⠤⠤⠤⠤⠂⡠⠀⡇ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠑⠒⠦⠤⣄⣀⣀⣀⣠⠔⠁


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