
Naruto: The Life of Shirai Haruno

(18+) Truck-Kun claims another Victim, Sean. Sean meets an old man, A ROB perhaps or a god, and gets reincarnated into the Natutoverse as Shirai Haruno, The older brother of Sakura Haruno. What will he Do to Carve his name in this Dangerous world? Will he even Survive?

Aces_BigDaddy · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

The First day of Academy.

The day was a sunny day, in the Recently established Haruno estate owned by a young Heir, Shirai Haruno. Three months a small forested area was bought by Shirai, with permission from the Council of Shinobi and The Economical Council, Also Known as the Civilian council.

The Forested area was walled and the trees inside were cut, also being used for building the first house, The House of the Clan head. A large single story manor, with an indoor training room, a small garden and several rooms, chakra paper was placed between the walls to prevent spying from Hyuga's and Uchiha's as the Chakra paper appeared to be visible as a bright white wall through those dojutsu's

In the small garden, a kid with pink hair was training with a tall woman with black hair and red eyes, her tits and ass were pressing on her bandage-fashioned clothing, giving her a sexy look.

Shirai was parrying her every blow and kick, but his were getting countered by the older woman as well. They seemed to be placed in an even taijutsu battle with a similar taijutsu style.

"Phew, You are getting better everyday." Commented Kurenai as she sat on the wodden bench on the side of the garden, a bottle of water in her hands. She was watching as her disciple ran and jumped on the small pond of water.

He seemed to be a freak of stamina after the incident with Orochimaru, Hashirama Cells were amazing but the Young Haruno was always under surveillance, Mostly by a young Anbu in his early teens, wearing the mask of a "Cat".

Kurenai exhaled deeply, replenishing her stamina. She stood up, Shirai seing that his Sensei had stood up, approached her.

"Your taijutsu is superb, You could easily beat a newly appointed chunin in taijutsu, From tomorrow onwards We will practice Genjutsu." Kurenai told Shirai while ruffling his hair, which had been noticeably cut short.

"Okay!" Shirai said to his sensei.

"Well today is your first day at the academy, Make a lot of friends, I'll be going now, Bye." Kurenai said, bidding farewell and swiftly returning to her residence.

Today was the first day if the academy for Shirai, although he was still 5 he looked much older and taller than normal 5 year olds. While normal 5 year olds were 3.7 feet tall in average, Shirai was 4.1 feet tall, a testimate to the constant breakdown and remodeling of this body while in Orochimaru's lab.

Speaking of Orochimaru, Kabuto, The White haired kid had been taken to the village. He was now a part of the Medical corps, being deemed worthy and knowledgeable to treat patients in field, he had his mind checked by Inoichi Yamanaka and was deemed to be safe enough to walk konoha with an Anbu monitoring him.

Lucky bastard was already a gennin at 10.

Shirai walked into the estate, in the dedicated nursery for children, Sakura to be specific. The halls of the main estate were in a traditional Japanese style, similar to the Hyuga and Uchiha manors.

He slid open the sliding door to the nursery.

"Onii!!" He heard his Sister call out, she seemed to be a smart gril and had recently started speaking words. A caretaker was playing with her in the nursery room.

"Come hewer mwy Sweet Saku." Shirai greeted her in baby talk. The Younger Haruno took a few Shaky steps and reached her brother, getting a hug in the process.

"Onii! Awhahh!!" She said as she happily pulled on Shirai's hair, a trait of hers. Shirai winced loudly, he was going to be bald before 15 wasn't he?

"Haha, Little Lady, bad manners." The caretaker, Madam Shika said as she pulled Sakura's hand away from my hair.

"Noo! Onii!!" Sakura said in a dramatic manner, like someone In a Hollywood movie would say upon losing their friend.

"I will come play with you later okay?" Shirai asked the little girl. Sakura was about to cry, Shirai needed to think fast.

"I will go bring Chocolate okay?" Shirai told her, the frown instantly turned into a happy smile.

"Go, Bwing Chocwate!!" She said, commanding Shirai to being chocolate.

"Okay then bye honey." He told her before leaving her in the Care of Madam Shika.


The academy was a basic institution which taught children how to become excellent Child soldiers, Aka Shinobi. During warring times most of those Child Soldiers wouldn't be alive to see their Eighteenth birthday.

"Good Morning." Shirai greeted the guards at the gates, the guards nodded. Shirai walked in from the gates, entering the academy premises.

A board was placed near the gates, guiding the new admissions to their respective classes. Shirai noted his class, 1-A.

He walked over to the class on the first floor, likely because the danger of kids falling out of stupidity on the higher floors.

Shirai walks in the class, and is immediately greeted by a chorus of students with bland looks and bland faces, Brown hair and brown eyes, pretty much side characters. Shirai walked and sat on the last seat.

"Shirai?" A familiar voice called out to Shirai, it was Itachi. He had just entered. Shirai moved, leaving space for Itachi to sit on.

"Itachi, Come sit here!" He told the Uchiha, The Clan heir came and sat next to his friend. A girl having brown hair and black eyes cam into the class.

"Itachi!" She called out to the Uchiha, Itachi looked over to her direction and smiled slightly. Motioning her to come to the seat, Shirai was pushed into the corner.

"Izumi, this is my friend Shirai Haruno. Shirai this is my friend Izumi Uchiha." Itachi introduced the both of them.

"Nice to meet you Izumi." Shirai told her, he recognised the girl from the anime, the one who Itachi put in a genjutsu and made her experienced a reality where itachi and her were together, married and having children, eventually getting old together and living a loving and happy life.

"Nice to meet you too, Shirai." Izumi told the Haruno, Shirai nodded, the introduction of the two was over and the three started talking about different things, goals and ambitions.

Soon, the teacher walked in, and introduced himself.

"My name is Yamachi Kishi, refer to me as Kishi Sensei." Yamachi told them, the students nodded their head at the teacher. Yamachi was a standard chunin, likely around the age range of his early twenties.

"Can you come to the front and introduce yourself, Miss." He told a girl, a girl, likely of civilian origins came and introduced herself. After that the students of the class started introducing themselves one by one.

A while later, the turn of the ones in the last seat came. Izumi went in first.

"Hello everyone, My name is Izumi of the Uchiha clan. I hope to have a nice time with you all in the academy." Izumi gave a short introduction and walked back to her seats. The boys in the class seemed to have an instant crush on the Uchiha girl, she would likely be a beauty in the future.

"Hello My dear classmates, I am Itachi, Heir to the Uchiha clan. I hope to make plenty of friends at the academy." The Uchiha went to the front of the class and gave a good introduction, he was a clan heir afterall and needed to uphold his reputation.

Shirai walked to the front and gave his introduction as well.

"Nice to meet you all, I am Shirai Haruno, Heir to the Haruno clan. I hope we can all be friends." Shirai have his introduction, a kid seemed to be focused on his forehead instead of his speech making the Haruno slightly angry.

Seeing that it was just a kid looking at his pink hair, he calmed down and walked to the back.

The teacher proceeded to give a speech about the Will of for the next half an hour.

I already wanna go home. Shirai thought as he put his head down in the desk and groaned out of boredom.