
Naruto: The Life of Shirai Haruno

(18+) Truck-Kun claims another Victim, Sean. Sean meets an old man, A ROB perhaps or a god, and gets reincarnated into the Natutoverse as Shirai Haruno, The older brother of Sakura Haruno. What will he Do to Carve his name in this Dangerous world? Will he even Survive?

Aces_BigDaddy · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Insomniac Sensei.

Shirai pov

"Team 17, Shirai Haruno, Itachi Uchiha and Hori, Under Arashi Sarutobi." I heard an older man call out, he seemed to be in his hearly twenties, having brown hair and black eyes, he had a fuzzy beard and Mustache growing and looked to be extremely insomniac.

His eyes were bagged and he had dark circles under his eyes, did this guy even sleep at all? Would this person be capable enough to teach us? Is he the old man's nephew or something? So many questions yet no answers.

I glanced to the side and saw that Itachi was thinking something, probably along the same lines as I was. I glanced to the other side of the room, a girl, around twice of mine and Itachi's age, raven black hair and strange grey eyes.

A girl named Hori, she stood up as well along with the two of us and walked towards the man who was supposed to be our team leader.

"*Yawn* Come with me." I heard the insomniac say. We followed him like lost puppies, navigating through the trees and eventually reaching a small clearing near a small pond, where the Sensei promptly yawned before falling asleep on the grass.

"Hey wake up!!" I shouted at him, he refused to wake up and even snuggled in his jounin vest, likely to get comfy. The other members of the newly formed team 17 sat on the grassy field.

"I heard from my father that Jounins usually hold tests to determine whether or not their students are capable of being under them." Itachi told us, The girl Hori seemed to have a curious yet Calculated gaze on her face, was she analysing us?

"You mean to say he is testing us?" The girl asked, Itachi nodded, I knew about the secondary gennin test afterall, it was in that test that Naruto got the infamous "Thousand years of death" technique planted right on between his cheeks.

"When does he intend to wake up?" I asked out of curiosity to no-one in particular. Itachi shrugged, the girl, Hori seemed to be emotion less and awkward as ever. I clicked my tongue before deciding to practice my Elemenral transformation of chakra.

I picked up a leaf from one of the trees and decided to take out water from inside the leaf. I learnt a few days ago from a chakra paper that Kurenai brought that my chakra nature was water chakra.

Taking the water out of a leaf is the first step towards mastering water chakra, I want to master all chakra nature's in the future including Yin-Yang release to be as strong as possible when the Osutsuki arrive.

Soon, the entire day passed. Itachi managed to learn how to back flip in the span of the day, impressive. I managed to progress a little on my water chakra nature. Hori, well she sat in a rock and observed as Arashi slept, likely collecting information on their Sensei.

With a groan, Arashi woke up and yawned loudly to signal that he did wake up. The three of us gathered as Arashi put his gaze upon us.

"You guys passed." The Sarutobi said before getting up, he stretched his arms and walked away into the sunset. The test was a test of patience from the older shinobi, perhaps even a test of strong sense of comradeship, by not abandoning your leader or teammate.

"WHAT?!!" Itachi and I shouted simultaneously, Hori seemed to have a look of aggression on her face upon seeing the man walk off.

"Tomorrow 11 *Yawn* O clock here." Arashi said his final words as he walked toward the orange sunset.

"BASTARD COME BACK HERE!!" I shouted while being held on by Itachi, my teeth ragged, sharp and akin to that of a shark. The Jounin waved up his hand upon seeing my rage, waving good bye. I managed to keep my calm, gritting my teeth.

"I could have spent the entire day playing with Saku but the bastard wasted all of it." I walked away, grumbling with anger.


The tree of us sat on the grass as Arashi laid on the rock, Gazing the clouds.

"I am Arashi Sarutobi, I have no hobbies except sleeping, I like the dreams where my wife appears, I hate when Someone interrupts my sleeps." The Jounin muttered ,he already seemed to be dazing into sleep, I ha done question though, How did this man get a wife?

"Introduce yourseves, *Yawn*." Arashi told us, I hit Itachi with my elbow, telling him to go first. He cleared his throat before speaking.

"My name is Itachi Uchiha, I like training, spending time with my friends and family, my hobbies are training and writing. I strongly dislike traitors." Itachi gave his introduction, I raised my eyebrow at the last part but this kid was a changed kid from the original, his entire personality has been influenced by me, becoming a happy go lucky kid.

It was my turn next.

"My name is Shirai Haruno, I like training as well along with spending time with my friends and sister. My hobbies include training and learning to cook. I dislike and I mean hate not even dislike anyone who thinks my forehead is big." I told him, my forehead was not big, it was moderately sized, my hairline is just a little higher, wait I'm not balding or am I?

"My name is Hori, I don't like anything particular, my hobbies include practicing medical ninjutsu, I don't particularly hate anything." She gave her pretty much useless introduction except for the medical jutsu part. She was a medic, Team 17 is likely an assult team with two power houses and a medic, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of Shinobi Arashi is.

A dreading feeling loomed over us, as if death itself had wisped around us. Shivers travelled down my body as the cold wind hit the back of my head.

"Now that your introductions are over, show me your strengths." Someone said behind us sending shivers down our spine, my head shakily moved.

I glanced back, noticing no-one behind us. Taking a look In front of myself, the Insomniac shinobi had dissapeared from the rock.