
Chapter 2 The first order of gene lock (2/5)

The stiffness after the Body Flicker Technique was over, the pain of worms piercing through the flesh, the weakness of Chakra being eaten away, and the sharp stone edges flying towards him.

All situations clearly point to one ending-death.

At this moment, a strong sense of fear came to Tangwu's heart. This was the most primitive fear of creatures originating from the genetic level.

Fear of death!

'But I feel it! '

Such a thought flashed in Tangwu's mind, his thoughts seemed to accelerate hundreds or thousands of times, and the world around him suddenly became slow motion in his eyes.

Boom boom, boom boom.

The painful heartbeat seemed to shake a certain level deep in the body.

About a few microseconds later, countless fighting skills came to Tangwu's mind.

Tangwu's body suddenly recovered its ability to move!

His right foot suddenly stepped out, and the muscles rushed open to the brain to limit 100% force.

The three gouyu jade in Sharingan turned crazily, and the five stone ridges were instantly judged to make their trajectory clear. Tangwu's arm joints holding the knife spontaneously dislocated. Three stone edges cut sideways.

At the same time, at the slight price of being scratched by a stone ridge on the left side of his waist, he rushed in front of Oki Keita who had just finished the operation.

How can it be! ?

Oki Keita couldn't even react, and his astonished expression had just risen halfway, and the sharp blade had already cut off his neck!

With a pop, blood shot, and the head fell to the ground.

Why did he suddenly explode with such a speed? Isn't he in a rigid state?

Oki Keita's eyes were deeply puzzled.

All this only happened in the breath, Tangwu could even use Isshin two times, thinking about other things while swinging the knife.

'Sure enough, my guess is correct. '

'Authority is genetic lock, and miracles are undoubtedly the light of the soul. '

'In the past three years, I have actually made a lot of mental preparations, meditation, exercise, and excitement. I just got a kick. The two teammates who monitored me just provided the last straw that overwhelmed the camel. '

'The first-order gene lock is opened. '

Faced with this result, Tangwu has no sadness or joy on his face.

In the genetically locked state, he became extremely calm.

The fears and excess emotions in the heart were all suppressed, leaving only an indifferent calm.

'These bugs need to be eliminated. '

Tangwu's blank eyes looked at Aburame who was not far away, and while aligning the dislocated joint, he used the tip of a knife to pick out the dead bug on his body.

It was accurate to a millimeter, without hurting any extra skin or flesh, and there was no tremor in the arm.

There is no need to look at it with eyes at all, and the location of the bug can be determined only by perception.


Even after the root training, Aburame player can hardly conceal the horror in his heart at this moment, looking at Tangwu in disbelief.

He didn't react at all just now, he saw a flower in front of him, and Tangwu, who was supposed to be dying, suddenly broke out at an astonishing speed. He chopped off Omu Keita's head in the blink of an eye, and didn't see what happened in the middle!

Even the information in that instant, it took a few seconds for Aburame's brain to process the picture and be recognized by him.

"It's up to you now."

Tangwu's figure pulled closer to his eyes in an instant, and the voice of a word passed into Aburame's ears, showing a strange sense of distance.

The dull Ninja sword had been cut out, and the sharp wind made Aburame's skin sting.

This knife was also too fast to reflect, and only reacted to the face.

"Damn it…"

Aburame's eyes widened, and his raised arms struggled to block the knife.


The head fell to the ground, and there was a look of horror on Aburame's face.

When he raised his arm, Tangwu's long knife had already cut through his neck.

All this is too fast for people to react.

The conversion of ordinary people's thinking into action always requires a buffer of time.

But Tangwu doesn't need it.

In the gene-locked state, as soon as a thought moves, the body will automatically move in response to the information.

The pace of the battle was terrifyingly fast, and there was almost no pause.

Both Oki Keita and Aburame couldn't keep up with this rhythm, and they didn't have the slightest resistance.

"Almost over..."

Tangwu murmured, according to the original plan, Jieyin separated a Shadow Clone.


A cloud of smoke rose nearby, and after dispersing, another Uchiha Tangwu appeared.

This Tangwu's expression was the same as indifferent, but his eyes were sharp and bright, and there was no place to be at a loss.

"Only the body owns the authority, not the clone, it's a pity…" Shadow Clone sighed.

"It's normal. After all, Shadow Clone is essentially Chakra that puts its will. I haven't heard that Chakra can open a gene lock." Tangwu said calmly.

"That's true." Shadow Clone smiled and began to clean up the traces of the scene, "But it is really powerful in the genetic lock state, as if all the battles are in the Master. Obviously, the brain has not turned around. The moment he sees the enemy, the body spontaneously Make the best attack method."

"The two special Jōnin are just like ants, they are not a threat at all, and they are easily pinched to death."

"It's just two specials, it's nothing." Tangwu said casually.

"Especially Jōnin is also Jōnin. They have rich killing skills and combat experience. This is the upper level of each Ninja village." Shadow Clone said, sealing the two corpses with scrolls, especially the two heads. , Does not give people the opportunity to explore memory by art.

After doing all this, Shadow Clone suddenly felt a little quiet.

He turned his head questioningly, and saw that Tangwu's body didn't know why he looked at the empty space and stood motionless.

"What's the matter?" Shadow Clone asked strangely.

Tangwu paused, then slowly turned around. The three Gouyu in Sharingan turned at high speed, and the scarlet pupils overflowed like blood.

Shadow Clone was taken aback, and immediately reacted, and said in surprise: "Could it be that…"

"Yes, I drove Mangekyō." Tangwu nodded lightly, as if it were just a trivial matter.

The three Gouyus changed strangely in his eyes, and the shape slowly elongated, turning into a slender shape like three wheat valleys, enclosing the black pupil in the middle of the eye in equal 120 degrees.


There seemed to be fine friction of iron in the air.

A more evil and strange atmosphere than Three Tomoe Sharingan radiated from Tangwu's eyes.