
Naruto: The Life of Shirai Haruno

(18+) Truck-Kun claims another Victim, Sean. Sean meets an old man, A ROB perhaps or a god, and gets reincarnated into the Natutoverse as Shirai Haruno, The older brother of Sakura Haruno. What will he Do to Carve his name in this Dangerous world? Will he even Survive?

Aces_BigDaddy · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Hokage's Advice.

Guys, inform me of the possible changes you want to happen later on in the story as time progresses and the world starts changing and the Butterfly starts fluttering it's wings.

And many of you guys were commenting about the stupidity of the MC when he signed the contract with Hiruzen. Although MC got a teacher out of it, The village is still indebted to the Haruno Clan, The MC couldn't refuse to sign the contract since the hokage was unleashing a genjutsu, which should affect any normal child, simply refuting the contract would mean the MC was Different, Unlike the small Suspicions Hiruzen has currently.

Volume 3- Academy and Volume- 4 Gennin days, are both under planning so the upolading might be less constant for a few days. See ya! Don't forget to review, Idgf if you leave a single starred review, just review or leave your critiques here!!!

3rd Person Pov, Uchiha Clan

In the Uchiha clan meeting hall, About 50 Uchiha's were sitting on the ground with their legs folded. Fugaku sat on the noticeably taller platform along with his eldest son and his wife, as his most trusted advisor.

He had a look of anger and fury, he seems to have that look for the last couple of weeks since the Kyubbi attack. The clansmen were looking angry and frustrated as well.

The admosphere in the room felt dense, the tension among the village and the Uchiha Clan was rising at a rapid rate.

"Clan Head, we mustn't appear weak to the village at this key moment. They are hell bent on moving us to the outskirts." Commented a chansmen. The Uchiha clan had not yet been moved to the outskirts, but everyone expects for it to happen pretty soon with the rate that things are going.

"The hokage's orders are the absolute orders, we cannot defy him without starting a civil war at this rate. The situation will only continue rotting from then on. At the minimum, we must obey the village for a few years till the next generation grows up." Fugaku commented, the Clan couldn't risk defying the village, considering the village's forces still outnumbered the Uchiha's by a large margin.

The power houses of the older generations, Hiruzen, Danzo and the Two advisors, albeit they pale in comparison to the former two are solid elite jounins at such an old age. The Uchiha's should wait for a few years, till the elders of the village are old, weak and frail.

The next generation of the Uchiha's is promising as well, Shishui and Itachi especially, they were smarter and wiser than a person twice their age, the half-uchiha girl, Izumi was a prodigy like the two boys, her Uchiha blood runs dominantly in her veins.

If Sasuke turns out to be anything like his brother, they can be a strong Uchiha duo unseen since Madara and Izuna.

"I will have a private meeting with the hokage on this matter, you all should get back to your duties." Fugaku commented, Standing up as the Clansmen grumbled in furstration. They knew that their leader was right on the matter but the feeling of leaving their ancestral home still made them angry.

Itachi stood up before walking to the training ground, his father had a lot of expectations on him and Shishui as well as Izumi, He should strive to become a smart, strong and just leader like his father in the future.

The forest near the Uchiha clan compound was a large and thick one, it stretched across the majority of the outskirts of the village. Created by the first homage, it has passed the test of time for sixty years.

As Itachi was jumping from tree to tree, channelling his chakra from tree to tree, he couldn't help but remember the one who taught him the technique.

Shirai, the only one he considered as a friend outside of the clan. The boy was an entire year younger than him but was still smarter and knew such a versatile technique.

He remembers the happiness he felt when he learnt the jutsu, he showed his father and told him simply that he learnt it after seeing a clansman climbing a tree. There was a feast in his household that time, but he knew he told a lie to his father, his father had maybe even knew his kid was lying but was still happy nonetheless.

He reached a small clearene in the forest, the carvings had started fading into the wood over time but the scars of shuriken and kunai were deep embedded into the bark. The Uchiha attached a string to his shuriken.

He winded back and threw the star, the star spun around one of the trees before spinning and hitting the target on the tree farthest from his current position. He was delighted by the success of the throw.


He turned around, looking for the source of the unexpected sound he was sure the sound came from that direction. Who could it be, Shishui was obviously in a mission with his team, so it couldn't be him.

"I am here!!" He looked up to find a kid with pink hair, standing on the branch above him.

"That was impressive." Commented Shirai as he got down from the branch. He stumbled on the ground and fell on his face.

"Hahaha." The Uchiha laughed at the failure of the Haruno. He Haruno got up with a bloody nose, and a grump face. He glared at the Uchiha heir for laughing.

"I'm, Hahaha I'm sorry it's just, Hahahaha. Just so funny." Itachi said in between laughs, Shirai was angrily wiping his bloody nose.

That should take just about 4 hours to heal. Shirai thought to himself as he put the handkerchief in his pockets. It was strange for him to fall like that, he was unsure why this happened but he has continued noticing his body failing at times like that.

It couldn't be that I Have Yang Deficiency, Could it? He asked himself, Yang deficiency happens when there is less amount of Yang when compared to Yin, it has varying stages but at the last stage, one cannot even walk since their muscles are so weak.

There was a small chance if it happening but never zero.

"Where were you these last few weeks? I have been coming here every day." Said the Uchiha with a happy tone of speech.

"Well, I was taking care of my baby sister for those weeks. I was just taking a stroll through the forest when I coincentally saw you and decided to sneak up on you." Shirai said as he rubbed his nose, which has swollen quite a bit now.

"You have a sister?" Asked Itachi, the other boy nodded.

"I also have a little brother." The Uchiha said with enthusiasm. The sun had almost set and the moon could be seen rising on the other side.

"Haha, what a coincidence." Chuckled Shirai, he obviously knew of Sasuke, the Lone Uchiha and Sakura were supposed to be on the same team in the future.

"Wanna see who can hit the most bullseyes?" Asked Itachi, the pink haired boy nodded. Itachi was sure to be a godly shinobi when he grew up, it was better to be allies with the kid than to be the opposite of the world 'Ally'.

"You won't win against me, Itachi." Shirai said with confidence in his voice. It would be hard to win against the proficient user of the Uchiha shuriken jutsu but Shirai was confident he could hold his own because of training In his mindscape.

"Haha, Funny joke." Itachi insulted the Haruno. The Haruno was promptly angered but he commented but managed to keep his cool.

Be calm, he's just a kid. Don't get tempted by his insults. Shirai said internally, calming his expression down.

"Let's start then, shall we?" The Haruno said as the competition began between the Haruno and the Uchiha.

The competition started with a single kunai throw from itachi, right on the bulls eye of one of the farthest targets. Shirai was shocked to see the kunai perfectly hit the bull's eye but he threw a Shuriken, spinning it around a portion of the thick forest before hitting the bulls eye, barely. Knocking Itachi's kunai down in the process.

The competition ended when the sun was down and the light of the moon light emitted throughout the green forest.

"I think is should return home now." Itachi said as he observed the darkness.

"Okay, see you tomorrow then Itachi." Shirai told the Uchiha, the Uchiha nodded.

"I will settle it Tomorrow, for now it is a draw." Itachi said as the opposing side agreed with a nod of affirmation. Itachi returned to the clan compound while Shirai returned to the orphanage.


A few hours ago, Hokage's office.

"May I come in hokage-sama." Asked a man, his voice sounded masculine and the hokage recognised him.

"Ah, Fugaku. Come in." The Hokage allowed the Uchiha to enter. The door creaked, opening slightly. The angry eyes of the Uchiha clan head reveled themselves.

"We must discuss in matter, Hokage-sama." The Clan head told the Sarutobi. The Uchiha came in and sat on the chair opposite to the hokage.

"The Uchiha's are not delighted with your decision." Fugaku told the Hokage. The Hokage hummed and took a puff of his pipe.

"You must understand Fugaku, the rumor has already spread and the villagers are being cautious of your clan." Hiruzen told the Uchiha. Fugaku grit his teeth.

"But We have been there since the founding of the Village, Do not forget Sarutobi that we are the founders of the village as much as your late teachers." Fugaku said, with a slam on the Hokage's table, showing disdain and disrespect on the Hokage's position.

"I understand the fact but you cannot ignore what you saw that night, The Kyubbi was clearly not in control of it self. Not to mention the Sharingan which appeared on it's eyes that night." The Hokage took another puff from his pipe, taking the nicotine to clam his nerves down.The hokage looked at Fugaku as an equal for his intellect, strength and his ability to lead a large clan like the Uchiha's.

There was solid proff that the kyubbi was under A genjutsu of the sharingan. There were no clear suspects who could have used the genjutsu, Controling the Kyubu required the mangekyo sharingan, which had not been awakened amongst the Uchiha's since Madara's time. (Fugaku kept his mangekyo a secret from the village, remember?)

There was no one capable of even having chakra as potent or in such a large amount to control the Kyubi, Fugaku was the only suspect and he was half a village across from the Kyubbi organising the Uchiha police force. But the suspicion couldn't be completely disregarded of the fact due to the existence of jutsu's like the shadow clone jutsu.

"Then let the Police force be entirely composed of Uchiha's, the villagers will surely come to respect the Clan if you do so." The Uchiha purpose, a bold idea. The police force being composed of Uchiha's entirely will only serve to lead towards corruption.

"Such is not possible, Fugaku. The villagers will threatened with Uchiha's at every corner, how can you expect to live Peacefully where you fell threatened in every corner." The hokage said with a hint of rage. Leaning back on his chair with frustration.

"Then I purpose a change in the academic courses to be more lenient and positive about the Uchiha, Remove the Name of the Madara Uchiha from the courses a traitor and praise about the help of the Uchiha in the founding of konoha." Fugaku suggested the Sarutobi. Hiruzen sighed before thinking About the outcome. Madara Uchiha was a traitor and clearing his label will only bring forth the idea that there is no punishment for treason amongst the next generation.

"I will only apply this course for 6 years, if this doesn't reduce the tension amongst the children then you'll need to fear for the worst Fugaku, Propaganda isn't the solution to peace. I'd suggest opening up to the village and other clans by allowing marriage between Uchiha's and non Uchiha's." Hiruzen said to the Uchiha clan head nodded in delight.

"I thank you from the depths of my heart Hokage-Sama, I will take your advise onto consideration as well." Fugaku thanked the Hokage.