
Naruto: the gamer system

When Naruto became 6 years old a mysterious system called the gamer system integrated with his soul, now, Naruto has all the chances to become an OP ninja, let's see how this goes. *Warning* some things will be AU since this is a fanfic.

Washuru · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 56: Gaara

Naruto walked back to his hotel at a calm pace, the ninja following him had left as soon as he reached back to his room, most likely going back to report to the Kazekage or some other official, no one wanted foreign ninjas snooping around their village even if they were in an alliance.

Especially not if you had a young and crazy Jinchuriki walking around that wanted to murder everyone to prove himself to his imaginary mother.

Naruto waited for half an hour and after he made sure that no one would be coming to check up on the hotel he climbed out of the window of his hotel room.

All he had to do now was infiltrate the house of the Kazekage, find Temari, set up a distraction, and find Gaara, overall quite a difficult mission if you took a normal ninja.

But Naruto had his system and his IDs, he could infiltrate a place easily by just entering an empty ID and exiting once he was where he wanted to be.

Naruto didn't know which room was Temari's so he first needed to do some recon, there were two groups of ninjas patrolling around that building and Naruto dodged them easily, they were merely Chunin level ninjas, Naruto could be compared to a Jonin level easily, he doubted there was any Chunin out there that could beat him, but there could always be someone strong that hadn't been promoted yet so Naruto didn't look down on someone purely because of their rank.

Nonetheless, Naruto quickly found Temari's room by looking from the outside, he created an empty ID and quietly exited while he stuck to the roof, once he made sure that nobody was inside the room other than Temari he jumped down from the roof which seemed to scare Temari.

Before Temari screamed Naruto put his hand over her mouth and quickly shushed her.

"Quiet! We don't want to be found out." Naruto said in a shouting whisper.

Temari realized who it was so she quickly calmed down and put away the Kunai that she was stabbing into the infiltrator's stomach, luckily Naruto managed to stop her in time before she stabbed her him.

"Naruto, you shouldn't scare me like that." Temari admonished with a glare.

Naruto chuckled and turned around, "Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go find that problematic little brother of yours."

Before they left the room Naruto applied a few seals to Temari, they would suppress her chakra signature and would make her stand out less.

Now that Naruto was confident in not being able to be found the two of them left the room and sneaked out of the building, Temari had already confirmed that Gaara wasn't in the house so they had to go and find him, which wasn't hard as Naruto could sense him from a long distance.

The two ran towards Gaara and after 15 minutes saw a kid that was around 130 centimeters tall surrounded by softly flowing sand, Naruto decided that it would be faster if he went in alone so he told Temari to stay back and to run away at the first sign of danger.

Naruto used a jutsu that he had been taught by Jiraiya and became invisible, Gaara didn't even notice him until he was holding his shoulder.

The second Naruto touched Gaara the sand surrounding them hardened into spikes and stabbed towards Naruto's body, but Naruto was faster.

First Naruto injected his chakra into Gaara and forced him into a meditative state, then by controlling Gaara's chakra he forced Gaara into his own mindscape where the One Tails had been sealed.

Naruto appeared in a dark and sandy place next to a young red-haired boy who had deep circles under his eyes.

Gaara was shocked, no one had been able to touch him after Yashamaru had attempted to kill him.

"Y-you were able to touch me?" Gaara said in a shocked voice.

Naruto smiled at Gaara, Gaara was only a year younger than him but he seemed to be completely different from how Naruto had been, they both grew up hated by their village, scorned for something they could not control, and neither of them had any parental love and both wanted to simply make friends, but whereas one had simply given up and become a bloodthirsty maniac hated even more, the other gained success, became strong and gained friends.

Both stood across from each other one with wide eyes and the other with a gentle smile.

"Hello there Gaara," Naruto said softly, he knew how the boy felt, he had felt the same after all.

"Who are you? and where are we?" Gaara asked his surprise disappearing into a glare, he didn't trust anyone anymore, not after what had happened.

"I am Naruto, from Konoha, and I am a Jinchuriki just like you, your sister asked me to help you out because she couldn't stand seeing you be in pain, so now here I am, I will make sure that the One Tails won't be able to influence you," Naruto said in a calm voice.

"Wait Jinchuriki? does that mean that you are like me?" Gaara asked his glare lessening a tiny bit.

"Yes I am, I had the Nine-Tails sealed in me at my birth by my parents who gave their lives to save my village, if we look at things we are quite similar, I was hated by my village and my parents were never there for me, so we are in fact quite similar," Naruto said attempting to form a connection with Gaara.

Before Gaara could reply though he grunted in pain and held his head, a crazy-sounding voice sounded out behind Naruto.

"BAHAHAHA I didn't think I would meet the container of one of my brothers so soon, I must be blessed to be able to kill you, within the mind of my own holder at that." The One Tails shouted out.

Naruto turned around and looked at the giant sand tanuki that loomed over him "I am afraid that won't be possible One Tails." Naruto said with a calm voice.

The giant sand Tanuki growled at Naruto "My name is Shukaku you insolent brat, as expected of someone who holds that damned fox, you are just as arrogant as he is!" With a mighty shout, Shukaku lunged at Naruto.

Naruto smiled and tapped his foot on the ground, the sand that they were standing on changed into stone and surrounded Shukaku.

Shukaku shouted once more "What! How! You brat let me kill you!" Shukaku shouted out in rage.

Naruto chuckled and looked at Gaara "See that Gaara, they aren't as mighty as they make themselves out to be-" Naruto heard a growl inside his own mind but ignored it with finesse "Inside your own mind you are basically god and they can't hurt you as long as your imagination is good enough and fast enough, they can struggle though so you will need to train to hold him back by yourself." Naruto said with a grunt as Shukaku banged his giant tail against the stone structure holding him in place.

Gaara looked amazed, he had always thought of Shukaku as simply a crazy unstoppable killing machine but Naruto had shown him different in a mere second.

"Now if you don't mind I'll get to work and strengthen the seals holding him down, after I am done you won't have to worry about him taking over your mind unless you willingly give him access, so you will be able to sleep peacefully," Naruto said as a brush and ink appeared in his hands.

Naruto waved his hand and a giant scroll unsealed in front of him, Naruto controlled Gaara's mindscape and brought the seal of Shukaku in front of him, Shukaku looked shocked.

"That scroll! So you are one of those sealing bastards!" Shukaku shouted out as he started to struggle harder, he stopped looking down on the boy, he didn't doubt his capabilities in sealing, and if possible he did not want to be sealed away.

Naruto placed the seal on his now unfurled scroll on an empty piece and pumped a bit of chakra into the scroll activating it.

One of the ways to utilize the scroll was to identify other seals with it, another was being able to modify already existing seals by overriding them with new data.

The scroll absorbed the seal and soon after ancient letters, words, sentences, and symbols surrounded the seal, ones that only Naruto could read.

Naruto cursed under his breath "These bastards applied the worst seal I've ever seen."

The seal was barely able to hold Shukaku in so Naruto was not surprised by how Gaara's mental state was, it was basically as if Gaara was the one sealed into Shukaku and not the other way around, that's how bad the seal was.

Naruto started moving his hands swiftly, oftentimes deleting parts of the seal entirely and other times simply altering it, after 10 minutes Naruto finished with a tired sigh.

"Damn, holding back a Bijuu and altering a seal still takes quite a bit of stamina out of me," Naruto complained, even if the seal was shit it was golden shit so it was still difficult to alter it, Naruto also had to consider Gaara leaking any chakra so he had to help Gaara's body in containing it.

Shukaku had completely disappeared from Gaara's mindscape sealed away in a desolate part of it that could only be accessed if Gaara wanted it.

Gaara stared at Naruto, he couldn't believe what had just happened, he firmly believed that everyone hated him and wanted to kill him, even his own family, so hearing that his own sister was so worried about him shocked him to the core, but he was still skeptical.

But Naruto ignored that "Well then, I believe my work here is done, once we exit your mindscape you will immediately fall asleep but you don't have to worry about everything you just have to sleep." Naruto said as he held Gaara's shoulder and exited Gaara's mindscape with Gaara in tow.

On the outside only a single second had passed, one moment Naruto was standing next to Gaara and in the other, he was holding onto the boy who was now sleeping.

Temari saw this happen and immediately rushed towards them.

"Naruto please tell me that it worked!" Temari asked with a frantic expression.

"Ho~ how could you ever doubt me, Gaara will from now on no longer be plagued by an overgrown sand Tanuki," Naruto said playfully.

Temari didn't say anything, actions often spoke louder than words.

She lunged at Naruto and before Naruto could react grabbed him by his collar and kissed him.


You can read 9 chapters ahead on my Pat reon!

https://www.pat reon.com/Washuru


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