
Naruto : The Lion Sin

On a war-torn battlefield, a young army captain, covered in bullet wounds, stood defiant among the corpses of his fallen comrades, his only family. As he breathed his last, memories of his tragic past and his love for anime with a dear friend surfaced. After a life of selfless service, his soul drifted into a white void where he met the God of Reincarnation. For his accumulated karma points, he was granted three wishes and the choice to reincarnate into any world. Choosing the world of Naruto, he asked for the powers of Escanor, a Mirror System that allows him to gain powers by defeating opponents, and a photographic memory with the ability to analyze others’ abilities. The story is going to be very fast paced and will have some leap of logics almost every few chapters. This is my first attempt at writing a fanfic (or anything for that matter). English is not my native language but I think there shouldn't be too many mistakes. Don't rely on there being consistent updates because its unlikely... I don't own the cover art and have no idea who does, so don't sue me I guess?

Japes_the_gamer · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Mastery of the Blade

Three weeks had passed since Asuma's initial training with the Fengus Lions. The progress he had made was staggering. He felt more confident and powerful, ready to take on any challenge that came his way.

One morning, Shinku Yuhi called him to the training grounds. "Asuma, it's time for a final test."

Asuma faced Shinku, who drew his own sword. "Show me what you've learned."

The duel was intense. Asuma's movements were fluid, his strikes precise. He seamlessly integrated ninjutsu with his sword techniques, creating a combat style that was both unpredictable and deadly.

Shinku smiled as he parried Asuma's attacks. "You've come a long way, Asuma. But remember, there's always room for improvement."

Asuma nodded, understanding the wisdom in Shinku's words. He unleashed Chakra Flow, coating Yaksha in fire chakra, and launched a series of fiery slashes. Shinku was pushed back, impressed by the display of power.

The duel ended in a draw, both combatants breathing heavily. Shinku sheathed his sword. "You've proven yourself, Asuma. Continue to train and refine your skills."

Continued Training

Asuma continued his rigorous training regimen, sparring with Kakashi, Shinku, and other skilled ninjas. The Mirror Space remained a valuable tool, allowing him to practice against a wide range of opponents and scenarios.

He also trained with Nian, Nuwa, and Yali, the Fengus Lions. Their unique techniques and combat styles added another dimension to his training. The bond he had formed with them grew stronger, and they taught him new abilities, such as Hellish Fire Technique, a powerful fire-based attack that could incinerate anything in its path.

Unlocking Full Potential

As Asuma's skills improved, he began to unlock more of his latent potential. The restrictions on his power, previously unknown to him, gradually lifted. He discovered new abilities within the Divine Axe Rhitta, such as Sacred Treasure Release, which allowed him to unleash the full power of the axe for a limited time.

His control over Sunshine also improved. He could now harness its power more effectively, using it to enhance his physical abilities and perform devastating attacks. He learned to channel the energy into his strikes, creating powerful shockwaves that could obliterate enemies.

Asuma's journey of growth and mastery was far from over. He knew that there were still many challenges ahead, but he felt ready to face them. With the support of his allies, the power of his abilities, and the relentless pursuit of improvement, Asuma Sarutobi was destined for greatness.

Asuma's training had reached new heights, and his skills had been honed to a razor's edge. However, he knew that true mastery was an ongoing journey. There was always more to learn, more to achieve.

One morning, as he was practicing in the training grounds, Hiruzen Sarutobi approached him. "Asuma, your progress has been remarkable. I have another mission for you, one that will test your abilities further."

Asuma bowed respectfully. "I'm ready, Lord Hokage."

"This mission involves investigating a series of mysterious disappearances near the border. We believe it's the work of a rogue ninja group. You'll be leading the team, with Kurenai and two other chunin."

Asuma felt a surge of excitement and determination. "I won't let you down."

As he prepared for the mission, Asuma reflected on his journey so far. From his training with the Fengus Lions to mastering swordsmanship and unlocking new abilities, he had come a long way. But this was just the beginning.

With his newfound skills and the support of his allies, Asuma was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The path to greatness was never easy, but he was prepared to walk it, no matter how difficult it became.

As the sun rose, casting a golden light over Konoha, Asuma set out with his team, ready for the next chapter of his journey. The future was uncertain, but one thing was clear: Asuma Sarutobi was destined to become a legend.