
Naruto: The Greatest Village

Shibai is tired of living a meaningless life. What will he do when he gets the chance to make a change in the world of Naruto?

TheGeoShadow · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 14

I changed some things concerning pure gold in chapter 11 since I figured it would lead to a big mess later on which I can't be bothered with. Pure gold given will be limited, instead, I decided on some other cheats. Also, forgive me if the writing is weird it's been so long that I have forgotten what little I learned when I started this story.


It was early morning in a traditional inn. The previously noisy town was now asleep and would be for many hours still due to the excessive consumption of alcohol the previous night. Shibai began to stir awake due to his body's natural clock that made him wake up at around 5 am every single morning. For him, only a couple of hours of sleep was enough rest because of his ridiculously strong body. He opened his eyes and found himself entangled in limbs, that's when he regained enough clarity to remember going to bed after several hours of lovemaking with Aya, a nice girl he met in an izakaya. A small smile came to his lips remembering the fun they had. He carefully tried to free himself from the tight hold the girl had him in. He sighed with relief after escaping without waking her up. Her sleeping form looked so peaceful he wouldn't forgive himself if he woke her up now.

He stood up and walked silently to the bathroom, the floor didn't creak at all. 'Is this what my two decades of ninja training were actually for? Tiptoeing around rooms so I don't wake anyone up,' he sighed. Entering the bathroom, he set up a one-way noise-muffling formation and began filling up the bath and doing his morning routine.

'Ahh, such a lovely morning,' he inhaled the fresh air from the open window.

— — — — — —


Aya opened her eyes and sat up on the bed trying to gather her thoughts. Her head throbbed from the hangover and nothing made sense at the moment. After a while, she too managed to remember the events of the past night and a warm feeling filled her. She looked around for Shibai but couldn't find him. Although she didn't expect him to stay she was still saddened by the fact that he had left.

That was until she heard some rattling outside her room and the door opened, Shibai walked inside with a warm smile.

"Morning Aya, did you sleep well?" Seeing him made her feel warm again, even though it didn't exactly show on her face due to the headache.

Now seeing the beautiful man she had sex with, made her turn her head to the side a little to avoid showing the redness on her cheeks. "I slept like a log surprisingly, usually I wake up at the slightest noise," she responded "Must have been a quiet night."

"Mhm, I'm glad," Shibai said and sat beside her on the bed.

A nice scent entered her nose the moment he came near her. "You smell nice," she said, leaning into him. Aya's small frame rested against him, her head finding a place to stay on his chest. She closed her eyes, both were at peace. Shibai just smiled.

"Is your headache bad, Aya?"

"Mmhm, I should probably take some painkillers," she said. "How did you know?"

"I don't know, I guess I just sensed it." The corners of her lips curved upwards but Shibai didn't see it due to her head currently buried in his chest. "Here," he brought his other hand on top of her head and activated the 'Mystical Palm Technique'. A light green glow hovered over her head and the pain started alleviating little by little. Her eyes were wide open now in surprise.

"What happened? How did you do that?" she asked.

"Just some simple medical ninjutsu."

"WHAT?! You know medical ninjutsu!" she exclaimed, her mouth wide open, completely awake now.

'I guess knowing how to use chakra is a rare skill in this world where the only reliable ways to learn are to be born in a shinobi clan with a long history or live in a shinobi village, which doesn't yet exist. If you really think about it, it shouldn't be surprising at all since shinobi only cover a small minority of the population.'

"Of course, I know it. Most shinobi never learn it, but I'm not just any shinobi after all."

She seemed to calm down upon hearing this. "So you are a ninja, I thought it was suspicious seeing your muscles and how strong you were when we *cough cough* did it. I was a little scared at first but decided to trust you, you seem like a good person," she said.

"Who would dare have any ill thoughts for someone as beautiful as you," Shibai joked. She 'hmphed' and punched him in the chest lightly. "But I'm glad you could trust me. And I hope you still do after my identity as a shinobi was exposed," he said seriously.

"Be a shinobi all you want, I don't mind. From what I've gathered so far, you are trustworthy," she said. "Hmm… Or maybe you are just nice to pretty women, is that it?"

"Ahhh who's to say?" he grinned. "Anyway, I brought us both omurice for breakfast. I'll keep them warm while you wash up, you reek of sex"

Now her face was bright red and there wasn't any hiding it. "Wh- How dare you!"

Shibai just laughed. "Go ahead, I'll wait for you here, let's eat together then."

After a while she came back from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body that didn't leave any curves for the mind to imagine, her hair still wet. Shibai would have been a blushing mess if it wasn't for his strong willpower.

"No reaction?" she seemed let down.

"I'm just biting my tongue to avoid showing any, don't worry you look amazing."

"That's better then."

They ate in silence just feeling comfortable in each other's presence. After finishing her breakfast Aya came to a sudden realization, this was just a one-night stand. She had been so distracted by his presence that the fact that it wouldn't last didn't even cross her mind, or perhaps she had just subconsciously avoided the topic. Home called, she had duties back there. If not her, who would take care of everyone?

He noticed the change in her mood immediately "Everything fine Aya?"

"Everything's fine. Just let me be close to you for a little longer. The caravan to my home village will leave in a bit and I can't afford to miss it. It's probably too risky to attempt the trip without its protection."


Idk what this chapter was. Is this really writing fiction or exposing my deepest desires for everyone to read? Who knows. Just a simple chapter to get used to writing again. Hope you don't hate it :)

Have a nice day!