
Naruto: The Reaper of Konoha

In "Naruto: The Reaper of Konoha," a young man's life is tragically cut short when he sacrifices himself to save an old man from a runaway truck. However, his story does not end there. Given a second chance by a divine entity, he chooses to be reborn in the Naruto universe, determined to make a lasting impact on the world. A/N: I know my English is bad because English isn't my main language. I created this story to improve my writing skill and grammar. But I'll do my best to keep you guys entertained. Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or it's characters (except the original characters I'll be adding in the future).

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10 Chs

Kazuchi Uchiha

As Kibishi took his place before his grandparents, their expressions revealed a mix of surprise and uncertainty. The atmosphere grew tense, and with the emergence of his Sharingan, the unspoken secrets seemed to hang heavily in the air.

After a few seconds that felt like an eternity, his grandpa let out a sigh, while his grandma remained on the side, visibly nervous.

"Come here, Kibishi," Bishiro beckoned, pointing to a chair. Kirina joined him, taking a seat beside her husband.

Observing their reaction, Kibishi couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. He had hoped for a straightforward answer about his father, as his decision to save the Uchiha clan relied heavily on their response. He didn't want to bring any sadness to his mother.

Kibishi's mind wandered to the stories he had heard about his father from his mother. 'Now that I think about it, whenever Mother spoke about Father, she seemed filled with sorrow and melancholy.' The previous occupant of his body, being just a child, had failed to notice the underlying pain.

Meanwhile, ten minutes earlier, outside the Konoha gate, a group of seven weary ninjas arrived. Their ragged and dirty clothing hinted at a challenging mission, though there were no visible injuries.

A woman among them spoke up, "I'm heading off now. Inoichi, please report our mission to the Hokage." With that, she disappeared in a flicker, leaving Inoichi and the others dumbfounded.

"I should swing by Yakiniku Q and buy some barbecue for my beloved son," Hanabi said to herself. Determined, she entered the restaurant and ordered enough for five people.

With her order placed, Hanabi flickered toward her mother's house. She attempted to sense their presence from a distance of 1,000 meters. "Good timing, they're at the table," she noted.

In a joyful tone, Hanabi flickered inside and exclaimed, "Did anyone miss Mommy?" Opening her eyes, she immediately sensed the heaviness that enveloped the room.

Kibishi's gaze met his mother's, and as he saw his own red eyes reflected back at him, her grip faltered, and the barbecue slipped from her hands. A tear welled up in her eye as she turned to her parents, silently questioning how they had come to know.

"Sit beside your son, my daughter. It's time we tell him everything," Kirina said, her voice filled with a mixture of sadness and determination. Hanabi nodded, embracing her child and planting a tender kiss on his forehead.

"When did you unlock your Sharingan, Kibishi?" she inquired, attempting to maintain a sense of normalcy despite her hoarse voice.

"Just earlier today, Mom," Kibishi lied, though it had only been three days since its awakening. At this point, the timing seemed inconsequential.

"Oh, it appears we have a genius on our hands," Hanabi said, attempting to alleviate the gloom that hung over them. "You truly take after your father." Kibishi couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and happiness at his mother's efforts. She truly was a remarkable mother.

As Kibishi reiterated his question, his curiosity growing, it was his grandfather Bishiro who finally spoke up. His voice carried a mix of emotion as he revealed, "Kibishi, your father's name was Kazuchi Uchiha. He was a brave and skilled shinobi, a member of the Uchiha clan."

Kibishi's expression faltered, as the name Kazuchi Uchiha was unfamiliar to him, even within the context of the show.

"Your father was highly respected within the clan," Hanabi added softly, her eyes reflecting both pain and affection. "He possessed remarkable talent in ninjutsu and genjutsu, and his dedication to Konoha was unwavering."

She continued, "Kazuchi completed numerous missions successfully alongside his comrades. He was known for his strategic brilliance and unwavering loyalty to the village." Kibishi listened with rapt attention, eager to learn more about his father.

"However," Bishiro's voice grew heavy, "during a critical mission assigned to him by one of the village elders, Kazuchi and his comrades were presumed lost. Despite extensive searches, no trace of him was ever found." A tear escaped Kibishi's eye, a mixture of sorrow and longing filling the room.

In that moment, a surge of emotions overwhelmed Kibishi. He felt the boiling rage within him as he understood what likely transpired. The name "Danzo" echoed in his mind, accompanied by a voice that seemed to come from within him, urging him to seek vengeance for his father and to make Danzo pay for his mother's sadness. Kibishi's face contorted with anger and confusion as he demanded to know who was speaking.

'Who are you?'

'I am the original owner of this body,' the voice replied. 'With our memories merging, I have also matured. My time is running out, and we will fully merge in a minute."' Understanding dawned on Kibishi, and the last thing he heard from the voice was a plea to kill Danzo for their mother.

Hanabi, mistaking Kibishi's contorted expression for grief over his father's death, held him tighter in her embrace.

"He was a true hero, Kibishi," Kirina said, her voice gentle yet firm. "Your father's legacy lives on within you. As an Uchiha, you carry his spirit, his strength, and his determination."

Kirina reached out, placing a comforting hand on Kibishi's shoulder. "Your father would be proud of the young shinobi you are becoming, Kibishi. You have his blood flowing through your veins, and you have the power to shape your own destiny."

Kibishi wiped away his tears, a newfound determination shining in his eyes. The knowledge of his father's sacrifice during a mission stirred something within him, although he couldn't quite put his finger on it. But when he heard his grandpa mention that Kazuchi was specially assigned by one of the village elders, his thoughts turned to Danzo. He just needed one final push.

"When did he die, Grandpa?" Kibishi asked, his voice steady.

Before Bishiro could respond, Hanabi spoke instead, her voice choked with tears. "Your father was killed before our wedding, seven years ago." She sobbed, and Kibishi instinctively hugged his mother, offering her comfort.

With a sense of clarity, Kibishi closed his eyes, his determination firm. "Danzo it is," he muttered under his breath, his hand gently patting his mother's back.

Bishiro decided to provide some background information. "Let me tell you this. The Senju and Uchiha clans are two powerful clans in the world. They were founded by Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha during the Warring States Period. Although initially rivals, they eventually formed an alliance and established the Hidden Leaf Village." He briefly explained the history of the clans, deciding to omit the full details.

"However, tensions resurfaced within the Uchiha clan, and in an effort to quell it, we proposed an arranged marriage between the clans. It was your mother and father who were selected. It became easier to arrange because they were secretly dating at the time." Bishiro glanced at his daughter, sensing the gaze she directed at him from Kibishi's shoulder, Hanabi hugged her son tighter wind his buryingon his shoulder, her face turning bright red.

'Danzo's motivation for sabotaging the wedding was rooted in his desire to outmaneuver Hiruzen. To achieve this, he orchestrated the death of my father. I solemnly swear that if Danzo were to possess my father's eyes, he would experience the most harrowing nightmare imaginable, leaving him longing for death as an escape.' Kibishi swear.

"Mother, I can't breathe," Kibishi teased, causing Hanabi to let go and glance off to the side, her cheeks flushed.

"Thank you, Grandma, Grandpa, and Mother," Kibishi whispered, his voice filled with gratitude and determination. "I will carry my father's name with pride and honor. I will strive to become a shinobi worthy of his legacy and protect our clan."