
Naruto: The Phantom

A soul of an anime fan was placed into the body of Obito Uchiha right before he starts the Kyubi attack.

Kxkashi · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Ch.3 Roommates with Kakashi

Walking out of Minato's house after the talk and using a transformation jutsu so it looks like I have on Normal clothes, I begin heading towards Ichiraku Ramen Shop. With no money in hand, I easy stole the wallet of an ass of a mask shop owner.

Walking into the Ramen shop, I froze as well as the person in front of me, "Yo, sorry I'm late a black and white cat held me up." I said with a cheeky smirk.

"O..Obito is that you?" Kakashi stuttered out.

"Of course, it's me Bakashi." I taunted trying to lighten the mood.

"I... I'm sorry Obito, I failed to protect Rin." Kakashi responded, eyes showing guilt.

"It's ok, I know it wasn't your fault." I said giving him a sad smile as I pat his shoulder.

"I... I see." Kakashi responded and let out a breath.

"Let's eat." I changed the subject.

We sat down and ordered our food; we conversed a bit on what we been doing not really going into too much detail. We were just two friends that had reunited after some years. After we finished eating Kakashi paid, and we began walking side by side. 

"Can I crash at your place for a while, I don't really want to have any more connection with the Uchiha clan?" I asked.

"Sure, I owe you this much at least." Kakashi accepted not diving further than that as he was comfortable with the atmosphere and didn't want to ruin it.

"Good." I responded before speaking again, "Do you want to get stronger?"

"What kind of question is that? What ninja doesn't want to get stronger?" Kakashi asked.

"Well, if I said I had a way for you to reach Kage-level would you agree if you had to lose your sharingan?" I asked.

"Of course, I was planning to give it back anyways. So, what do you have in mind?" Kakashi asked.

"Pick up the sword again and follow your original path. We both know how strong your father was. With his skills added to your ninjutsu talent I think you can at least equal him in strength." I explained.

 "I guess you're right, the sharingan did take my chances of learning his style as it took more chakra than need to use my father's sword techniques." Kakashi responded.

"Seem like we both agree." I said as we continued walking to Kakashi's house.

After arriving at Kakashi house we sat down and continued to talk about training. Eventually going through the scroll's left by Sakumo.

Next day, Hokage office

"I had a bit of trouble explaining the situation in the meeting, but they eventually agreed to reinstate your chunin rank." Minato said with a sigh.

"I presume me being your student helped." I said certain that's why he was able to get the council to agree.

"That's right." Minato sighed before continuing, "I was wondering if you would like to join the Anbu and work as a duo with Kakashi?"

{A/Q: Does Obito join Anbu or no?}