
Naruto: The fox, The flower and The crow

3 friends are summoned by God to reincarnate as their favorite characthers to give entertainement to the readers... i mean to the God... not the readers... Given 3 wishes each how will the new team 7 change the world of Naruto? The God gave only one condition for them: no cannon pairings, so it will be more entertaining. -=DISCLAIMER i do not own Naruto or anything related to it. I also do not own the cover... in resume i don't own anything=-

Joao132135 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

-=Months flow like water=-

I hope you guys got the reference on the title

The next day.

"Good morning guys" Naruto said with sleepy eyes

"Yawn~, Good morning you two..." Sasuke replied

">_< i could really use some more sleep right now..." Sakura complained while almost closing her eyes again

"Cmon we need to do what we can before we need to go to the academy... lets get some haircuts first and after we finish at tye academy we can get some clothes." Naruto said

Now you must know that Naruto will need to use a henge tochange his face to be able to get a haircut. Stupid villagers...

Naruto used his skill snatch(i will call it snatch sometimes and steal other times but its the same skill) to ste-*COUGH* borrow some money from some villagers.

Naruto cut his hair like Minato when he was a teenager.

Sasuke cut his hair a little shorter than it was with his shippuden haircut.

Sakura cut her hair like her cannon hair(the short one not the long one).

All in all, they looked a little better than the day before.


At the academy Iruka just presented Misuki as the P.E. auxiliar teacher and they started the tests

"First thing we need to test is your endurance, run laps around this field as for as long as you can we will count the laps" Mizuki explaoned.

The students and teachers alike were open mouthed. the scores were as follows.

1 - Naruto 231 laps

2 - Sasuke 230 laps

3 - Sakura 226 laps

4 - Kiba 27 laps

Everyone eas surprised by the endurance of the 3 kids, Ino was looking at Sakura as if she was a ghost. Kiba was staring at Naruto and Sasuke vowing to surpass them. The fangirls of Sasuke were looking at him as if he was a god, completely ignoring that he lost to Naruto.

"we-well then, good job you three. Now for the next test lets start the second test: shuriken jutsu" 'how is this possible? they have more stamina than ME!' Mizuki said as he almost lost hope in his ninja career.

The scores of shuriken jutsu were as follows:

1- Sasuke 10/10

2 - Sakura 9/10

3 - Naruto 8/10

4 - Shikamaru 8/10

Naruto finished faster than Shikamaru so his score was highter

"Good job Shika, i tought that you would be too lazy to even pick the shurikens up" Naruto walked up to Shikamaru and started talking

"what a drag~, if i end as the last in this exam my mom would make my life hell." Shikamaru grimmances at his misfortune

"Must be hard"

"You have no idea..."


"Hey Sakura? is that really you?" Ino asks, she cant accept that Sakura changed so much in such little time

"Hum? Ah INO! Come here lets talk of what we did since last time we saw eachother" Sakura's happy go lucky new personality surprised Ino at first but after they talked about a lot of things that only the two of them knew Ino finally started accepting Sakura's Changes

"So what would you do if i were still pursuing Sasuke?" Ino asks as they were rivals because of this in the past

"Bro? Good luck for you i guess... but why are you asking?" Sakura asks back

"But didnt you like him before?" Ino asks confused

"Ah, ahahah~, thats embarassing to say but i only tried to be with him to compete with you..." Sakura is embarassed, but answers regardless of it.

"Wait really?" Ino asks this time shocked by Sakura's words


Sasuke was running away from his fangirls while cursing Naruto and Sakura for not helping him....


"Okay everyone now for the last part of the test, we will set spar matches between you guys in a 1v1 style tournament, the firls and boys will be separated until the semi-finals. No ninjutsu is allowed, Now lets start with the matchups. First fight Choji Akimichi vs Shikamaru Nara"

The fights were not really impressive as they are just academy students afterall, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura breezed through the matches some times playing around and sometimes ending in only one hit. The semi-finals matchups were as follow

Naruto vs Sasuke

Sakura vs Hinata

Sakura started her fight by closing the distance, as no ninjutsu was allowed to be used if she let Hinata have the initiative, she would be at a disadvantage

Hinata was scared of hurting her opponents but since she saw Sakura's fights before she knows that she cant hurt her so she attacked back, entering a gentle fist istance she tried to block Sakura's tenketsus when she punched in her direction. But the punch was just a feint as the true attack was a low kick that Hinata only dodged because of her byakugan having almost 360° vision.

Hinata jumped back and Sakura chased again giving no time to Hinata to form a battle plan. Sakura kicked, punched and repeated constantly, even though Hinata deflected most if the attacks some of them needed to be blocked as she could not deflect them so she was slowly pushed back until Sakura sudently stoped attacking.

Hinata was confused at first but when she heard Irukas voice she saw that she was out of bounds

"Hinata is outside the designed area, Sakura wins"

Naruto vs Sasuke

Naruto started the fight with a high kick that Sasuke dodged by ducking, Sasuke retaliated by punching Naruto in the gut but Naruto blocked his punch and was pushed back a little.

Naruto jumped right back at Sasuke who punched Naruto with a right hook, Naruto dodged it but lost his balance leaving him open to Sasuke's kick which pushed him out of the arena.

Sasuke wins just as they planned earlier.

Sasuke decided to not fight Sakura as she was kind of a battle junkie and would end up exposing their true strenght. But the fangirls of Sasuke were almost fainting by his 'gentleman' act.

Naruto teased Sasuke a lot because of that. Sasuke as annoyed as he was could not say anything about it.

Sakura was sad that she could not battle agains Sasuke but when she remembered that they would start their training latter she cheered up

As the biased bastards that the teacher minus Iruka were. They did not accept putting a civilian girl at the top of the tournament so the final score ended like that

1 - Sasuke Uchiha

2 - Naruto Uzumaki

3 - Sakura Haruno

4 - Hinata Hyuga


At the hokage office Hiruzen who was peepi--*COUGH* watching the academy test was surprised

"To think that Itachi's brother would be this strong, this civillian girl is also impressive to be able to best a hyuga in taijutsu,Naruto even managed to snatch a second place. Minato, Kushina you two would be so proud of him right now..."


Latter at the uchiha training grounds

"Yesterday i foun the crow summoning scroll at the uchiha library, so i think that i should try to recreate Itachi's Crow substitution..." Sasuke starts to plan his training

"I am thinking of dktching the ANBU that gurds me and go to the Uzumaki and Namikaze compound to see if i find anything there, make a prank to cover it up and then go search for Gai or Lee..." Naruto sets his couse of action

"Oh Itachis substitution huh? i should create one myself... i could use.... Aha i know it, i will create sakura petals with wood style and use them. I could also use them to defend and attack like that guys from bleach!" Sakura has a idea that would in the future lead to her nickname in the bingo book.

They start their own plans. Sakura starts trying to create sakura petals with wood style, Sasuke signs the Crown summoning scroll and starts to recreate the same jutsu as Itachi, Naruto dirches the ANBU that always follow him and sneaks in the Uzumaki/Namikaze residence.

He finds a seal with the uzumaki simbol above it 'How can this place not be guarded is Hiruzen getting dumber the older he gets?' Naruto drops his blood and the seal opens, he find a storage scroll and takes it away.

When Naruto gets out of the place he runs in the direction of the hokage tower and paints some funny faces on it to make his ANBU ditching not suspicious, He went searching for Gai and after he found him running laps aroind konohs on his hands... Gai accepted teaching Naruto for 1 year after Naruto got a training schedule and some nutrition advice from Gai he went back to the uchiha trsining grouds and opened the scroll that he found at the uzumaki clan, he found a lot of books about fuinjutsu and clan jutsus as the adamantine chains or kaguras mind eye, eve a way to get the special healing chakra that Karin had. They grouped up and started sharing their findings at their mindscape and just like that a year suddently went by.

Well i decided to just summarize what they dd at the start and time skip it all... they will have a lot of new jutsus and you will all see it during the bell test. Different from my other fic we will NOT go to the land of waves and i will create mostly NEW plots and only big events from cannon will still happen. And yes they will be quite OP so if you dont like to see super strong MCs then you will probably dislike the cannon events as they will be way too OP for them

Thanks for reading. Cheers~

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