
Naruto: The Rise Of Roman Empire

Even if the Roman Empire was not the strongest empire or Roman civilization wasn't the strongest, you have to agree it was still one of the strongest empires and the most influential civilizations in history. Now, you might be wondering why I'm praising Rome so much. This is because I am the Emperor of the Roman Empire and its founder in the Shinobi world. I was actually from Earth and reincarnated into the Naruto world, where I awakened a system called the "Roman Civilization System." Don't think it's a super helpful system that gave me OP abilities or something, but it granted me access to all the technology Rome had, like concrete, roads, war fleets, etc. With my system, I was determined to conquer the entire world. I built roads in all of the conquered territories to loot them faste- cough cough I mean, to civilize them. When the Uchiha clan tried to attack me and my empire, I just fired Greek fire (real-life Amaterasu) at them while saying, "I am something of an Itachi myself." When the Uzumaki clan tried to oppose me, I paid their neighbors to attack them, and at the perfect moment, I attacked all of them and expanded my territory.

Caesar_4858 · Anime & Comics
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Let's attack Hikari Clan Again



"PLEASE DON'T DO IT!" Multiple voices cried out in pain.


It was actually the eight elders of the Namikaze clan who had been left alive by Asura two days ago but were now being punished by being skinned alive, or you could say flayed alive.

"They talk too much. Put some coal in their mouths," Asura, who was sitting on his chair a few feet away, ordered some shinobi.

"As you wish, commander," the shinobi replied respectfully. They were actually the shinobi trained by Asura before but were transferred to the second army of the clan before Asura was sent to attack the Hikari clan.

But now they were sent once again under him by his father as he had lost his army.

"NO! DON'T DO I-" Elder Ren tried to resist, but her hands were tied down to a tree along with her legs.

Soon, the mouths of all the elders were filled with hot coal as tears streamed out of their eyes non-stop.

The shinobi who put coals in their mouths weren't remorseful about it; they were happy.

As the eight elders were the most hated people in the Namikaze clan right now, two days ago, Asura found all of the gold they had stolen, and that too with solid proof, like documents which reported how they stole the money from the clan with their signatures.

And since even his father was not in the city back then, he used his authority to its fullest, making sure to let everyone in the city know about the elders' deeds.

And it was pretty easy for him to do that considering the fact that no one really like the elders apart from some old rich people who were either elders' friends or have bribed them in past while asura was liked by almost every shinobi out there in the city so everyone become against elders quickly as they saw hundreds of thousands of gold coin came out of their secret cave and the documents asura had.

And it was pretty easy for him to do that considering the fact that no one really liked the elders apart from some old rich people who were either the elders' friends or had bribed them in the past, while Asura was liked by almost every shinobi out there in the city.

So, everyone turned against the elders quickly as they saw hundreds of thousands of gold coins come out of their secret cave along with the documents Asura had.

Yesterday, his father also returned. It turned out that he had gone out for some days to buy iron from the Akira clan, their neighbor. Although the territory of the Namikaze clan was very fertile and produced tons of food every year, it lacked resources like iron in great quantity.

So, the Namikaze clan had to buy iron from the Akira clan from time to time.

When Asura's father came back and Asura told him everything about the elders, he was enraged by it and ordered to strip the elders of their positions and imprison their family members until they were proven innocent.

While he gave Asura the right to punish the elders as he liked, and that's what was happening here.

"Commander, I think they are already dead," one of the shinobi who was flaying one of the elders said as he had pulled out most of the elder's upper skin.

"I also think so, commander," another shinobi said.

"Okay, burn down these bastards' bodies, and we will leave," Asura said as he stood up from his chair with a cold smile because now it was only a matter of time before he could take control of the entire Namikaze clan.

"Yes, Commander!" All the shinobi said in unison as some shinobi with fire nature used flame thrower jutsu to burn down all the lifeless elders' bodies.

Though some of them were still alive when they were being burned, they couldn't even scream for their lives as their tongues were already burned by the coals put in their mouths by the shinobi.

Actually, Aeterna wanted to make their deaths even more painful, especially with everyone in the city watching, but Asura rejected it. He didn't want to waste more time than necessary on useless people like them.

And as for letting everyone in the city watch how they died, Asura's father rejected it when Asura asked him to do it, as no sane man would allow children or ordinary people to witness such torture for no reason.

So, Asura had to execute the punishment outside of the city and near the mountain where they hid the stolen gold from the clan.

"We are returning," Asura said as he jumped onto a tree and started running on the trees effortlessly. The shinobi soon followed him towards the city of Namikaze clan.

It took Asura less than 10 seconds to reach the town; he was fast, really fast. While the shinobi reached it in around 1 minute, they were still way slower than him even though he wasn't really going at his full speed.

"Go and patrol around the city. Some rich friends of the elders are trying to make a fuss out of their death and the arrest of their families.

Go and make sure they stay in their limits," Asura ordered to around 150 shinobi behind him who had just reached the city gates.

Even though people still weren't confirmed that the elders were dead, they all knew that the clan leader gave Asura permission to punish the elders as he wished.

They knew how much Asura and the elders hated each other, so there was no way he would let them go alive.

Many friends of the elders were trying to make a fuss about their deaths. They had been able to bribe the elders to get their work done, but now that the elders were dead, their protection was gone.

They were protesting to make the members of the elders' families the new elders, as they had good relations with each other. This was something Asura would never let happen.

"Yes, Commander," the 150 shinobi said before disappearing.

"Let's go and check if that thing is ready or not," Asura thought to himself before disappearing and entering the city, stopping in front of a large building made of stone with smoke coming out of its chimneys.

It was one of the smithies in Namikaze clan's territory where most of their weapons were made.

It was one of the few buildings made of stone in the entire city and was also the place where Asura's previous katana was made.

As Asura entered, he felt a sudden increase in temperature around him. It was really hot inside the smithy, even more so compared to other smithies in the clan.

Here, only ninja tools were made, while in others, daily life tools were produced.

The difference lay in the metal used; while other smithies typically used iron or copper, this one only used steel or stronger metals.

The weapons made here were for shinobi, and shinobi could compromise on many things but not on a good weapon, as having a good weapon increased their survival rate on the battlefield.

"Oh! You are already here, Asura," a voice called from his left side as soon as Asura entered the main area of the smithy. It was an old but burly man who seemed to be in his late 40s or early 50s.

He was Aoi Fumio, the owner of this smithy and one of the best blacksmiths on the island.

"Is it ready, Aoi?" Asura asked the blacksmith in front of him, who was covered in sweat from working so hard in such a hot place.

"Of course, it is ready," Aoi said, turning around. "Follow me," he added to Asura.

As Asura followed him, all he could hear was the sound of hammers hitting anvils and steel smelting. Soon, they reached a room at the end of the smithy filled with many kinds of weapons.

However, the one that stood out the most was a sword kept in a showcase.

The sword was an elegant and majestic weapon with a sleek, symmetrical design, combining traditional and fantasy elements.

It featured a long, straight blade with a deep blue central portion and gold-lined edges, adorned with intricate patterns.

The cross-guard was wide and elaborate, crafted in gold with pointed extensions and detailed carvings, accentuated by a central red gem that added a touch of magical allure.

The handle was really long for a sword but still looked good, primarily in gold, leading to a pointed pommel.

"Amazing," Asura said as he held the sword in his hands. It was neither too light nor too heavy but the perfect weight. Most importantly, it was a double-edged sword.

Asura had used the blueprint feature of his system to design this sword and had given the design to Aoi. Although Aoi was fast, Asura didn't think he could make such a sword alone in just two days.

"You were lucky, boy. We found some obsidian last week. Otherwise, this sword might not have been made for another two months until we found some obsidian," Aoi said with a proud face.

The dark blue part of the sword was obsidian mixed with steel, and the gold was also mixed with steel to make it stronger.

"It took more than 10 blacksmiths, hundreds of shinobi with fire chakra nature who know flame thrower jutsu, and a lot of gold and obsidian to build this sword, so it's going to cost you 780 gold coins."

"I can pay you that as long as it doesn't break like the last one," Asura said in a sarcastic tone. Aoi had built his previous katana too, but this time Asura wanted a double-edged sword, thinking his jutsus might fit better with this type of weapon.

Even though this amount of money was crazy, he really needed such swords since normal ones broke right away after he used his jutsus with them.

Hearing him, Aoi fell silent. He was just about to say that this sword was unbreakable but remembered he had said the same about the last one, and Asura had broken it in just four years.

"You will get your payment by tomorrow," Asura said as he put the sword in its sheath, moved around, and disappeared in just a few seconds.

Asura soon appeared in front of the palace of the Namikaze clan and entered it while holding his new sword.

He then used the stairs to climb to the upper floors but didn't find his father on the second one, so he went to the third and last floor, where he found his father looking at some scrolls related to the clan.

As soon as his father saw him, he asked, "Is that your new sword?" He then started to look at the scrolls once again.

"Yes, father," Asura said as he sat down in front of his father.

"It better be worth the price," his father said with a cold expression. He didn't exactly know how much the sword cost, but Asura's last sword had cost 225 gold coins, so he knew this one wouldn't be cheaper.

"It will be, father," Asura replied with a cold smile.

"Father, the reason I am here is because I think we should attack the Hikari clan once again," Asura said, his face turning serious.

Hearing him made his father give him a cold glance before saying, "I don't think you have the right to ask for something like that after losing more than 20,000 shinobi in your previous invasion and getting your entire army wiped out."

"It won't be like that this time, father. This time we have no traitors among us, and we also have a fund of more than 800,000 gold coins. We can easily assemble the biggest army our clan has ever assembled and take over the Hikari clan's territory," Asura said with confidence.

The main reason they wanted to attack the Hikari clan was because its territory was filled with natural resources like iron, silver, obsidian, and many more.

However, the Hikari clan hadn't been able to utilize even one of them because of the constant invasions from the Kaguya clan for centuries, which had weakened them over time.

If the Namikaze clan could really take over the Hikari territory, they wouldn't have to rely on any other clans for resources like iron.

Hearing this made his father, Namikaze Akrano, wonder if they should try to attack them once again or not.

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