
Naruto the Guardian Of The Saiyan Race

Brought to a new world by the God of destruction, watch as Naruto struggles against beings of unimaginable power. Can He survive and reach the pinnacle of what it means to be a Sayian or will he die and be banished from revisiting his friends and family from the afterlife? Find out next time on Dragon Ball: Guardian of the Saiyan Race.

Blacklionpride · Anime & Comics
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Naruto the guardian of the sayian race

Naruto The guardian of the Saiyan race

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball Z Super or any other properties. That's used when making this fanfic. 


Chapter 1: New Begins


It was a bright and sunny morning in Konoha. The birds were chirping, the bees were buzzing and all throughout the village an atmosphere of celebration was in the air. After five long years of watching over the village that he called home Kakashi Hatake, the sixth Hokage, was going to be stepping down to enjoy a well-deserved retirement. 

But as deeply missed as their leader was going to be, this day was more importantly a day of celebration. Why? Because Kakashi's replacement was none other than the hero of not only the village but of the entire ninja world. 

After years- no, decades of proclaiming to any who would hear him that one day he was going to become the next Hokage, this young man was finally going to complete his journey from rags to riches, from the bottom to the top, from nothingness to greatness… and he'd worked for and earned every bit of it.


Naruto Uzumaki, Jōnin of Konoha, son of the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze, and his wife Kushina Uzumaki, third and last jinchuriki of Kurama, the Nine-Tailed fox and recognized hero of the Fourth great shinobi war. And finally, the Husband of the beautiful Hinata Hyūga and in his humble opinion, Father to two of the best and most beautiful children, Boruto and Himawari Uzumaki.

He was the most respected and revered ninja in the village, an ironic and far cry from the life he was forced to live growing up. Back then he was seen as a monster, rejected and shunned by everyone; he was dead last in his graduating class and his often-proclaimed dream of becoming the next Hokage was laughed off as a joke.

But who's laughing now after years of blood, sweat, and tears. Naruto, the number one most unpredictable ninja finally achieved his childhood dream of becoming Hokage.

The day was finally here, his coronation. He felt the electricity buzzing in the atmosphere filling him to the brim with excitement and energy like never before.

Glancing around Naruto scanned the village from atop the Hokage tower, where he could see foreign civilians and shinobi of all ranks joining in the near-endless crowd all dressed in formal robes over their usual clothes in honor of the occasion. He could see Anbu hoping from rooftop to rooftop taking care of rowdy civilians and shinobi to overzealous from the festivities.

Virtually every soul in the village turned out for the big event, as well as a few surprise faces from allied nations that were hidden among the crowd. Chants of "NARUTO! NARUTO!" rang through the streets.

Looking down Naruto could see his family and friends alike along with the other Kage, waiting with pride on their faces. The chairs were lined up for all the guests to sit down in as the summoned all filed in. First Naruto spotted his wife and two children sitting next to his two closest friends—his former teammates Sakura and her husband Sasuke with their daughter Sarada, next to them was Sakura's best friend Ino Yamanaka and her fiancé Sai. Along with the Hokage aid Shikamaru Nara and his wife Temari, with their kid and the rest of the former rookie nine. Along with team Guy and their sensei's.

Also in attendance was his former first student Konohamaru with his friends Udon and Moegi. Naruto also noticed his old teacher Iruka was there, as was Sakura's former master and his Baa-Chan Tsunade.

About two minutes later, Shizune came out to the podium and addressed the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for your patience. I now present to you Kakashi Hatake the Sixth Hokage."

The woman took a seat on stage as the masked man with silver hair, the son of the fabled white fang of the leaf, walked up to the podium looking over the village, wearing his full Hokage robes and hat. He received a standing ovation as he came on stage until he signaled everyone to be seated before he began speaking:

"Thank you all for coming. I promise you all that this won't take long… As you know, I have fought and trained to defend this village my entire life. My father's reputation put quite an expectation on me, and I have worked to live up to that reputation. My teacher, Minato-sensei, or the Fourth Hokage as most of you know him, trained me and my team to be the best we can be, and then to go beyond those limits to become something more. He taught me how important teamwork is and those who turn their back on their comrades are worse than trash. I have tried to pass that lesson onto the next generation through my own students, whom I am pleased to see have now grown into a couple of very strong and independent ninjas."

He stopped just long enough to look down towards Sasuke and Sakura and then turned and looked Naruto in his eyes, and smiled beneath his mask as each had a prideful blush at their sensei's praise.

Kakashi turned back to the crowd." I have seen and been through much in my life. These last thirteen years as the leader of the village have been included. But as time moved on, I came to realize something, something I'm sure all of us have come to recognize too. Time isn't stopping for any of us. As one generation reaches the end of its twilight, the next must rise and take its place. I think we can all agree that the new generation of young men and women among us now will do well in serving and protecting this village in the near future…."

Pausing to take a breath Kakashi continued, "And it is to that end I present to you today the one many of us regard as the greatest hero of his generation. His life's story is a true epic, his accomplishments in such a short amount of time are a testament to his amazing ability…Frankly, it would take writing an entire book to do this young man's story justice."

Some of the crowd laughed at Kakashi's remark, but Naruto heard it and found the idea rather curious. He knew that Jiraiya made a living as an author, an author of smut, granted, but he was a writer, nevertheless. 'Hmm… an entire book all about me…'  Naruto pushed the thought into the back of his mind, as he focused back on Kakashi's speech.

"This young man has trained, studied, and worked himself to the very edge of his limits and surpassed them over and over again to prove to this village, a village that once looked down upon him with hate and rejection, that he had what it took to not only earn our respect but that he was worthy of leading us into the new era… Well, to that young man, I would just like to say: mission accomplished!"

The village erupted into applause as the young man in question took in everything that was being said with pride and humility… and just a little bit of irony given all the dark times Kakashi had outlined earlier, dark times that he needed to overcome to even make it to this point. Hinata squeezed his hand even tighter, making him look at her and smile as warmly at her as she did him.

"And so without further ado, I hereby present my student, my successor, and most of all my friend and YOUR NEXT HOKAGE… NARUTO UZUMAKI!"

All of Naruto's friends down below clapped and hollered in praise, some even whistled in their excitement. It was a true celebrity atmosphere and the whole thing was almost overwhelming to him. Receiving a nod both from his best friend and the love of his life, he took a deep breath and walked up to where Kakashi was standing. As soon as Naruto came into view, the crowd went completely ecstatic! There he was, their hero, about to fulfill the destiny he had vowed to reach for so long, and now all of them were here to witness it.

Shaking hands and exchanging a silent thank you with his teacher, Naruto then got on one knee as Kakashi silenced the crowd and began to speak.

"Naruto Uzumaki, do you swear to pledge yourself to the title and office of Hokage, and agree to take on all the duties and responsibilities that come with it?"

"I swear"

"Do you swear to honor the history and legacy of this village in addition to helping to forge the path to its future?"

"I swear"

"And do you swear to cast aside all selfish pursuits and pledge yourself to the continued safety and longevity of this village and its people, so long as you live?"

"I swear!"

"Then on this day, I, Kakashi Hatake, Sixth Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village, hereby proclaim you, Naruto Uzumaki…" Motioning over Himawari and Boruto. As he reached to his head, grabbed his Hokage hat, removed it, and placed it into both of their hands. "…Nanadaime, the Seventh Fire Shadow, Seventh Hokage of Konohagakure!" and right before the hat could be placed upon his head by his children… there was a brief darkness like some unholy being reached out and used the art of infinite blackness on the world.

Quickly glancing up in the sky he felt a strange explosion of energy. Naruto's vision was bombarded with an assortment of colors as the sky split open and two strange-looking beings floated out. The shorter of two floating in front of the other.

The figure floating in the front was a strange thin purple cat-like humanoid, with large, pointed ears, like a Cornish Rex and Sphynx cat. He dons black, blue, and gold ceremonial-looking attire with the same white and orange diamond decorations. 

The other humanoid creature trailing behind the weird giant purple cat was a tall, thin humanoid with pale blue skin, white hair, violet eyes, and rather effeminate features. He owns a long scepter with a gem that floats above it, and is usually seen holding it in his right hand. Around his neck is a large light blue ring. Whis' attire consists of a maroon robe, a black cuirass with the same white and orange diamond decorations that the purple cat had, and a blue sash. He also wears black high-heeled shoes with long toes resembling winklepickers with white spats.

face set into a scowl, Naruto quickly pushed Himawari and Boruto into Hinata's arms. While activating his chakra cloak. "Get to cover now Hinata." 

"But Nar– " 

"NOW! Hinata, we don't have time. I can't feel their chakra and I don't know how many more of them are coming." The whiskered Ninja expressed frustration strewn across his face.

'What the hell are those things Kurama, is it another Ōtsutsuki maybe it's some strange summoning they sent to attack us to weaken our defenses or something.' Naruto thought to Kurama, 

"I don't know Naruto but be on guard we don't know what these guys can do, and I can't sense any type of emotion coming from those two." His best friend's tone was low but cautious. Flying up to the two figures he could too where he could almost make out what they were saying.

"… Lord Beerus, did you have to interrupt it was getting to the best part" The effeminate, teal-skinned man sighed. As if this was just another walk in the park for him.

"Well, Whis, you woke me up earlier than we planned to claim you found the Super Saiyan god." Said the voice to the now-identified Whis. It was cold and riddled with annoyance.

"Where's the bastard anyway, I want to fight him now."

"Be patient Lord Beerus, It seems He's approaching us, of his own volition" Motioning to the fast-approaching Naruto, The deity quickly whipped around to face the so-called Super Saiyan god.

Where Naruto stopped short of attacking the deity, feeling suffocated suddenly. He couldn't feel any type of chakra coming from the two like before, but now that he was close it was like there was so much pressure in the air, as though a ton of solid brick had just landed on all his senses. It was like Kurama just plopped down onto his stomach and wouldn't move.

It was unbearable, unbelievable. Though it didn't seem evil in any way just wrong, and he never felt anything like it, Madara, Kaguya. The ten tails just couldn't compare to the pressure these two beings were leaking.

'Just what the hell are they' Naruto thought to himself as sweat started to gather at his brow. Gathering himself t "I don't know what you want or why you're here, but you need to leave my–"

Yawning while turning to face his assistant "Whis you said this was the Super Saiyan God, but I wouldn't even need to use a 1 percent of my power."

"Ah, ah, ah, My lord, I said you can make a god you would just need the Soul of a prophesized one, a Saiyan body, and with his name being lost to the sands of time and the prophecy being fulfilled, it's the perfect recipe."

"Huh? What the hell are you talking about? What do you mean lost to time? And what the hell is a super sainy thing" Naruto spat out, frustration lacing his tone and a sneer visible on his whiskered face.

"Alright, that's enough!" Claimed Beerus before fading from view, A claw-laced hand gripped his skull with an untold amount of pressure.  "You won't be needing this anymore" Was all he heard, before an indescribable pain overtook his body, as if he was being eaten from the inside out. As if Sasuke used Amaterasu on every single atom in his body. Then the darkness flooded in.


Planet Beerus Age 736

The Kaiōshin realm. A realm that's only known to the highest of beings. The realm that exists around the circumference of the entirety of the universe, on a fixed cycle, akin to a satellite. The realm is said to be inaccessible to all life forms outside of the gods of the universe. 

In normal situations, the inhabitants are not allowed to interfere with the operations of both realms, but under critical circumstances where the fate of the universe is compromised, they are obligated to interfere with both the operation of the Living World and the Afterworld. Beings from the Afterworld or the Living World are normally prohibited from entering here. However, there are special exceptions, and that exception was made for one soul. 

"Naruto Uzumaki, I know you can't see or speak while you're in this soul form. But be aware you were dead. And on a whim, I ripped you from what your people called the pure lands…" pausing to look over his planet, which was a beautiful sight it was. Surrounded by an amber sky, that was streaked with red and orange clouds. Depicting many moons and planets hanging like stars in the distant sky, that cast eerie shadows over the emerald grass. An enormous tree that stretched through the realm with rather ancient branches that twisted and turned as it spilled upwards.

Glancing down at the golden orb in his palm, he continued on "…I Beerus God of Destruction choose to give you a new life and break the foundations of life and death that's bound by the laws of reality. Just so you could grow strong and give me a battle that would be remembered for eons."  Filling his palm up with a speck of his personal ki, and with a lazy flick of his wrist, Naruto's soul was sent careening through the realms. 

Whipping through the vastness of reality and space, jetting past the destruction and new beginnings of planets and stars. Finally stopping once it reached its designated destination.


Frieza planet 594 Age 737

"That seems to be the last of them, Prince Vegeta" Declared the former general of the Saiyan army Nappa. His deep but raspy voice echoed through the now barren wasteland that was once a bustling city. The voice belonged to a behemoth of a man; Tall, stout, bald, and mustachioed.  Wearing black, beige, and brown Saiyan armor. As he glanced over at his companion who was sitting on the burnt corpse of an enemy.

Vegeta was short; even with spiky hair that stood up like a flame, he barely even made it to the bald man's shoulder. His height failed to tell the story, though- it was his eyes, intense even at rest. His eyes pupils were black ice, hazardous in their own right. Though a smirk etched his countenance, there was a savage warrior lurking beneath it. Capable of sending the toughest thugs in space running for their lives with his piercing gaze alone.

"Hmm, that's weird my scouter is picking up a power level of 900 coming towards us, but it can't seem to pick up the direction" Nappa announced looking around the battlefield but not picking up on anything until, he glanced up and spotted a Saiyan pod coming straight towards him. 


As soon as he saw the pod rushing towards him. Nappa jumped out of the way as a large cloud of dust and debris covered the land.

Hearing a noise that sounded like the sound of something or someone frantically punching the inside of the pod. As if trying to escape. Floating towards the pod with Nappa trailing behind him, Vegeta pressed the emergency hatch hidden at the bottom right of the space pod.


Watching as slowly as the hatch released a slow exhale of steam. What greeted the two Saiyan's when the fog cleared was something they thought they would never see in their lifetime.

It was a Saiyan toddler glaring at them with. But that wasn't it, the brat had a full head of blonde hair, solid blue eyes, and whiskers adorned on his face with a blonde tail curled around him. He was wearing a dark blood-red battle suit with white and red Saiyan armor, and a gold band wrapped around his right bicep. With a red cape latched on and with white boots and gloves.

"The hell are you bastards staring at" 


And scene thank you guys for tuning in and remember I have p@treon where im four chapters ahead. If you guys wanna check it out its pa tre on .com / Blacklion no spaces its only 3 dollars which is a bag of chips and two candy bars