
Naruto: The Resurrection of the Senju clan

Senju Takuya found himself unexpectedly transported to the world of Naruto, where he discovered that he was the last surviving member of the illustrious Senju clan. Determined to restore his clan to its former glory, Takuya resolved to take on the responsibility of marrying multiple women and fathering many children. Each union brought unique rewards, enhancing Takuya's abilities and strengthening the future of the Senju clan. **Marry Uzumaki Kushina and receive: Uzumaki Celestial Body, Uzumaki Clan Sealing Techniques.** **Marry Uchiha Mikoto and receive: Uchiha Bloodline, Yin Release Chakra.** **Marry Tsunade and receive: Yang Release Chakra, Wood Release Kekkei Genkai, Perfected Yin Seal.** **Each additional marriage further enriched his powers and his legacy.** As Takuya fathered children, each one brought him significant rewards: **Son 1: Increase in Physique, Chakra, and Mental Strength by 10 each.** **Son 2: Gain the Nine Magatama Rinnegan, Limbo: Border Jail, and Dual Mangekyō Sharingan Abilities.** **Son 3: Unlock even more extraordinary powers...** Senju Takuya faced his monumental task with unwavering resolve. "Don't concern yourself with my well-being. Reviving the Senju clan is a duty I am honored to undertake," he declared, embracing his destiny with the strength and determination befitting a true Senju. _______________________ ***This is a translation, I'm not the author Original:-https://www.wuxiabox.com/novel/konoha-resurrect-senju-cut-off-kushina-at-the-beginning.html English is not my first language Hungry for more chapters join my Patreon to read 20 advance chapters patreon.com/Shinchan_37

Shinchan_37 · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Little Takuya, Tsunade’S Marriage Will Be Left To You.


You are here too?"

Seeing Tsunade walk in with a pout, Senju Takuya smiled.

"Snort! It's not all because of you."

"Why are you leading your wives around when you have nothing to do? It makes me feel uncomfortable even eating now."

Tsunade complained unhappily when she saw Senju Takuya gloating.

"How can you blame me?" Senju Takuya responded. "If you get married, Grandma Mito will definitely not say anything about you."

"Cut~ I don't want to take advantage of those stinky men," Tsunade sneered. She was very clear about the virtues of those men. Tsunade felt extremely sick when she thought about the way those people looked at her. 

"By the way, you severely injured that old man Danzo's son. Be careful that he secretly retaliates against you. If anything goes wrong, you must inform me as soon as possible."

Tsunade looked at Senju Takuya and warned. Although Shimura Danzō is not making any moves now, no one knows what is going on in his mind. Tsunade thought it was better to be just in case.

"Knew. Tsunade, you really care about me."

Senju Takuya looked Tsunade up and down. He had to admit, Tsunade's figure was still striking, even after all these years.

"Hello! What's that look in your eyes, you bastard?"

Tsunade pulled at her clothes uncomfortably.

"Tsunade, the more I think about it, the more I think Kushina is right. Don't let the rich water flow to outsiders' fields. Why don't you just marry me?"

Senju Takuya chuckled.

"OK! You guy, you dare to tease me!" After hearing Senju Takuya's words, Tsunade's face turned red. She clenched her fists in embarrassment and prepared to teach Senju Takuya a lesson. 

But the next second, her wrist was grabbed by Senju Takuya.


"..." Seeing her wrist being grabbed, Tsunade tried hard to break free. But what she didn't expect was that she couldn't break away. This surprised Tsunade. 

Senju Takuya, when did you become so strong?

"Tsunade , do you know? All those suitors of yours were taken away by me. The news that you are Lily was also released by me."

Senju Takuya said slowly. In the past, he was still young and had little strength. It took a lot of effort to get rid of those annoying flies around Tsunade. Among them, Kato Dan even died in a mission because of his intervention before he got close to Tsunade. So, Tsunade can be said to have been single since birth.

"Okay, it turns out it's you who's been behind this!" After hearing Senju Takuya's words, Tsunade was furious. No wonder people looked at her so wrong for a while. It turns out it was all this guy's fault.

" Tsunade, I used to be young and could only do some tricks. But now that I've grown up and gained strength, it's time to tell you some of my inner thoughts. In my heart, you have been my woman for a long time. No one can touch you except me!"

Senju Takuya said somewhat domineeringly. Feeling Senju Takuya's aggressive eyes, Tsunade was extremely flustered. She didn't know what was going on with her. Even if she was on the verge of life and death, she had never been so panicked as she was now.

Just when Tsunade was stunned, Senju Takuya lowered his head and gently pecked Tsunade on the lips.

This time, Tsunade was completely confused.

Own... Forced to kiss?!

The first kiss was taken away inexplicably. Tsunade wanted to beat Senju Takuya hard, but her body couldn't muster any strength. Looking at Senju Takuya's familiar face, Tsunade finally broke free from Senju Takuya's restraints, turned around, and ran away.

Looking at Tsunade's running back, Senju Takuya touched his lips and carefully recalled the feeling just now. He had to admit, Tsunade is truly a beauty in the world.

" Tsunade, you will be mine sooner or later." Senju Takuya muttered in a good mood. He knew Tsunade too well. In today's situation, Tsunade did not get angry at him, but chose to run away. That was enough to show that Tsunade had a good impression of him. As long as he works harder, Tsunade will become one of his wives in a short time.


"The meal is ready!" Senju Takuya walked out of the kitchen carrying the cooked rice. He found that there was something wrong with the way Uzumaki Mito and others looked at him.

"Huh? Where's Tsunade?" Senju Takuya asked pretendingly.

"Then I have to ask you." Uzumaki Kushina snickered. Just now, they all saw Tsunade running away in a panic. That red face and shy look. If nothing happened in the kitchen just now, they wouldn't believe it even to death.

"Little Takuya, I'm old, and Tsunade doesn't listen to me anymore. So, I will leave her life-long affairs to you."

Uzumaki Mito pointed out something.

"Uh... don't worry, Grandma Mito. Tsunade's marriage is all up to me." Senju Takuya also said cryptically.

Hearing his words, Uzumaki Mito nodded with satisfaction. She knew her granddaughter too well. Judging from the look on Tsunade's face when she ran out just now, this girl may have fallen in love with little Takuya. Although it was a bit unexpected, she was happy to see such a result.

"Little Takuya, I heard you've been in some trouble lately. If there's anything you can't handle, you must tell me. Although my old bones are not as good as they used to be, it is still very easy to deal with certain people. The most important thing for you now is to have more childrens. You can't be lazy."

Uzumaki Mito said kindly.

After hearing her words, Uzumaki Kushina and others all turned red and lowered their heads. They just want their husbands to be lazy so that they can take a break.

"Grandma Mito, I can handle these things myself. I am now the leader of the Senju clan. You must not underestimate me."

Senju Takuya felt warm in his heart. He could feel the deep caring in Uzumaki Mito's words.

"That's good. People tend to be nagging when they get old, so let's eat first."

Uzumaki Mito said with a smile. She had not experienced this feeling of eating with many family members for a long time. Senju can regain some popularity, all of these, it's all because of little Takuya.


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