
Naruto: The Greatest Village

Shibai is tired of living a meaningless life. What will he do when he gets the chance to make a change in the world of Naruto?

TheGeoShadow · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 13

Anyone remember this story still? I was so stressed with school and other responsibilities I completely forgot about writing this, hope you still like it!


The day continued and many people gathered near the town square in the center of the village waiting for their leader to announce the start of the festival. People chatted with each other while waiting for the speech to start. After a while a person could be seen climbing the stairs up to the stage and cheers erupted. "Ito-sama! Ito-sama!" People shouted.

"Thank you everyone, thank you," a booming voice enhanced with chakra silenced the cheers. "First, I would like to welcome everyone: our people and travelers alike to the Tsuribune Matsuri." Cheers exploded again until the speech continued. "Time has come again for the yearly harvest celebration, oh how time flies, last year's celebration feels just like yesterday. I won't keep you here with a long speech since everyone seems anxious to start the party. I have only one simple instruction for the weekend, and that is to have fun and enjoy the time with your important people. That's it, I will also participate so you may see me around here and there. May this year's harvest be prosperous, thank you!" This time the sound that broke out was many times louder than the last and the excitement could be felt in the air, even by an outsider like Shibai.

'What a great atmosphere. I should probably bring something like this to my village too.'

People went their own ways after that. Some went home to spend quiet time with their families, others filled up bars and restaurants to have fun. Shibai was weaving through the people in the streets to get to Ito. He reached him at an alleyway void of people. "Ito, I think we have some business to tend to." The leader was relatively strong compared to other people at this time when shinobi training wasn't easy to come by unless you were part of a prominent clan, Shibai estimated him to be between the level of a strong jōnin and a weak kage, Kakashi in the original series would probably be a good example.

"Yes, what is it? Ito said smiling. He wasn't a sensor type so he didn't feel anything strange about Shibai.

"Would I be correct in assuming that you have some plans to turn this place into a shinobi village?" Shibai said.

Now Ito was on guard, there was no way a regular person would be aware of something like that. He had secretly been doing negotiations with the rest of the village leaders in this area to combine their forces and create a village combining all their forces. "Who are you and how do you know about that?" Ito looked menacing and in a position to immediately launch an attack.

'People here really are short-tempered.' Shibai again had to put his hands in the air to prove that there had been a misunderstanding. "You can relax, I was just guessing. After all, people have started forming bigger villages all over the world, it's not like you are the only one." Ito visibly relaxed a little but still stayed on guard, he wasn't aware of the strength of the other person.

"I see, but who are you and what is this 'business' you are talking about?"

"I'm Kuchiki Shibai. I only have some minor business concerning the name of your future village." Shibai said. "Considering this village is located in a valley, it's quite probable that the name of this place will be Tanigakure (Village Hidden in the Valley). And I want the name for my future village."

"You would be correct in assuming that. Me and the other leaders have all agreed on that name," Ito said. "So why would we give it away to a no-name?"

Shibai smirked. "I'm not one to cause pointless trouble, but you will have to listen to me. Because I'm the strongest," he said confidently, standing with his hands behind his head like he wasn't concerned about being attacked at all.

The leader's eyebrows scrunched and he was as ready for combat as possible. "Hooh, want to prove that?" He said looking confident in his strength as well. Then Shibai moved. He didn't need to use his devil fruit at all since his regular speed would be enough to catch most, if not all non-six paths characters completely off guard, at least if he was using his wind chakra mode. Shibai closed the distance between them with a shunshin and appeared behind Ito, holding a kunai to his neck so if the other person moved even a little, it would cut. "Like that?" Shibai asked playfully.

Ito looked terrified. "I give in, I give in," he said completely still, sweat starting to stream down his face.

He removed the knife from his neck and patted him on the back. "Come on Ito, no need to be so stiff, I'm not here to cause any trouble after all," he laughed.

"I-I'll bring this up with the other guys and tell them that we are choosing a different name. Is this fine?" He laughed nervously

"Good, good," Shibai said. "Anyway, I'll get to celebrating the festival, you should too. See you later, byeee!" He was about to walk away when he realized he didn't have any money on him. "Uhh, actually do you mind if I borrow a bit of money from you? I promise to pay it back later."

Ito felt like he could cry at any moment now. "How much do you need?"

"Just a little so I can celebrate and afford accommodations for the night, I will leave tomorrow."

"Fine," he said with a stale look on his face. Small coins were grabbed from the seal and presented to Shibai. "Is this enough?"

"Sure, thanks for your kindness." he said and walked away.

Another person was left completely stunned by Shibai's actions, this time for a completely different reason. Ito could only hope that he didn't have anything nefarious in mind because there was nobody here that would be able to stop him. Maybe if he sent a request to the Senju or Uchiha they would be able to handle him but it was already too late. 'What a scary guy, how have I never heard of him, Kuchiki Shibai… And kindness my ass, how could I have refused after what happened,' he thought.

Shibai walked around for a while until he finally spotted a nice looking izakaya he wanted to visit. He pulled the door open and stepped inside, most people turned around to look at the person who entered. Some turned back to their foods and drinks after a while and others kept staring. There was a free spot at the desk next to a woman so Shibai took it. After sitting down he turned to look at the person next to him. She was stunning, with full pink lips, smooth skin, and a symmetrical face. Shibai could tell she had a great form hidden behind the kimono too. She turned too and their eyes met.

He could sense that she was slightly curious about him right off the bat because of his looks so he started the conversation, "Hi, what's your name?" he asked.

A sweet voice answered, "You can call me Aya," she smiled. "Nice to meet you."

The bartender approached them from behind the desk so he quickly snuck in, "I'm Shibai, nice to meet you too."

"What would you like to have?" The bartender said.

Shibai turned to look at the woman, "Is junmai sake fine with you? I haven't had it in a while." He received a nod so he ordered a few cups of sake for the both of them. The rise in her excitement was immediately sensed.

"You know I really like your kimono, you look stunning in it," he said.

"Thank you, you don't look bad at all yourself," she smiled a little. "The kimono was my mothers before she passed away:"

Shibai gave a solemn nod, "She had really great taste," He said. "I hope I didn't bring up any bad memories."

"It's fine, I hardly remember her. I was very little." Shibai didn't want the mood to stay unpleasant so he changed topics, "So, what are you doing all alone here?"

"Oh I'm not from here, I'm just here for business so I don't know anyone," she said.

"The same as me then, I only had minor business with the leader. Luckily it got resolved already," he said.

"With the leader?" Looks like your luck is pretty good. I've heard he only appears when he wants to so he isn't easy to meet."

They continued their conversation and got to know each other better. Shibai found out that she was part of a small village that sold various hand crafted items and that was what she was here for. Their village had been suffering from bandit raids for a while so everyone was stressed out. The talk continued for a couple of hours while they drank and ate and eventually the atmosphere turned flirty. Small touches were exchanged here and there and Shibai sensed some lust in her. It was getting late and Shibai offered to walk her back to her inn, she accepted. Even though it was already late, the festival was still going on full steam so it would be hard to hear anything someone next to you spoke. Shibai leaned in and spoke to her ear softly, "You won't mind if we go further, right?" He already knew that she wouldn't refuse but he needed to ask still.

She didn't object and they entered the inn trying to keep their hands off each other until they entered the privacy of her room. While she was busy trying to open the lock with her hands shaking from anticipation, Shibai quickly placed a sound sealing formation on the room so no voices could get out. Aya managed to open the door and they both entered swiftly. He couldn't hold his hands back anymore and he pushed her lightly against the wall and went for a kiss while his hands searched for anything to hold on to. The kiss was needy and soon tongues were involved, both trying to taste as much of each other as possible. 'She tastes so sweet.' he thought. Both felt as if time stopped completely while their tongues battled.

The kiss broke off and they were both left gasping for air, their foreheads finding a place to rest on each other. Their eye contact was so deep it felt like the other could see directly to your soul. "I want you so much Aya." That got her lust even stronger. She took his hand and pulled him to the bed. She slid off her kimono and was left in her bra and panties. He saw that she had big perky tits, a flat stomach, small waist and smooth thighs, the perfect hourglass figure. Shibai tried eating all of her body with his eyes berfore he started stripping himself too. 'The shihakusho looks really cool, but it's impossible to take it off fast, damn it.' First came off the haori and then the rest after a bit of struggling. Now he too was only left in his boxers.

And now Shibai wasn't the only one anymore ogling the other. Aya's eyes searched through every part of his body. He was extremely muscular but they weren't big and bulging, instead they were smaller and extremely tight packed and hard. "Wow, it looks like you train a lot."

"Sometimes," he answered.

Her eyes went downwards and got stuck on his erection. "Oops, seems like I got you a little excited. It looks so big."

"Want to see how excited you got me?" He threw her a cocky grin.