
Naruto: The Right Way To Become Hokage

Uzumaki Naruto has 1 year left before he takes the graduation test of the Ninja Academy of Konohagakure, the Hidden Leaf Village. One day, he wakes up to see a floating screen in front of him, claiming that it can help him accomplish his dream to become Hokage. Follow Naruto as he goes on a journey to become Hokage and maybe have a harem of beautiful women from all over the world along the way. (Including Fem Sasuke and Fem Haku btw. And unfortunately there's no Gyatsu in this novel, he is needed else. Instead we have Might Guy.)

some_writer · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
96 Chs


A week has passed.....

"Good! Good! Keep it up Naruto!!" Guy shouted at Naruto who was sparring with the jonin. Naruto also wore a pair of ankle weights with the kanji, meaning 'guts' written on them.

Naruto also had a pair of prayer beads around his wrists. Each weighed 50kg, limiting Naruto's movement severely. But this is also a great training method to greatly increase Naruto's speed.

Guy was also teaching Naruto the Strong Fist fighting style. Strong Fist is Guy's and his student Lee's characteristic fighting style, the purpose of which is to cause external damage and break bones.

This style of fighting involves smashing your opponent and is generally used only by extremely physically powerful and dominating shinobi. The user must be exceptionally conditioned or even a brief performance in this style will quickly exhaust and strain the body.

Guy was also teaching Naruto that Taijutsu was the art of fighting with your body not with forms, which was pretty ironic considering what Guy is currently teaching Naruto.

Many forms of Taijutsu combat have weaknesses and each weakness as glaring as its stances. Knowing how, where and when to throw a punch was good enough.

Punches and kicks were only as good as the practitioner and even a practitioner fails when he fights with his own style against something unfamiliar. True Taijutsu skill required a strict amount of discipline and actual years of combat training.

"Yes! That's it Naruto!! I could see the Flames of Youth brimming all around you!! Your limits are shattering right now!!" Guy shouted as he slapped away Naruto's roundhouse kick.

"This is getting good!!" Naruto shouted as he got fired up from Guy's motivating words. Sparring and physical exercises were all what he was doing with Guy.

But he was also working on something else with the jonin sensei. The Body Flicker Jutsu, he was getting closer and closer to be able to constantly use it in battle. He just needed to get used to the feeling when he used the Jutsu.

Naruto performed the tiger seal and vitalized his body with his immense amounts of chakra. He used the Body Flicker Jutsu and disappeared in a blur.

Guy widened his eyes as it looked like Naruto just straight up disappeared into thin air when he used the Body Flicker Jutsu.


Guy staggered forward as he was kicked in the back by Naruto. He turned around with a surprised expression on his face.

That's when Guy had a realization. Due to how much chakra Naruto has, his body was vitalized to the extreme when he used the Body Flicker Jutsu. That is why Naruto can disappear and reappear so quickly.

[Skill Created!]

[Body Flicker Jutsu: Lvl 1

It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily vitalise the body and move at extreme speeds. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance and elevation between the user and the intended destination. A puff of smoke is occasionally used to disguise the user's movements.

Reduce chakra used by 1% when using the Jutsu. When the skill maxes out, you are able to use this skill with a one handed half tiger seal without draining extra chakra]

"That was amazing, Naruto!!! Let's continue!!"

"You got it, Bushy Brows sensei!!"




" And that's how I was now able to use the Body Flicker Jutsu in a fight." Naruto explained to Shikamaru who just yawned in response.

"Where did you even get that Jutsu?" Shikamaru asked him. Naruto held up the scroll that contained information about the Body Flicker Jutsu.

" Gramps gave it to me. " Naruto replied. Shikamaru and Choji who was listening to them silently understood who Naruto was talking about.

"I still can't believe that you can call the Hokage by that." Choji commented. Naruto was about to reply, but a kunai was suddenly thrown at him. The kunai stuck onto the table in front of the trio.

Naruto noticed a paper being tied to the kunai with a string. He tore the string off and read what was written on the paper.

'Meet me behind the Academy after school -Uchiha Satsuki'

Naruto looked up at where Satsuki was sitting. She was staring at the blackboard like nothing had happened. Naruto sighed and crumpled up the piece of paper, keeping the kunai Satsuki threw for himself.



After school, Naruto said goodbye to Shikamaru and Choji before heading to the back of the Academy building.

There he found Satsuki leaning against the wall of the building while looking at the ground. Naruto approached her with his hands in his pocket. Satsuki noticed him and narrowed her black eyes at him.

"You're late." She commented. Naruto shrugged before standing in front of her.

"You didn't say what time I had to meet you in that note of yours." Naruto replied while grinning cheekily at Satsuki, annoying her with that bright smile of his.

"Cut to the chase Satsuki, I have a tutoring session with Sakura-chan soon. I can't keep her waiting in my own home." Naruto demanded.

" I don't intend to stall you anyways. I....I want to train with you." Satsuki requested with a small blush on her face. She was embarrassed because she was asking someone for help. Naruto froze in shock after hearing her request.

" Earth to loser. Are you even listening to me?" Satsuki asked while snapping her fingers in front of Naruto's blue eyes. Naruto snapped out of it before rubbing his eyes.

He narrowed his eyes at her as he reached his right hand into his shuriken holster." You're a fake aren't you?"


"The Satsuki I know wouldn't ask to train together, especially mine. You hate me, why ask for us to train together when you can train on your own just fine? " Naruto asked seriously. Satsuki gritted her teeth.

" Look, you've been making a lot of progress in the last week. You have been putting up a better fight against me recently when we had those sparring sessions in the Academy." Satsuki commented.

" How do you do it, Naruto? I want to know." Satsuki demanded while narrowing her cold eyes at him. Naruto began to answer Satsuki more now.

Those she perceives to be weaker than herself she arrogantly disregards, giving them little attention so that they won't hold her back; those she perceives as stronger she fixates over and tries to surpass.

Right now she was fixating over him, wanting to know his secret to getting stronger. Naruto's method was simple.

"Oh that? It's pretty simple really, do the fucking hard work until you drop, the results will come eventually. You satisfied now, Satsuki?" Naruto asked her before turning around and walking away from her, leaving behind a stunned Satsuki.

"Who's really the idiot here? Did you really think there was a shortcut to these things?"



" I see that you've been making good progress, Naruto. " Hiruzen commented with w smile on his face. Naruto smiled back.

" I'm not gonna stop there! Believe it!! " He replied seriously. Hiruzen nodded, glad that Naruto was finally taking it seriously.

"I see that you have weights on you." Hiruzen commented while looking at the ankle weights Naruto was wearing. He looked back at Naruto.

"They aren't really good for you when you're in a real life battle situation. The enemy won't be waiting for you to take all of those off just so you could fight them at full power. They want you dead as soon as possible. " Hiruzen advised. Naruto tilted his head.

" So what should I do, gramps?" Naruto asked him, confused about what solution he should be using. Hiruzen smiled and reached into his drawer.

"Have you heard about Fuinjutsu, Naruto?" Hiruzen asked Naruto while he took out a small book.

"No I haven't? What is that?" Naruto asked curiously.

"Fūinjutsu are a type of jutsu that seal objects, living beings, chakra, along with a wide variety of other things within another object. Fūinjutsu can also be used to restrict movement or unseal objects either from within something or someone. " Hiruzen explained.

" Okay. But how is that gonna help me? "Naruto asked him, still confused about where Hiruzen was going with this.

"You can create seals that can add weight onto you like those weights you're wearing. I'm not joking when I say that you can do anything with Fūinjutsu. You can even erase certain memories with it. I want you to learn Fūinjutsu, Naruto. That is what your mother would've wanted. " Hiruzen revealed seriously, shocking Naruto to the core.

" Wh-what?! " Naruto stood up from his chair and looked at Hiruzen with an expression of disbelief. This was the first time Hiruzen had ever mentioned information about his parents.

"Are you serious?!" Naruto asked his surrogate grandfather who nodded back at him.

"Yes, you did not take your surname (Uzumaki) from your father but from your mother. Your mother's name is Uzumaki Kushina. A Fūinjutsu Master, one of the most powerful S-rank ninja in the whole world and is nicknamed the Red-Hot Habanero." Hiruzen revealed with a hint of proudness in his voice while having a small smile on his face.

"Wow....." Naruto was in awe. But he was confused about something.

"Hey gramps, why is being a Fūinjutsu Master a title?" Naruto asked him.

" A Fūinjutsu Master is a title given to only a few Shinobi in this world. Those who have that title are the Second Hokage Tobirama Senju, the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze, one of the Legendary Sannin Jiraiya, me, and lastly your mother who is the most powerful Fūinjutsu Master out of the ones I just listed."

" This is to be expected. After all, she is apart of the Uzumaki Clan, who are known for their godlike prowess in Fūinjutsu."

" Hmm.... Interesting..... WAIT I HAVE A CLAN?!!!"

To be continued....