
Naruto: The Life of Shirai Haruno

(18+) Truck-Kun claims another Victim, Sean. Sean meets an old man, A ROB perhaps or a god, and gets reincarnated into the Natutoverse as Shirai Haruno, The older brother of Sakura Haruno. What will he Do to Carve his name in this Dangerous world? Will he even Survive?

Aces_BigDaddy · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


A flash of bright light, the honking of a horn and the sound of tires sliding on a snowy road, the feeling of his skull being obliterated.

Those are the last things Sean remembers before his eminent doom, He was an extrovert who often partied with his friends, although dirt poor. He was an alcohol addict of the highest caliber but at the end, his addiction was what caused his death.




"I am sorry, your grace. I didn't mean to."(Truck-kun.)

"Look what you've done, he was an innocent soul. He was meant to do do great things for his kin." (Creator.)




He was now consumed in darkness, an endless void of nothing but the astral form of his body. He could hear slight murmurings of... An apology?

Probably my imagination. He couldn't help but think.

A few moments later, an old man appeared out of nowhere, Infront of him. He was slightly surprised.

"Ah, Nice to see you my child." The old man said to me, with a smile.

"Nice to see you as... Well?" He didn't recognise the man, even though the old man seemed to recognise him.

"I must introduce my self first, I am a child of God and your creator." The old man said, his roble flaying in the non-existant wind.

"So I really am dead huh." He said blatantly, he was done with life, he just didn't expect to go out like he did.

"Are you here to reincarnate me perhaps?" Sean asked the creator, that was obviously the only thing to happen after death, pfft, everyone knows that. (Sarcasm, incase you don't understand.)

"Well, I don't usually meet my children to reincarnate them but yes, I will reincarnate you since your death was unexpected to both you and Me." The creator said to Sean, Sean was unsuprised. He has read enough Novels in his teenage years to know what's going to happen next.

"Lemme guess, You are going to reincarnate me into an anime." Sean asked the Creator. The creator chuckled.

"You're wrong, you will be reincarnated into Peppa pig Hahahaha." The creator told an unfunny joke, Sean couldn't bring himself to react to the creator's joke.

"Jokes aside, my child, your next world will be chosen through this dice. Among theusands if popular fictional worlds." The creator said as he waved his hand. A dice large as a building, almost spherical in shape appeared. But upon closer inspection, one could notice all the flat surfaces with the name of well known movies, books, TV shows and anime as well.

"Here you go." The creator said as a table, several times bigger than the dice appeared. Sean was moderately suprised. A creator, a god's child was this powerful, Sean couldn't help but wonder how powerful gods are.

"Touch it and watch the magic happen." The creator said to his child as Sean went ahead to the dice and touched it. The dice spun several times before landing on the table. Sean looked in awe at the large dice rolling.


The deed was done and the world was chosen, Sean sighed as he looked at the die. Naruto is a world filled with danger, he wouldn't even make it to adulthood if he wasn't careful.

"I feel sorry for you, son." The creator said with sadness, with a snap of his finger. Both the table and the die disappeared.

"It's better than being outright dead right?" Sean said to the god, optimistically.

"I like your positivity. For that, I will let you select three perks. But before that, let me say a few things, the perks you choose cannot be something an elemental kekkei genkai, or powerful enough to impact the power balance of the world." The son of God stated. Sean nodded.

"Okay then, gimme perfect chakra control." Sean said with a shit eating grin. Chakra control was a fundamental skill of shinobi.

"That is, simply impossible. With such a perk you will be breaking the laws of the world of Natutoverse." The creator simply stated, Sean was disappointed, his dreams fi having perfect chakra control were ruined.

"Then, in that case I choose to have as the best chakra control that you can possibly provide." Sean stated, the god clicked his tongue.

"I cannot provide you the best chakra control as it would negatively impact the development of your chakra core while in your mother's womb, which means you will be basically committing suicide." The creator said with a shake of his head. Sean was starting to get frustrated.

"Well then, just multiply the rate of development of my chakra control by a hundred comparing to a normal human in that world." Sean said to the creator.

"I cannot do that as a baby in a mother's womb starts unconsciously adapting to his mother's chakra. The most I can do Is two times before the aforementioned problem arises." The creator said, Sean had no choice but to accept the old man's offer.

"Okay then two times it is. I would like to ask a question old man. Where and when I will be born?" Sean asked the old man, he certainly didn't want to be bown during the warring states or boruto, the period around Naruto's birth in any one of the villages are the best birth time and place.

"Wise question my child, Yes, perks do determine the place and time of your birth." The son of God said as Sean thought for a few minutes before answering.

"Then reincarnate me in Konoha, four years before the birth of Naruto Uzumaki, In a moderately rich family with a lineage of shinobi in my ancestry." Sean said to the creator, he nodded in affirmation.

"You have one perk left my child, think wisely." The son of God said to Sean.

"Then grant me a body which heals several times faster than a normal shinobi, and also immunity over all diseases and poisons." Sean said to his creator. The creator god nodded his head and snapped his fingers.

Sean felt himself shrinking down smaller and smaller.

"Remember my child, your actions will affect the future events. Don't take the canon knowledge as depiction of future events, things will change and become unpredictable. Trust only yourself and know that this would is brutal and far worse than what you've known for it to be." The creator said as I was oncee more consumed by the void.


Sean Pov

I felt cold, very cold. Like I had been dunked in a cold freezing bucket of water. I could barely open my eyes and move my fingers, that was all I could do. I couldn't help but cry like a baby does upon a person picking me up.

"A son, My Lady Haruno." A woman, most likely a nurse said to a woman. I have been born a Haruno then, the older brother of Sakura Haruno.

The wetness covering my body wiped away as a fuzzy cloth wrapped around me. The towel welt warm and

"Let me see him. My baby." My mother, likely, said to the nurse. The nurse handed me to my mother in this life.

"A healthy boy, bigger and heavier than norm." The nurse said with a smile as I was being embarrassed but he warmth of my mother in this life. She had dirty blond hair, almost brown and had a beautiful facial symmetry.

"Let me see my son!" A man said as he came inside the hospital room, he had pinkish hair and an akward growth of facial hair. With a rough look on his face, he wore standard ninja outfit.

"Have you decided on a name yet dear?" Mibuki Haruno, My mother, Asked my father, Kizashi Haruno.

"I have decided on a name, Shirai. Do you like it? My love." Kizashi asked his wife, Mibuki thought for a moment.

"It is perfect, Shirai, Shirai Haruno. The son of Kizashi and Mibuki." Mibuki said to her husband with a smile. They both kissed affectionately as I lied in Mibuki's arms, watching.

Damn, this guy stinks as fuck, go fucking shower or something.