
This is the Reason Why the Senju Clan Was Sold Out

Seeing the arrivals, the Uzumaki clan leader's worries immediately subsided, and he respectfully said, "Prince Ryuto, Chief."

"What's the situation?" Uzumaki Ryuto took over the position and took out a telescope to gaze at the Konoha people who had landed. Why did Konoha suddenly send people over in the middle of the night?

"Unclear, but the forehead protectors confirm they are from Konoha," the Uzumaki clan member sneered.

For their Uzumaki clan, that Uzumaki title was truly an insult!

"They even have a clan crest?" Uzumaki Ryuto frowned as he scanned them. There were not many people, just over thirty, but it was unclear why they had come here. "This clan crest seems familiar!"

"Clan crest?" Hearing about a clan crest, the chief also felt puzzled. There were not a few shinobi clans in Konoha with clan crests!

"It seems to be the Senju clan's crest," Uzumaki Ryuto suddenly realized.

"Indeed." The chief nodded solemnly. "They are all members of the Senju clan. But why have they appeared here?"

"Should we go out and ask?" Uzumaki Ryuto pondered. With no other Konoha shinobi present, and only Senju clan members, perhaps it wasn't a bad thing?

However, just as the Senju clan was growing impatient and about to take action, a voice suddenly rang out in the silent air.

"Friends of the Senju clan, why have you come here?"

"That voice is..." Senju Hidezumi's pupils constricted. "The Uzumaki clan chief's voice." He was very familiar with it. It was because of this voice that Konoha had been requested for assistance but refused. It was this voice that had pleaded with the Senju clan to uphold Lord Hashirama's promise of mutual support.

It seemed the Uzumaki clan's situation wasn't as dire as imagined if they still had people stationed here on guard.

Senju Hidezumi's heart was immediately put at ease!

Seeing the Uzumaki clan chief before them, the Senju clan exchanged glances, and then Senju Hidezumi spoke up, "Uzumaki Chief, we mean no harm; we've only come to help."

Come to help?

The chief was taken aback upon hearing this. Wasn't your leader telling us to fend for ourselves?

Why did he suddenly send people now? But the numbers seem a bit small!

"Were you sent by Konoha or by someone else?" However, Uzumaki Ryuto suddenly asked. This had to be clarified! Otherwise, who knew what tricks Konoha might try to pull? Only by making the Uzumaki clan give up on Konoha could they proceed smoothly. Being too naive in this chaotic era without the Child of Prophecy's fate would have gotten them killed several times over, especially when it came to that black-hearted organization Konoha. They couldn't blindly trust them – who knew when they might get stabbed in the back?

Senju Hidezumi was taken aback by the question from the young boy, who appeared to be about seven years old and seemed to be a Genin from Whirlpool Village. But...

How dare he open his mouth so rudely? Didn't he have any manners? Your elders haven't even spoken yet, and you're already talking?

"Currently leading the Uzumaki clan and holding all commanding positions in the Land of Whirlpools is Uzumaki Ryuto," the chief explained, seeing Senju Hidezumi's puzzlement. "He is in charge of the entire Uzumaki clan."

Senju Hidezumi's pupils constricted. For such a young child to hold that position, either the Uzumaki clan had lost their minds, or this child was truly skilled. However, before he could inquire further, Uzumaki Ryuto asked again, "So, were you sent by Konoha or by someone else?"

"Heh--" Senju Hidezumi shook his head with a wry smile. Although he wanted to restore the friendship between Konoha and the Uzumaki clan, he ultimately said, "We were not sent by Konoha but acted on the Senju clan's own initiative."

But for now, he decided against it. For the thirty of them to claim they were reinforcements sent by one of the Five Great Shinobi Villages would be too embarrassing, and the shinobi of the Land of Whirlpools were no fools.

Hearing Senju Hidezumi's words, Uzumaki Ryuto frowned in thought. Indeed, they were not reinforcements sent by Konoha but had come to support the Land of Whirlpools on the Senju clan's own accord, which was a favorable situation. Uzumaki Ryuto currently had no desire to associate with Konoha, as it would be too costly in the future.

"We are very grateful for the Senju clan's assistance," Uzumaki Ryuto stepped forward and said gratefully. It was truly not easy for them to come and help at this time! A little help is worth more than an overflowing favor, especially for a major clan from Konoha to defy the Hokage's orders and send people to support them – that was extremely difficult.

But the Senju clan head had probably been summoned by the Hokage to preach the Will of Fire and the First Hokage's message of peace!

And no wonder the Senju clan ended up being crushed by Konoha!

Damn it!!

What did these disobedient shinobi come here for? The Third Hokage, who was the Second Hokage's student, was probably not the only one displeased. Even the Hokage himself must have been unhappy! Although your clan produced the First and Second Hokages, and even I, the Third, was the Second's student, you couldn't be so brazen! Didn't you respect the Hokage's authority? The order had already been given, but you still defied it on the front lines. How would others see it? If everyone disobeyed orders, why should I even be the Hokage? If there was another case of prioritizing emotions over the mission like this, I would have to crush them, or else I couldn't lead the troops!

Thinking of this, Uzumaki Ryuto's mind suddenly became active. Would it be possible to bring the Senju clan over? After all, returning to Konoha would only result in them being thoroughly defeated by the Third Hokage. It would be better for them to remain in the Land of Whirlpools, shining their light upon the Ninja World and creating happiness for the people, which Lord Hashirama would surely have been pleased with, as it was his wish!

Coincidentally, most members of the Uzumaki clan had Wind and Water natures, while the Senju clan mostly had Earth and Water natures.

The Land of Whirlpools was severely lacking in Earth-natured shinobi!

Earth natures were incredibly helpful for tasks like path-clearing and mountain-moving!

However, this would have to wait until after the war ended, as now was not the time. After all, no one believed the Land of Whirlpools could survive Kirigakure's onslaught, as the Land of Whirlpools was far too weak – it could hardly even be called a clan. That was why the Senju clan's willingness to send people to their deaths was so admirable!!

Secretly signaling to the chief to arrange for the Senju clan to rest, Uzumaki Ryuto decided they would assign tasks tomorrow and observe Kirigakure's reaction.

Moreover, seeing the Senju clan's support, Uzumaki Ryuto suddenly had a good idea.

Perhaps he could take advantage of Konoha!


"Move out." Seeing that the sky had already darkened, Uzumaki Komoku felt the time was right. Kirigakure had probably been exhausted after a full day and should be sleeping now. But...

To think they could sleep was probably just a dream!

They would all have to come out and enjoy the fireworks instead! If Prince Ryuto hadn't insisted on only using explosive tags, he would have tried gasoline bombs. Rumor had it, their flames couldn't be extinguished with water. A few bottles thrown in the dead of night might just burn the Mizukage to death!

Just thinking about it made him excited!!


Several Uzumaki clansmen nodded and instantly vanished into the night.


"what do you think will happen tomorrow?"

(End of Chapter)

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