
Naruto: The Resurrection of the Senju clan

Senju Takuya found himself unexpectedly transported to the world of Naruto, where he discovered that he was the last surviving member of the illustrious Senju clan. Determined to restore his clan to its former glory, Takuya resolved to take on the responsibility of marrying multiple women and fathering many children. Each union brought unique rewards, enhancing Takuya's abilities and strengthening the future of the Senju clan. **Marry Uzumaki Kushina and receive: Uzumaki Celestial Body, Uzumaki Clan Sealing Techniques.** **Marry Uchiha Mikoto and receive: Uchiha Bloodline, Yin Release Chakra.** **Marry Tsunade and receive: Yang Release Chakra, Wood Release Kekkei Genkai, Perfected Yin Seal.** **Each additional marriage further enriched his powers and his legacy.** As Takuya fathered children, each one brought him significant rewards: **Son 1: Increase in Physique, Chakra, and Mental Strength by 10 each.** **Son 2: Gain the Nine Magatama Rinnegan, Limbo: Border Jail, and Dual Mangekyō Sharingan Abilities.** **Son 3: Unlock even more extraordinary powers...** Senju Takuya faced his monumental task with unwavering resolve. "Don't concern yourself with my well-being. Reviving the Senju clan is a duty I am honored to undertake," he declared, embracing his destiny with the strength and determination befitting a true Senju. _______________________ ***This is a translation, I'm not the author Original:-https://www.wuxiabox.com/novel/konoha-resurrect-senju-cut-off-kushina-at-the-beginning.html English is not my first language Hungry for more chapters join my Patreon to read 20 advance chapters patreon.com/Shinchan_37

Shinchan_37 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Embarrass Me? Immune To Death You!

**Chief Takuya, don't you want to revive Senju? Why are you hanging out here when you're not busy making babies with your wives?"**

A harsh and obscene voice came.

Senju Takuya and Uchiha Mikoto both couldn't help but frown.

In front of them was a thin, short man. The man wore Konoha's ninja forehead protector on his head. His eyes were very thin, his mouth protruding, and his face was covered with acne.

His appearance soon attracted everyone's attention.

"Who is this guy? Why does he look so vulgar?"

"I don't know, he must be a lunatic. He dares to offend the senju clan leader. He is really not afraid of death!"

"Oh...what do you know? Although Senju Takuya is the leader of the Senju clan, he is not even a ninja. There is probably nothing he can do against him."

"In any case, Takuya is backed by the Senju clan. If he is humiliated, neither Tsunade-sama nor Mito-sama will sit idly by."

"I see, I know this guy, he is the Hokage advisor, the son of Lord Shimura Danzō—Shimura Hozumi."

"Hiss! Looking at the other party's appearance, it is obvious that he is here to cause trouble. Chief Takuya will probably be in danger today."

After knowing Shimura Hozumi's identity, everyone onlookers began to worry about Senju Takuya. Shimura Hozumi was the young leader of the Shimura clan. Considering his background, he was probably not afraid of Senju Takuya at all. Moreover, judging from his expression, it was obvious he was prepared.

Senju Takuya was probably going to be humiliated today.

"How can you talk like this?" Uchiha Mikoto took the initiative to stand in front of Senju Takuya and asked angrily.

"Snort! Uchiha Mikoto, you are actually willing to marry into the Senju clan. Have you forgotten how many members of the Uchiha clan the Senju clan killed back then? Forget the feud for the sake of profit. In my opinion, you are a disgrace to the Uchiha clan," Shimura Hozumi said with a cold snort.

His words made everyone present frown. Although everyone knew that the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan were at odds, this was no longer the Sengoku period. Both the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan were part of Konoha. If Shimura Hozumi said such things, wouldn't he be provoking internal strife?

However, considering his identity, everyone chose silence.

"You bastard!" Uchiha Mikoto was stimulated by Shimura Hozumi's words, and her dark eyes turned into a pair of scarlet Three Tomoe Sharingan. The cold pupil power spread, making Shimura Hozumi shocked.

"How? Did I say something wrong? Chief Takuya, you don't just hide behind women, do you? If you ask me, trying to revive the Senju clan by having children with women is just a fool's errand!" Shimura Hozumi challenged.

Mikoto's Three Tomo Sharingan made her claim she was undefeated in single combat. Fortunately, although Shimura Hozumi was a Jōnin and had some strength, he was not stupid enough to want to fight Uchiha Mikoto, who had three Tomo Sharingan.

"Mikoto, please wait for me for a while," Senju Takuya patted Uchiha Mikoto on the shoulder and said.

"Takuya, this guy said that on purpose, don't be fooled," Uchiha Mikoto said anxiously.

Her understanding of Senju Takuya was limited to the ninja school period. In her heart, Senju Takuya was at most Genin's strength. The other party came today, obviously wanting to humiliate Senju Takuya in front of everyone and make the Senju clan lose face in front of everyone. Takuya couldn't be fooled!

"Do not worry," Senju Takuya gave Uchiha Mikoto a reassuring look. Uchiha Mikoto had no choice but to slowly step aside.

"I don't know where you came from, but adults must be responsible for their own words," Senju Takuya walked up to Shimura Hozumi and said calmly. He knew the other party's purpose clearly. He didn't know Shimura Hozumi and didn't care about his identity. Since the other party wanted to humiliate him, then he had to fight back in person in front of everyone!

"Responsible? I wonder how Chief Takuya wants me to be responsible?" Shimura Hozumi smiled mischievously.

Snap! His answer was a loud slap in the face.

"I went and actually did it! Chief Takuya's slap is really a relief. Such a bastard should be taught a lesson."

"But... Shimura Hozumi is a real ninja. If we really fight, Chief Takuya will suffer!"

As everyone thought, after being slapped by Senju Takuya, Shimura Hozumi did not get angry but instead showed an excited look.

"Everyone saw it, he was the one who made the move first! In that case, don't blame me for being rude," Shimura Hozumi said viciously.

Although he was the first to provoke today, since Senju Takuya took action first, he had a reason to retaliate. As long as they fought, with his strength, it wouldn't be easy to deal with a non-ninja like Senju Takuya.

Snort! Let you refuse the marriage between our Shimura clan. Today, I will make the Senju clan completely the laughing stock of Konoha!

"Are you welcome? Come on, let me see how you can be rude," Senju Takuya sneered disdainfully.

Snap! Another crisp slap hit Shimura Hozumi's face hard. Immediately afterwards,

Snap! Snap! Snap! ...

With a series of loud slaps, Shimura Hozumi's face swelled from Senju Takuya's strikes. This time, Shimura Hozumi was stunned. The script is wrong! With his strength, he was supposed to slap Senju Takuya, not the other way around!

"Pfft!" Seeing this scene, everyone onlookers couldn't help laughing.

"You...you bastard!" Shimura Hozumi cursed angrily.

As a Jōnin, he felt completely humiliated being slapped in public. Now, anger had gone to his head. Shimura Hozumi didn't even think about why Senju Takuya could slap him so easily.

Seeing Shimura Hozumi rushing up, Senju Takuya had a sneer on his face. If you want to embarrass me, then I will embarrass you!

Snap! Snap! Snap! ...

Senju Takuya didn't do anything harsh, just slapped Shimura Hozumi's face repeatedly. After dozens of hits in a row, Shimura Hozumi's face swelled like a pig's head.

"Hahahaha... It's so relieved. I've long been unhappy with this bastard!"

"That's right, Shimura Danzō's son has caused a lot of mischief in Konoha."

"Chief Takuya is simply my idol. He did what I always wanted to do but didn't dare to!"

"But... Chief Takuya won't get into any trouble, right?"

"Thinking too much, I'm not afraid of anyone, Takuya Clan Leader!"

"No, haven't you noticed that in front of the Takuya clan leader, Shimura Hozumi has no power to fight back!"

"Hey! It seems true when you say that. Fortunately, Shimura Hozumi is annoying, but he is indeed powerful!"

"In this case... hasn't the strength of the Takuya clan leader already surpassed that of Jōnin?!"

Everyone looked at Senju Takuya with a calm expression in shock. No one thought that the leader of the Senju clan, who was not even a ninja, could be so powerful!

After a long time, looking at Shimura Hozumi lying on the ground, Senju Takuya lost interest and prepared to leave.

"You bastard, do you know who I am?" Seeing Senju Takuya preparing to leave, Shimura Hozumi shouted.

"Oh? Who are you?" Senju Takuya asked curiously.

I'm from the Shimura clan. Shimura Hozumi. Shimura Danzō is my father!" Shimura Hozumi said angrily. He had never been bullied like this since he was a child!

"Are you Shimura Danzō's son?" Hearing Shimura Hozumi's words, Senju Takuya opened his mouth in surprise.

"That's right! You bastard, you're dead!" Shimura Hozumi hummed happily. Are you afraid now? Too late!

"Sigh... I'll tell you who would trouble me for no reason. So you are Shimura Danzō's son." A smile appeared on Senju Takuya's face.

Now that the other party has announced his family status, he should "take care of" the other party more.


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