
Naruto : The Lion Sin

On a war-torn battlefield, a young army captain, covered in bullet wounds, stood defiant among the corpses of his fallen comrades, his only family. As he breathed his last, memories of his tragic past and his love for anime with a dear friend surfaced. After a life of selfless service, his soul drifted into a white void where he met the God of Reincarnation. For his accumulated karma points, he was granted three wishes and the choice to reincarnate into any world. Choosing the world of Naruto, he asked for the powers of Escanor, a Mirror System that allows him to gain powers by defeating opponents, and a photographic memory with the ability to analyze others’ abilities. The story is going to be very fast paced and will have some leap of logics almost every few chapters. This is my first attempt at writing a fanfic (or anything for that matter). English is not my native language but I think there shouldn't be too many mistakes. Don't rely on there being consistent updates because its unlikely... I don't own the cover art and have no idea who does, so don't sue me I guess?

Japes_the_gamer · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Awakening the Lion's Sin

Asuma Sarutobi, now infused with the soul of the reincarnated young soldier, blinked in astonishment as the hospital room around him became clearer. The bed he lay upon was uncomfortable, yet he felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins. This newfound strength was unfamiliar, yet it felt like a second skin.

"Mirai," Asuma called out mentally, his voice steady and resolute. "Please provide me with a detailed rundown of all my abilities and also explain about Escanor abilities for me to better understand what I truly obtained from him and the functionalities of the system."

"Of course, Host," Mirai replied with a serene tone. "Here is an exhaustive list of your abilities and the features of the Mirror System."

About Escanor

Escanor is a character from the anime and manga series "The Seven Deadly Sins," known for his immense strength and unique ability, "Sunshine." As the Lion's Sin of Pride, Escanor is one of the most powerful characters in the series. His powers are directly tied to the sun, making him virtually invincible during the day.

Escanor's Abilities


Description: Escanor's main ability that allows him to absorb and utilize the power of the sun.

Daytime Effect: His power increases with the rising sun, reaching its peak at noon, where he becomes "The One," an invincible form with immense power and invulnerability.

Nighttime Effect: As the sun sets, his power diminishes, leaving him in a weaker, more vulnerable state, though still formidable.

Superhuman Strength

Description: Grants Escanor extraordinary physical strength far beyond that of ordinary humans or even most supernatural beings.

Application: Can lift enormous weights, shatter mountains, and deliver punches capable of causing massive destruction.

Superhuman Durability

Description: Escanor's body is incredibly resilient, capable of withstanding powerful attacks without sustaining significant damage.

Application: Reduces the impact of enemy attacks, allowing him to continue fighting even after receiving heavy blows.

Superhuman Speed

Description: Enhances Escanor's speed to extraordinary levels, allowing him to move faster than the eye can track.

Application: Enables quick attacks and evasive maneuvers, making him a difficult target to hit.


Description: Ability to generate and control fire.

Techniques:Fireball Creation: Form and hurl fireballs at enemies.

Flame Manipulation: Create walls of fire or intense heat waves.

Immense Heat Generation

Description: At his peak, Escanor can generate extreme heat, capable of incinerating almost anything in his vicinity.

Application: Used for offensive attacks and to ward off enemies.

Divine Axe Rhitta

Divine Axe Rhitta is Escanor's sacred treasure, a massive golden axe that he wields with devastating effect. The axe itself is almost as famous as Escanor and is known for its immense size and power.


Form: A large, ornate axe with a massive blade and a golden hue.

Weight: Exceptionally heavy, requiring immense strength to wield effectively.


Power Storage: The axe can store and amplify Escanor's "Sunshine" power, making his attacks even more destructive.

Unleash Potential: At its peak, the axe can unleash concentrated beams of solar energy, capable of annihilating foes.

Current Status

Dormant State: Within Asuma's soul, Rhitta remains dormant until Asuma becomes stronger and more adept at harnessing his abilities.

Unlock Condition: To access Rhitta, Asuma must reach a certain threshold of power and mastery over his "Sunshine" ability.

Name: Asuma Sarutobi

Age: 9

Chakra: Chunin

Strength: Kage level

Speed: Kage level

Durability: Kage level

Ninjutsu: Wind [Intermediate], Fire [Max], Earth [Basic]

Evaluation: Kage level

Weapon: Divine Axe Rhitta


1. Sunshine Ability

Description: A power derived from the character Escanor from "The Seven Deadly Sins," which grants immense power that fluctuates with the position of the sun.

Daytime Effect: As the sun rises, Asuma's power increases exponentially, peaking at noon, where he attains near-invincible strength.

Nighttime Effect: His power significantly diminishes, making him vulnerable, but his strategic military skills compensate during these hours.

2. Superhuman Strength

Description: This ability grants Asuma physical strength far beyond that of ordinary humans or ninjas, allowing him to perform feats such as lifting enormous boulders and delivering devastating punches that can shatter steel.

Application: Useful in combat for overpowering opponents and executing high-damage physical attacks.

3. Superhuman Durability

Description: Asuma's body can withstand extreme physical damage, including powerful jutsus and direct hits from weapons without sustaining significant injuries.

Application: Provides immense resilience in battle, reducing the need for evasive maneuvers.

4. Superhuman Speed

Description: Enhances Asuma's speed to the level where he can move faster than the human eye can track, allowing for rapid strikes and evasion.

Application: Essential for quick attacks, dodging enemy blows, and executing high-speed maneuvers.

5. Pyrokinesis

Description: Grants control over fire, allowing Asuma to generate and manipulate flames at will.

Techniques: Includes creating fireballs, walls of flame, and intense heat waves that can incinerate targets.

6. Weapon Summoning

Description: Allows Asuma to summon his signature weapon, the Divine Axe Rhitta, at will.

Divine Axe Rhitta: A massive, golden axe with immense destructive power, capable of cleaving through almost anything.

7. Three Body Technique

Description: Basic ninja techniques that include the Transformation Jutsu, Clone Jutsu, and Substitution Jutsu.

Application: Fundamental skills for deception, creating temporary clones, and avoiding attacks by swapping places with objects.

8. Wind Style: Great Breakthrough

Description: A powerful wind-based jutsu that releases a large burst of wind to blow away opponents or obstacles.

Application: Effective for crowd control and creating distance between Asuma and his enemies.

9. Enhanced Military Skills

Stealth and Espionage: Mastery of covert operations, including silent movement, camouflage, and intelligence gathering.

Combat Strategy: Expertise in battlefield tactics, allowing for the efficient deployment of forces and the exploitation of enemy weaknesses.

Survival Training: Skills in surviving harsh environments, including foraging, shelter-building, and first aid.

10. Chakra Control

Description: Exceptional control over his chakra, allowing for efficient use of jutsus and minimal chakra wastage.

Application: Enhances the potency of his techniques and prolongs his combat endurance.

11. Elemental Mastery

Fire Style:Fireball Jutsu: Launches a massive sphere of fire towards the enemy.

Flame Bullet: Fires multiple flaming projectiles.

Wind Style:Vacuum Sphere: Creates compressed spheres of wind to strike enemies.

Air Bullet: Shoots a powerful burst of wind from the mouth.

Earth Style:Earth Wall: Raises a protective barrier made of earth.

Mud Dragon: Summons a dragon made of mud to attack opponents.

12. Analytical Prowess

Photographic Memory: Perfect recall of anything he sees or experiences.

Ability Analysis: Instantly analyzes and understands the abilities of others, allowing for counter-strategies and adaptation in combat.

Mirror System

1. Data Storage and Analysis

Functionality: The Mirror System records the data of anyone Asuma comes into contact with or who is within a 10-meter radius. This includes their physical capabilities, chakra levels, and jutsus.

Combat Simulation: Allows Asuma to simulate battles against these individuals within the system, gaining invaluable experience and understanding of their fighting styles and techniques.

2. Skill Acquisition

Trigger Mechanism: Upon defeating an opponent for the first time in a simulated battle, there is a chance to randomly acquire one of their skills.

Application: Enhances Asuma's versatility by integrating new jutsus and abilities into his arsenal.

3. Battle Experience

Functionality: Provides real-time feedback and training, improving Asuma's combat skills and chakra control.

Skill Mastery: Accelerates the learning curve for new techniques and jutsus, allowing for rapid proficiency.

Asuma absorbed the information, a sense of overwhelming power and responsibility washing over him. He felt a profound connection to Escanor's abilities and his own military training, recognizing the immense potential these skills granted him in the world of Naruto.

"Mirai," Asuma said after a moment of contemplation, "show me my status page."

A translucent screen materialized before his eyes, displaying his current stats and abilities.

Status Page:

Name: Asuma Sarutobi

Age: 9

Chakra: Chunin

Strength: Kage level

Speed: Kage level

Durability: Kage level

Ninjutsu: Wind [Intermediate], Fire [Max], Earth [Basic]

Evaluation: Kage level

Weapon: Divine Axe Rhitta


Sunshine Ability

Superhuman Strength

Superhuman Durability

Superhuman Speed


Weapon Summoning

Three Body Technique

Wind Style: Great Breakthrough

Enhanced Military Skills

Chakra Control

Elemental Mastery

Analytical Prowess

Asuma couldn't help but smile, feeling the surge of power and knowledge within him. His life as Asuma Sarutobi, equipped with Escanor's abilities and his own military prowess, was about to unfold in ways unimaginable. The future held boundless possibilities, and with Mirai by his side, he was ready to face any challenge that came his way.

The door creaked open, and Hiruzen Sarutobi stepped back into the room, a look of concern etched on his face. Asuma quickly masked his excitement and met his father's gaze with newfound determination.

"It's good to see you awake, Asuma," Hiruzen said softly. "We have much to discuss."

Asuma nodded, ready to embrace his new life and the adventures it would bring. With the power of the Lion's Sin within him and the guidance of the Mirror System, he was poised to change the world of Naruto forever.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Japes_the_gamercreators' thoughts