
Naruto: The Resurrection of the Senju clan

Senju Takuya found himself unexpectedly transported to the world of Naruto, where he discovered that he was the last surviving member of the illustrious Senju clan. Determined to restore his clan to its former glory, Takuya resolved to take on the responsibility of marrying multiple women and fathering many children. Each union brought unique rewards, enhancing Takuya's abilities and strengthening the future of the Senju clan. **Marry Uzumaki Kushina and receive: Uzumaki Celestial Body, Uzumaki Clan Sealing Techniques.** **Marry Uchiha Mikoto and receive: Uchiha Bloodline, Yin Release Chakra.** **Marry Tsunade and receive: Yang Release Chakra, Wood Release Kekkei Genkai, Perfected Yin Seal.** **Each additional marriage further enriched his powers and his legacy.** As Takuya fathered children, each one brought him significant rewards: **Son 1: Increase in Physique, Chakra, and Mental Strength by 10 each.** **Son 2: Gain the Nine Magatama Rinnegan, Limbo: Border Jail, and Dual Mangekyō Sharingan Abilities.** **Son 3: Unlock even more extraordinary powers...** Senju Takuya faced his monumental task with unwavering resolve. "Don't concern yourself with my well-being. Reviving the Senju clan is a duty I am honored to undertake," he declared, embracing his destiny with the strength and determination befitting a true Senju. _______________________ ***This is a translation, I'm not the author Original:-https://www.wuxiabox.com/novel/konoha-resurrect-senju-cut-off-kushina-at-the-beginning.html English is not my first language Hungry for more chapters join my Patreon to read 20 advance chapters patreon.com/Shinchan_37

Shinchan_37 · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

public selection of wife


"Are you sure you want to do this, Kushina?" Takuya Senju asked again.

"Absolutely!" Uzumaki Kushina said with determination. "It's the quickest way to revive the Senju clan!"

After marrying Takuya Senju, her main goal wasn't to become Hokage. It was to bring the Senju clan back to its former glory. Compared to the revival of her family, any small sacrifice she made was insignificant.

"In that case, let's start implementing the plan!" Seeing Kushina's resolve, Takuya no longer hesitated. He hired a group of villagers and handed them pre-printed leaflets. Some villagers were tasked with posting these leaflets on the streets of Konoha, while others distributed them directly to passersby.

Once everything was in motion, a smile spread across Kushina's face. She believed that with these leaflets, it wouldn't be long before the news of the Senju clan's public concubinage spread throughout Konoha. With the Senju heritage and Takuya's charm, Kushina was confident many women would want to marry into their family.

"Takuya, I went shopping with Mikoto today," Kushina mentioned suddenly.

"Oh?" Takuya's eyes lit up at her words. How could he have forgotten about Mikoto Uchiha? With her beauty and docile nature, she was the perfect candidate.

"Hmph! I knew you wouldn't forget about Mikoto!" Kushina snorted softly at Takuya's reaction. "While I've been considering potential wives for you, it seems you already had thoughts about my best friend."

"Kushina, this is all for the revival of the Senju clan," Takuya explained. "Mikoto has a powerful bloodline too. With her Uchiha heritage, any children she bears will undoubtedly be exceptionally talented."

"That's what I thought too," Kushina agreed. "Mikoto has been reluctant to marry Fugaku Uchiha. You need to find a way to propose to her soon."

"Understood. This requires careful planning," Takuya acknowledged. The Senju and Uchiha clans never had the best relationship, and Mikoto was supposed to marry Fugaku Uchiha. Snatching her away wouldn't be easy.

"In the meantime, don't stop the public selection of wives," Kushina reminded him. "To revive the Senju clan, we need to work harder."

"Kushina, you're right. But you've overlooked one more thing," Takuya said.

"Overlooked? What?" Kushina asked, puzzled.

"While choosing a wife, you also need to help me conceive a child as soon as possible! You're my first wife, so you have to set an example!"

With that, Takuya pulled Kushina into his arms. "You rogue... big pervert... mm..."


In Konoha Village, a bulletin board on Short Book Street read:

"For the revival of the Senju Clan, the Patriarch and his wife have decided to implement the Senju Revival Plan! Any young, healthy, and exceptional woman can apply. Selected women will become wives of Senju Takuya, with all the rights and privileges thereof. Benefits include monetary rewards, access to Senju clan's ninjutsu scrolls, and a yearly childcare fund. Additional benefits apply for higher-ranked shinobi. This announcement is valid indefinitely and has no limit on the number of applicants!"

The villagers were abuzz with excitement and disbelief. They remembered the recent wedding of Takuya Senju and Uzumaki Kushina, and now this?

"This is unprecedented!" one villager exclaimed. "Is this for real or some prank?"

"The benefits are incredible," another murmured. "Even I'm tempted, and I'm a man!"

The announcement offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, especially for those striving to improve their strength. Many rushed towards the Senju compound.


At the Senju compound, Tsunade burst through the doors.

"Takuya Senju, come out here!" she demanded furiously.

"What's wrong?" Takuya asked, confused by Tsunade's anger.

"You idiot! You've only been married a few days and now you're looking for another wife?" Tsunade shouted.

" Tsunade, what are you doing?" Kushina stepped in, displeased.

"Is Takuya bullying you?" Tsunade asked Kushina.

"No, why would you think that?" Kushina replied, puzzled.

"Because he's publicly looking for more wives! This is outrageous!" Tsunade fumed. "I have to teach him a lesson!"

As Tsunade prepared to strike, Takuya blocked her fist effortlessly, surprising her with his strength.

"You...?" Tsunade was taken aback. She knew Takuya's strength, and this wasn't it.

At that moment, Kushina intervened.Tsunade, calm down. This is all part of our plan to revive the Senju clan."

"Publicly choosing wives? This is beyond outrageous!" Tsunade shouted. "I need to set this idiot straight!"


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