
Naruto: The Right Way To Become Hokage

Uzumaki Naruto has 1 year left before he takes the graduation test of the Ninja Academy of Konohagakure, the Hidden Leaf Village. One day, he wakes up to see a floating screen in front of him, claiming that it can help him accomplish his dream to become Hokage. Follow Naruto as he goes on a journey to become Hokage and maybe have a harem of beautiful women from all over the world along the way. (Including Fem Sasuke and Fem Haku btw. And unfortunately there's no Gyatsu in this novel, he is needed else. Instead we have Might Guy.)

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Separate Ways

"So Haku-chan, how's Zabuza?" Naruto asked Haku who was sitting in between his legs. Haku smiled at the mention of Zabuza.

" He's doing well. And there's something I need to tell you. It's about me and Zabuza-san's relationship. " Haku revealed, gaining Naruto's interest.

" My name is not just Haku now. It's Momochi Haku." Haku revealed, shocking Naruto who looked at her with surprise on his face. Haku giggled at his already expected reaction.

"Wait what? How did that happen?" Naruto asked her. Haku smiled as she snuggled into his chest.

"Well Zabuza-s—I mean father always wanted to adopt me since he took me in but just couldn't find the courage to do so, fearing this advancement might scare me. " Haku explained.

" When I said that he needed to treat you more like a daughter, I meant that as a joke. " Naruto grumbled, making Haku giggle again.

"I'm happy that father thinks of me that way from the start." Haku replied as Naruto caressed her hair.

"So what would you guys be doing now that Gato is gone?" Naruto asked her. Haku suddenly became serious.

" We're going to be joining the resistance in Kirigakure." Haku replied. Naruto tilted his head.

" Resistance?" Naruto wondered. He had never heard of this resistance before. Actually, he has never heard anything from Kiri before.

"Yes. Currently, Kirigakure is in a time of darkness, the worst it has ever seen since the Kekkei Genkai civil wars. The Fourth Mizukage, Yagura Karatachi is the cause of all of this madness."

" He is known for his hand in various crimes such as exploiting money from the weak and his zero-tolerance against any dissent in the village, reinforcing its nickname as 'Village of the Bloody Mist'."

" No one was safe under his rule, whoever dared to speak out found themselves and their families, even distant cousins publicly executed." Haku explained, making Naruto frown and shake his head.

" Many in Kiri believe he is being manipulated but there's no backing to that hypothesis. But right now they don't have time to sit down and think as the country is in another civil war. "

" Zabuza—Father has established contact with the rebellion leader, Mei Terumi. She is an old friend of his while he was back in Kiri's Anbu." Haku added.

" Can you tell me more about this Yagura guy? " Naruto asked her. Haku nodded.

" Yagura Karatachi is just like you, Naruto. A Jinchuriki. He is the Jinchuriki of the Three-Tails." Haku revealed, surprising Naruto.

" So how did Zabuza lose to him? " Naruto asked, wanting to know more.

" Well, using the power of the Three-Tails, Yagura transformed into the beast and it forced Zabuza to run away." Haku explained simply.

" What about Mei Terumi? You know anything about her? "

" Not much, but I do know that she has two Kekkei Genkais, Lava Release and Boil Release. I also know that her bodyguard, Ao the Byakugan Killer has a Hyuga Clan's Byakuya implanted into his right eye socket. "

" Wow, so they're pretty strong huh..... Qhen are you two leaving for Kiri? "

" Tomorrow we go." Haku answered with a sad expression on her face. Naruto frowned, this will be the last time he'll see Haku for a while.

"I'll miss you a lot, Haku-chan." He whispered. Haku cupped his face.

"I'll miss you even more. Our bond is unbreakable, Naruto-kun. And it will be stronger the longer we're away from each other, our love knows no boundaries after all. " Haku muttered with a shy smile on her face. Her words surprised Naruto who looked at her with a shocked expression.

" What—Chu~!"

Naruto widened his eyes and his face turned crimson in an instant as Haku pulled him closer and gave him a kiss on the lips.

Naruto closed his eyes and kissed back. It was their first kiss for the two of them, so it was sloppy. Naruto liked how soft and smooth Haku's lips were. Her lips were ice cold too.

After a few seconds, Haku released the kiss and looked at Naruto. The two blushed vividly and looked away with shy expressions on their faces.

Naruto grinned and scratched his head. "I don't think I can be away from you now, Haku-chan." Naruto muttered. Haku smiled and stood up.

"I can't too, Naruto-kun. But we both have our own dreams to accomplish. We should work towards them, and maybe we'll find ourselves crossing paths again during that. " Haku replied. Naruto nodded and stood up.

" You got it, Haku-chan! When you see me again, I'll be even stronger than Zabuza! Believe it! "



" Sensei, I haven't asked you this because there was a lot going on. But how did you get the Sharingan? " Satsuki asked Kakashi while Naruto was away with Haku. Kakashi shut his adult novel and put it away.

" I was waiting for this question for a while now. I got it during the Third Great Ninja War from a late teammate of mine, Obito Uchiha during the battle and destruction of Kanabi Bridge. His sacrifice turned the tide of the war. And that is where my legend as Copy Ninja Kakashi starts." Kakashi explained. Satsuki looked down.

" I'm sorry." She whispered. Kakashi waved it off.

"Don't be. He still lives in me." Kakashi pointed at where his heart was and then he pointed at his Sharingan.

"Kakashi sensei, what was Itachi like when he was in the Anbu with you?" Satsuki suddenly asked while clenching her fists tightly. Kakashi wanted surprised at the question. Satsuki hated her brother to an immeasurable level for killing her Clan and parents in one night, but here she was trying to know him better.

Kakashi shook those thoughts away. If Satsuki wanted to know, who was he to withhold information about her brother.

"Let's see..... Itachi was 11 when he joined Team Ro, an elite Anbu unit that serves directly under the Hokage. He was working alongside a Tenzo, a good friend of mine and me as their captain."




The next day, Team 7 was gathered at the finished bridge Tazuna built with the combined effort of the villagers and Naruto's Shadow Clones. Tazuna, Tsunami, Inari were there. The Now all of the people of the Land Of Waves were there, not only to celebrate the completion of the bridge, but also to see off the heroes who saved their country.

Naruto in particular had been subjected to many looks and whispered mutterings much different the ones he received in Konoha.

Unlike in Konoha where people would call him monster behind his back, or glare at him with hate-filled eyes. The people here were staring at him in awe. They also whispered were about how strong he was, and how he, his teammates and his sensei had freed them from Gato.

"Thanks for everything you four, it's thanks to you that the bridge is complete....man this is kinda sad that you have to go now. "Tazuna mumbled his last sentence.

" Thank you for everything, Tazuna-san. I'm sorry for leaving like this, but Lord Hokage will want a report on what happened here as soon as possible." Kakashi replied before Naruto grinned at them.

"Don't worry! We'll come visit someday! Just don't get too lonely without me, you hear?!" Naruto shouted while looking at Inari who was on the verge of tears.

" Y-you better... big bro..." Inari sobbed out. Naruto smiled down at him.

"Hey, it's alright to cry if you're happy. Besides, it's only a 'see you later', Inari. I'll be back soon. But you better not be shocked because I'll be back physically and mentally stronger tham ever! Believe it! "Naruto declared as Inari started crying out loud.

"I'm not crying! I just have dust in my eyes!" Inari lied while wiping his tears that fell down his cheeks. Naruto grinned and patted Inari's head before shaking Tazuna's and Tsunami's hand.

"I'll see you guys soon!" Naruto waved at them. Satsuki nodded at the family of three while Sakura grinned and cheerfully waved at them. The villagers cheered loudly for them as Team 7 started leaving the Land Of Waves. Tazuna smirked as he looked at the back of Naruto walking away from him.

"That boy changed Inari's heart, and Inari changed the people's heart. He gave us a bridge to 'hope' called 'courage'. He's always yapping about wanting to become Hokage one day. " Tazuna's smirk changed into a warm smile.

" I think he'll do it one day." He whispered before Inari turned towards his grandfather.

" Hey, grandpa. We need to name the bridge." Inari reminded him. Tazuna smiled and nodded at him.

"I already have a super perfect name for it. "

"Oh yeah? What is it?! " Inari asked excitedly.

" How about The Great Naruto Bridge?" Tazuna said as people began to cheer for the new bridge and the Genin who made it all possible.

"I have a feeling that name is gonna bring this bridge good luck! Who knows, it may even bring other people good luck. And this place will be where his and his team's legend starts, the Legend of Team 7, the Heroes of the Land Of Waves."

It all starts here.



" Zabuza....What do you want now? I thought you said you didn't want to fight me anymore? " Kakashi asked as he narrowed his eyes at the man standing before him. Zabuza shook his head.

" Not my idea to come here, it was hers. " Zabuza pointed at Haku who glared at him a little for ratting her out.

"C'mon Haku, we don't have any more time to waste. We need to meet Mei on time." Zabuza grumbled as Haku walked towards Naruto.

"Chu~!" Haku gave a quick peck on Naruto's lips. Naruto's face was instantly as bright as Sakura's hair. He covered his mouth and looked at her with a shocked expression.

Haku giggled at his reaction. She smiled warmly at him. "Till we meet again, Naruto." Haku waved at him before she and Zabuza disappeared in a blur by using the Body Flicker Jutsu.

Satsuki and Sakura were staring at him with expressions full of disbelief. Kakashi was giving the blonde a sly look in his visible eye.


To be continued.....