

This story started with a normal day in the Elemental Nations. The sun was slowly getting up, ninja and civilians alike waking up, while birds flew in the sky. The sky was devoid of any cloud and it was so sunny outside that you wouldn't think Winter was coming.

But while this day started like any other ones, something was about to change that. In an instant black clouds filled the entire sky, the wind picking up while thunder crackled. A particularly big bolt of thunder came crashing down in a forest, which started to burn in a matter of seconds.

But the bolt of thunder didn't hit the ground for no reasons. Something was left behind, the small body of a clearly malnourished child. Said child looked like he had been dropped from heaven itself, with white hair purer than snow and a face that was so perfect it made the child a bit inhumane. The child was wearing nothing more than a rag that acted as pants, he didn't have any shirt or shoes.

The child groaned as he woke up, his eyes adapting to the light as if he had lived in a cave for years. After this was done, the child took in his surrounding, his face gradually showing growing fear. For he had no idea of where he was.....Or even who he was. But what really horrified him was his body, and it was shown when he looked down and saw how little he was.

" W-What the hell ?!" Yelled the boy. He began to frantically touch different parts of his body until his hands came in contact with his face.

"Sunken cheeks...Perfectly sized nose.....Thin lips....What the hell is that ?!" Shouted the boy even louder. This time he got up and dusted his pants, before sighing and rubbing his eyebrows in a slow motion.

" Ok so i'm in a totally unknown place, with no idea of who i am, in a body that isn't my own.....How do i even know it's not my own ?! I don't even fucking remember my name, how can i remember that i my body wasn't like this ?!" Asked the boy, starting to take rapid shallow breaths. He took a moment to call himself down, but it seems that someone really didn't wanted him to calm down, as something appeared right in front of his face. It was a.....

" A game screen ? What the fu...Like seriously, come on !!! I wake up in a random place, with a new body and a game screen pop right in my face !!! How cliche can you be ?!" Yelled the boy, his mind trying to get around the fact that what was happening to him sounded a little bit too much like the basic plot of a reincarnation story. But he was just human so it was a little bit difficult for him to believe that....

"* Sigh * I don't know why, but i feel like those type of things only happen to me. Am i cursed or something like that ?! Cuz that's seriously fucked-" The boy didn't had the time to finish his sentence that the screen glowed and an atrociously loud noise, like an alarm, was heard.

[ Language, host ! ]


" Wha-.....Who talked ?! Show yourself !!!" Yelled the boy looking around in panic .

[ As crazy as this might sound to you, host, i'm the game screen that you are currently seeing. To be a bit more precise, i'm a system....I think you already know which type of system i'm talking about, don't you ? ]

" So you're telling me....That you are a system like the ones you can found in those novels and mangas ? I mean that would explain your weird robotic voice, but still !!! I mean.....How is that even possible ?! And why us humans weren't even aware things like that existed ? Like.....How is it possible that systems exist and we don't know about it. Because if those authors wrote about the systems, and said systems actually existed....Well that's a pretty big coincidence. Maybe too big to be one. " Said the boy, eyeing the screen warily while rubbing his chin.

[ Let's not talk about meaningless details, host. Even if i do answer your questions, it won't help you in your current situation. Now i will tell you what i am, and how i works. ]

The boy was rather taken aback by that, but still nodded, albeit a bit relucantly.

[ Well, contrarily to most systems, i don't have a shop or missions.....I only have your character sheet and your inventory. But don't worry about this. What you need to know is that i will give you Xp everytime you do something i deem worthy of being rewarded. With this xp you will level up, and each level will give you something random. Those things are 'gifts' that my creator left for you. They can be anything, and come from any fictional world. After reaching the level 10 you will bebable to reach a new tier. Reaching a new tier will give you the chance to choose from 3 incredible rewards, so you better try to level up as much as you can. Also each time you level up, you will gain 10 stats points, but i don't think i need to tell you what they are used for. This is all you need to know for now.]

" Hmmm, Mister System, you kinda forgot to tell me in which world i was. You just talked about fictional worlds, so i guess i am in one of them. Hopefully a peacef-"

[ You are currently in the world of Naruto. I told you the where, but i can't tell you the when, so don't bother to ask. ]

" Naruto eh....Hehehe..." The boy chuckled as he looked at the ground. But he then suddenly tried to punch the screen, only for his fist to pass right through it.


[ You wouldn't want to know, trust me host ]

"W-What ?" Asked the boy as he looked at the screen, his teary cobalt blue eyes glaring at it.

[ Nothing. But you might want to get out of here really quickly. You pretty much crashed in the forest with a thunderbolt. It's bound to attract some attention....Some non-required attention from people that could potentially end you life in a second. ]

"........I don't know who sent me here...But i hate him, that's for sure."

Hope you liked it !!!!

Comment to let me know what you think of this prologue

I'm sorry for any grammatical errors, i still write way too fast.

Schrollacreators' thoughts