
Naruto: The GodLike Hokage + Multiverse

The Gura Gura no Mi is known as the strongest fruit in the world of one piece. In Naruto world, the blood limit would grant the strongest power for those ninjas. But what if The Gura Gura no Mi is found in the world of Naruto And after it is eaten it will be like a blood limit power. Well, the Mc just took that Fruit. This story begins before the second Ninja war by two years. Now in ONE PIECE *New Cover* *I be going back every weekday/ Only Saturday In Weekends/ fixing 10 chapters grammars for new readers satisfaction lol.* To reminded you guys. this novel has 400+ chapters So, the storyline has lots of arc's, but all the arcs are godly, So, if you guys don't like that please don't hesitate to leave, But, I do my best to update more and more and get 2 chapters per day! :) Btw This is not my translation! Got the translation from translateotaku and all credits to TranslatinOtaku :) And All Credits to Original Authors! I just putting it here for more readers to see as translationotaku website is hard to move on mobile devices so before you roast me I put it here for readers who uses mobile or easier way to read on webnovel :)

HolyOniiSama · Anime & Comics
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576 Chs

Chapter 83: Sakumo’s Shock

The situation got really tense and dangerous, suddenly a voice came from outside.

"Danzo who gave you the right to attack my men?"

The voice instantly changed the color on Danzo's face, he looked very surprised.

Hatake Sakumo?!

How could he go back so fast?

At the next moment, along with his Anbus, Sakumo went in the room changing the situation, he took off his mask calmly while he looked at Danzo.

The situation got reversed in an instant.

Danzo didn't think that Sakumo will go back so soon, but also unscratched.

They were elites from the Rocks Village how could he solved the situation so quickly then returned to the camp?!

This is too fast!

Sakumo is not this powerful!

Danzo looked at him with agony, then he took a glance at Naito, and said: "Since you're back, I don't have anything to do here, you deal with your men."

He said that and left the place, while he was passing by Naito he stared at him with a trace of hatred.

Sakumo shook his head then looked at Naito's team.



Yamanaka and Asano saluted Sakumo.


Sakumo nodded at them then said: "Horitsu…"

"He's already gone."

Hearing these words, Sakumo suddenly sighed, the other two looked at each other in silence.

However, they didn't let the emotions control them.

"Well, if this is the case, you must first step back, and wait for the regrouping."

Sakumo nodded his head.

At this time, a weird idea came to Sakumo's mind.

Horitsu is dead… the corpse…

"Wait! how did he die, what happened, give me a full report."

Sakumo lost himself for a moment, then he immediately calmed himself.

It's impossible, it's just a concidence.


Yamanaka and Asano looked at Naito, then with a serious tone they said: "Captain, you better look at this first."

Yamanaka and Asano pull out several of scrolls then they released their seals.

Suddenly, a lot of head appeared.

Sakumo has been doing this job for so many years, this scene didn't surprise him at all.

But the moment he took a glance at those heads, he noticed that all of them had the forehead protector of the Rocks Village.

At this moment, Sakumo couldn't calm himself anymore.

This is… It can't be… it's the heads of the assassination troop from the Rocks Village!


"How did you guys do this?"

For a moment, even the Anbu members couldn't help but get shocked.

This is incredible.

They didn't think that these guys were the reason behind the death of that troop!

"Give me a full report about what happened!"

Sakumo took a deep breath then asked this question while he was looking at Yamanaka and Asano.

Yamanaka also took a deep breath.

Then he slowly told him all the details.

He starts with Horitsu's death and how he was ambushed, all the people in the place found that normal.

However, the moment he started talking about Naito and how he was able to destroy all the enemy's troop in a moment, Sakumo and all the Anbus had an incredible look on their faces, then all of them looked at Naito.

Yamanaka didn't stop there, he continued on talking until he reached the part where Naito fought against four Ninjas and killed them all by himself.

When he finished, the look on Sakumo and the Anbus was unbelievable.

It was like they saw everything with their own eyes!

Sakumo looked at Naito, he couldn't imagine that Naito was this strong!

This incredible!

In just a few months, Naito become much stronger than before, how incredible!

Sakumo was certain about everything Yamanaka said, since no one in this team has the ability to help Naito, none of these two had an ability that could do an area damage or an ability that effect on a group of people.

No one in the room had any explanation for this, Naito with a calm expression gave them one.

"I can use the Hachimon Tonkou Technique."

These words made it all clear to Sakumo.

Everyone heard the stories about Maito Dai, the Hachimon Tonkou Technique, can really enhance the power of the person to a whole different level.

"So this is the case…"

Sakumo was aware of the relationship Naito has with Dai, so it made sense that they've practiced this Technique with each other.

However, Naito explained that his technique was totally different then the one Dai is using.

A permanent enhancement!

Even though they all understood how Naito was able to pull this out, they all got very surprised.

What a great technique… Incredible!

Naito has such a strong technique at this age, it's almost impossible to imagine how much power he will gain in the future.

Sakumo took a deep breath, but still, he looked a little bit surprised, he looked at Naito and said: "I will report this to the Hokage, Yuu Naito, you should go and rest, the side effect should be very hard on your body."


Naito didn't explain that part, he just nodded and left the room.

The Anbus in the room dazzled out looking at him and didn't wake up until he left the place.

"What an amazing talent."

"Yeah, it won't take too much time before he becomes a team captain… No, he can even be one of the Captains of the Anbu!"

"But this time, I'm afraid that the reward will be very generous, he maybe gets access to read the special and secret techniques book."

All the Shinbois in the room envied him the moment they thought about that.

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