
Naruto The SENJU Saga

DisappointingMyBoy · Fantasy
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7 Chs

'CHANGES & POWER' you know

-(Timeskip = 11 Months)-

"Ha....ha....ha" I said lying on the ground , unable to move exhausted of all the physical energy , though I have more than 75% of my chakra remaining .

"Thank you Guy sensei for sparring with me again " said Akira lying on the ground.

"Hahahaha , No need to be so humble Akira . I am happy to help a genius and YOUTHFULL child." said Might guy placing great emphasis on youth rather than genius.

Last year I talked hokage about my Taijutsu . Hokage promised me to provide a private Taijutsu Instructor.

Yes , Guy sensei was the said instructor and BOY I was surprised .

My said private Taijutsu sparring partner was the one who beat Madra the ghost of uchiha black and blue . The Eternal Genin , the Man , the Myth , the Legend himself THE MIGHT GUY .

[A/n : might guy is one of my favourite naruto character so plz bear with my YOUTHFULL Description.]

Training these past months , I made a tremendous progress in Taijutsu.

According guy sensei , My quick Reflexes and Exellent Muscle control reduces unncessary movements and increase my Adaptibility in Taijutsu.

My training regime is 5x(Saitama training)

with added 10 kg weights on my each limb . Guy sensei gave me those weights as a gift.

During these past 11 months my body grew quite a bit , Increasing my natural strength and my chakra reserves.

Especially , my chakra growth rate surprised both the Hokage and Guy sensei

According to the Hokage my chakra growth rate is comparable to the first hokage Hashirama senju . I was pretty surprised hearing this . At his peak Lord Firsts chakra reserves were far greater than the chakra reserves of both naruto and kurama combined. What kind of monster I will become if I also got the nine tails amount of chakra, suddenly a chill ran down my spine...

Currently my chakra reserves easily rivals an elite Jonin's chakra reserves and I am just 6 year old , well , technically tommorow will be my 6th birthday .

Although I can conceal my chakra with my perfect chakra control . I didnt really tried to hide it at least not from the Hokage and Guy sensei .

During my training with Guy sensei , two major events happened in the village .

First major event was that Hiruzen sarutobi , The third hokage , the god of shinobi PUBLICALLY APOLOGISED TO UCHIHA's . Yup

He apologised for not believing in Uchiha clan and forcing them to relocate towards the outskirts of the village .

He apologised for not stopping villagers malicious treatment towards the uchiha .

Villagers and even some shinobi clearly shows the expression which shows 'we dont trust you' towards the Uchiha .

But after listening Hokage's apolozy , To say we (villagers and I) were shocked would be an understatement.

I knew that something changed in old man after our BBQ talk , His dead fishy eyes have regained their shine , His tired monkey face looked more determine and resolute ,his sluggish shoulders straightened themselves. He does not even need to release his chakra preasure , his Intimidating Aura itself strikes fear and respect in people .

I really wanted to see Danzo's face after witnessing the change in his friend Demeanor .

I should also stop calling him old man .

There were still some fanatical Uchihas who were unhappy by how the events progressed.

'Not all can be happy at the same time huh' , NO!!! , second major event proved the above mentioned line wrong.

Few days after the apology , another news took the mantle of village gossips 'Hokage pronounced a successor'

Yes , Few days after the apology , hokage pronounced SHISUI UCHIHA as the successor of the Hokage seat .

Now , hiruzen didnt retired yet , but said to train shisui himself for the role of the hokage .

As for hieuzen's punishments for the 'bad conduct at the time of nine tails attack , mainly stopping uchihas from helping the village' hiruzen will retire as hokage after 5 years and would work as an advisor for the next hokage after his retirement till his death with no power whatsoever . I am pretty sure it was shikaku nara was the one who suggested this punishment because Shisui would gain enough experience in these 5 years and would be ready for the hokage's position .

Hokage fully take the responsibility of his mistakes . With Uchicha clan's help more people could have survived the nine tails attack .

Both the apolozy and announcement completely destroyed the Coup .

Most Uchihas were overjoyed not because the next hokage will be an uchicha but because the accusation on them of controlling the fox being proved wrong . No loyal person wants to be questioned about their loyality .

Although some were drooling at the fact that Uchihas would finally dominate the Konoha but ,

Fugaku uchiha ,The head of the uchiha clan , subdued those power hungry idiots . He STRONGLY advised Uchihas to tone down their arrogance and work for the prosperity and safety of the whole village not just clan.

<A/n : you will know more about inner uchiha conflicts in someone else's POV.>

Villagers opinion on uchiha clan took a drastic turn in positive way , Many villagers realised their misbehaviour and apologised to uchiha police guards who patrolled the village by bowing down benting 90° .

Non shinobi villagers also thanked the uchiha police guards for protecting their peace.

Two major things happened in my life too.

First , I saved a pink hair girl (whom I didnt recognised at first) from a drunkard shinobi . Such a cliche .

After that Incident that certain Pink Hair Girl started Interacting with me whenever I go out to wander around the village .

How did she even find me every time . Wait , am i getting stalked ?

Well at least she does not disturb my sunset time .

Second major thing was my dreams . After I turned six and a half year old , I started having the same dream every night , dream of a women humming a song in very melodious and gentle tone

I was not able to see her face because all that time I was floating in darkness but strangely that darkness soothed my heart.

I dont know why but every time after listening her song , I somehow get the feeling that she is humming that song only for me from the bottom of her heart as if I am the only solace of her world . As much as it fills my heart with a warm feeling , a feeling of sadness and longing also washes over me .

I want to hug her and tell her that 'its alright , I am here'. Although I cant see her face I can feel her lips stretching in a gentle smile of happiness as if she can read my thoughts .

Feeling her happiness , a smile subconsciously appears on my face.

Today was not any different , I was in good mood after waking up because of the same dream , I brushed my teeth and freshened up , after that I started my intense five time saitama training.

I aslo started to study fuinjutsu.

The basic requirement for fuinjutsu aside from talent is chakra control and my chakra control is already the best in the world.

After pleadin*cough* requesting nearly 100 times to Hokage , he gave me basic Fuinjutsu scrolls. I already mastered storage seal , summoning weapon , binding seal and other D rank seals .

Now why I am so desperate to learn fuinjutsu that I even threw my little pride away for basic sealing jutsu scrolls , thats because of my affinities .

Yes , my affinity , I only have one elemental and one non-elemental affinity which are wind and yang nature transformation.

All senjus have the yang nature affinity .

I have very high affinity towards the wind nature but my other elemental nature transformation affinity is close to zero .

It means that I wold have a very hard time mastering jutsus of other elemental nature trasformation even though I have near perfect chakra control .

World is definitely trying to Nerf me, DEFINITELY.

I have an option to learn sage mode but to learn it I need nature perceptiveness and a strong body to hold the senjutsu chakra.Although I can feel some kind of energy around different from chakra , but I dont want to turn into stone or a monster thats why I didnt tried to interact with it.

Aside from this,

I have already mastered Rasengan.


Yes I mastered it , But I cant use it .


Ignoring the silence ,,,, To master rasengan I needed to complete three steps , first step rotation , second step power , third step to hold the rotating energy .

I have already perfected the first two steps in a week with the ballon exercise but the problem occured in the third step . No matter how much I tried I couldnt hold the Ransengan and if I try to forcefully contain it , my hand started to hurt like hell and yeah i can make Rasngan with one hand .

There is only one solution to both my problems and that is to improve the strength of my body.

I spend 75% of my training time improving my taijutsu and pushing the limits of my 6 year old body and other 25% to learn fuinjutsu.

I do spend some time resting and wandering around the village , and watch the sunset from the hokage rock , which is I am currently doing after finishing my Nth village tour . its fun to wander around the village Aimlessly.

"Ahh , what a nice view" said Akira watching the sunset Nth time.