
Naruto : The Lion Sin

On a war-torn battlefield, a young army captain, covered in bullet wounds, stood defiant among the corpses of his fallen comrades, his only family. As he breathed his last, memories of his tragic past and his love for anime with a dear friend surfaced. After a life of selfless service, his soul drifted into a white void where he met the God of Reincarnation. For his accumulated karma points, he was granted three wishes and the choice to reincarnate into any world. Choosing the world of Naruto, he asked for the powers of Escanor, a Mirror System that allows him to gain powers by defeating opponents, and a photographic memory with the ability to analyze others’ abilities. The story is going to be very fast paced and will have some leap of logics almost every few chapters. This is my first attempt at writing a fanfic (or anything for that matter). English is not my native language but I think there shouldn't be too many mistakes. Don't rely on there being consistent updates because its unlikely... I don't own the cover art and have no idea who does, so don't sue me I guess?

Japes_the_gamer · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Battle Again

At the tender age of nine, Asuma Sarutobi had already experienced more than many seasoned shinobi. His body and spirit bore the weight of immense power, granted by both the Sunshine Ability and his relentless training. Today, he stood ready for a mission that promised danger and required every ounce of his skill and cunning.

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage and Asuma's father, had summoned Asuma and his team to his office. The atmosphere was tense as they arrived, with Hiruzen's expression grave and contemplative. The team consisted of Asuma, Kurenai Yuhi, and Hana Inuzuka, under the guidance of their Jonin sensei, Shikaku Nara.

Hiruzen's voice carried the weight of urgency. "Several ninjas have gone missing near the border, where they were tasked with bandit extermination. We suspect a group of rogue ninjas and bandits, led by an S-rank criminal from the Rock Village, Zotoi, are responsible. Your mission is to investigate, neutralize the threat, and rescue any survivors."

The team nodded in unison. Asuma's eyes gleamed with determination, his mind already racing through potential strategies. They left the office with a sense of purpose, ready to confront the unknown dangers that lay ahead.

The journey to the border was swift and uneventful. The air grew colder as they approached the area where the attacks had been reported. The forest canopy thickened, casting long shadows across the ground. Asuma's senses were on high alert, every rustle of leaves and snap of a twig signaling potential danger.

"Stay sharp," Shikaku advised. "This area has seen a lot of bloodshed recently."

Asuma nodded, his eyes scanning the surroundings. He noticed subtle signs of a struggle: broken branches, disturbed earth, and the faint scent of blood carried on the wind. They moved cautiously, their pace steady and deliberate.

Suddenly, the forest erupted with movement. Bandits and rogue ninjas emerged from the shadows, weapons drawn and faces twisted with malevolence. At their forefront stood Zotoi, a towering figure clad in dark armor, his eyes gleaming with cruel intelligence.

"Welcome, Konoha shinobi," Zotoi sneered. "We've been expecting you."

Without warning, the bandits charged. Asuma reacted instantly, his training and instincts guiding him. He summoned the Divine Axe Rhitta, its golden blade gleaming in the dappled sunlight. With a powerful swing, he sent a wave of energy crashing into the oncoming attackers, scattering them like leaves.

Kurenai moved swiftly, her fingers forming intricate seals. Demonic Illusion: Tree Binding Death took hold of several bandits, their bodies immobilized by the phantom trees. Hana, flanked by her loyal canine companion, lunged forward, her claws glinting in the light as she tore through the enemies with feral precision.

Despite their initial success, the battle was far from over. Zotoi's lieutenants stepped forward, each one exuding an aura of deadly intent. They were rogue ninjas of considerable power, their abilities honed through years of violence and betrayal.

Asuma found himself facing a particularly dangerous adversary: Ryu, a former Jonin of the Hidden Mist, known for his mastery of water-based techniques and his ruthless efficiency. Ryu's eyes were cold and calculating as he formed the seals for a Water Dragon Bullet Technique.

A massive dragon of water surged toward Asuma, its jaws wide open and ready to crush him. Asuma responded with his own Water Dragon Bullet Technique, the two dragons colliding in a spectacular explosion of water and energy.

The impact sent waves crashing in all directions, but Asuma stood his ground. He shifted to a more aggressive stance, channeling the power of his Wind Release: Wind Dragon. A fierce wind dragon formed and roared towards Ryu, its speed and force overwhelming. Ryu barely managed to deflect the attack with a Water Wall, but it left him exposed.

Asuma seized the opportunity, closing the distance in an instant. He swung the Divine Axe Rhitta with immense force, the blade slicing through Ryu's defenses and sending him crashing into the ground, incapacitated.

While Asuma dispatched Ryu, Kurenai and Hana found themselves locked in combat with two other rogue ninjas. Kurenai faced off against Saya, a former ninja from the Hidden Cloud, known for her prowess in lightning techniques. Saya's movements were swift and precise, her hands crackling with electric energy.

Kurenai countered with a series of genjutsu, attempting to disorient and disable her opponent. Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique caused Saya to hesitate, unsure of her surroundings. Kurenai capitalized on the momentary confusion, launching a barrage of kunai imbued with explosive tags. The explosion rocked the forest, but Saya emerged unscathed, her body flickering with the remnants of a Lightning Armor.

"You'll have to do better than that," Saya taunted, her voice crackling with electricity.

Hana, meanwhile, was engaged with a rogue ninja named Kaito, who had defected from the Hidden Stone. Kaito's mastery of earth techniques made him a formidable opponent, his body encased in a hardened stone armor. Hana's attacks, though fierce, barely made a dent in his defenses.

Frustrated but undeterred, Hana summoned her clan's unique ability, the Fang Over Fang. She and her canine companion spun rapidly, their combined attack smashing into Kaito's defenses. The sheer force of their assault cracked his stone armor, but Kaito retaliated with a powerful Earth Spear Technique, knocking Hana back.

Asuma, having dispatched Ryu, turned his attention to the larger battle. He saw Kurenai and Hana struggling against their opponents and knew he had to act quickly. He summoned the power of the Sunshine Ability, his body glowing with a golden light. His strength and speed increased exponentially as he charged into the fray.

With a mighty roar, Asuma unleashed the Lion's Roar, a powerful shockwave that disoriented and staggered Saya and Kaito. He followed up with a Wind Release: Pressure Damage, the high-pressure ball of wind slamming into Kaito and sending him crashing through several trees.

Saya, still reeling from the shockwave, tried to counterattack with a Lightning Release: Thunderclap. Asuma deftly dodged the attack, his speed and reflexes far surpassing her own. He closed the distance in an instant, his fist glowing with the power of the Cruel Sun.

The punch connected with devastating force, the heat and energy incinerating Saya's defenses and sending her crumpling to the ground. With the immediate threats neutralized, Asuma turned his gaze towards Zotoi, who watched the battle with a cold, calculating expression.

"You've done well," Zotoi said, his voice dripping with contempt. "But this is far from over."

Part 5: The Storm of Battle

Zotoi stepped forward, his dark armor glinting ominously. He raised his hand, and a dozen more rogue ninjas and bandits emerged from the shadows, their eyes filled with malice and bloodlust.

Asuma's heart raced as he realized the true scale of the battle. They were outnumbered and outgunned, but he refused to back down. He glanced at his teammates, their faces grim but determined.

"Let's end this," Asuma said, his voice steady and resolute.

They charged into the fray, their movements a blur of speed and power. Asuma wielded the Divine Axe Rhitta with deadly precision, cutting through the enemy ranks with ease. Kurenai and Hana fought with equal ferocity, their skills and teamwork allowing them to hold their ground.

The battle raged on, the forest echoing with the sounds of clashing steel and explosive jutsu. Despite the odds, Asuma and his team fought with unwavering determination, their resolve fueled by the desire to protect their village and avenge the fallen.

Asuma's body glowed with the power of the Sunshine Ability, his attacks becoming more potent and devastating with each passing moment. He unleashed a torrent of flames and wind, carving a path through the enemy forces and leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

Zotoi watched the carnage with a grim satisfaction, his eyes narrowing as he observed Asuma's power. He knew he would have to intervene personally if he wanted to turn the tide of the battle.

The stage was set for a final, decisive confrontation. The fate of the mission, and possibly the lives of Asuma and his team, hung in the balance.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Japes_the_gamercreators' thoughts