
Naruto: the forsaken

upon opening his eyes the MC found himself in the land of the five great nations... As a child of the.. fourth hokage? isaac, with the power of a JJK Template system to aid him on his journey, is left to find his own place in a world of shinobi. [warning]: there will be cursing and sexual content in this story. readers below the age of 17 please be advised. =============================== A/N: all copyrighted content in this story belongs to their respective creators. The art work for this story is not mine. I'm merely using it for this story. this is a non-profit fanfiction.

BrandonCH_7847 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 6 - Awakening


{Houzu pov}


"Aaaah..." Yuki whimpered as his skin grew paler. If a sensor saw his chakra and coils they would see both shrink to the point it would be extremely difficult to utilize his chakra at will, if at all for that matter.

[Name: Yuki Minazuka]

Age - 27

Race - Human


[Tier]: 9-A

Strength: Athletic human

Agility: Athletic human

Chakra: E


'Hm, now he is truly insignificant.' Houzu remarked with a smile as the man shakily got to his feet.

"Y-you... you said the deal could only be broken if we attacked each other or my genin!" Yuki yelled as he tried to walk towards them.

"Aaah~ true. But Itachi isn't your genin any longer, is he?" Houzu said with a sly smile.

Upon hearing his words Yuki finally realized his mistake. Itachi renunciation and defense of him changed his position in the vows regulations. Thus attacking itachi was attacking houzu's comrade and took action against him.

"Sensei!" Out of the shadows came Tenma and shinko yelling in concern for their teacher. Running passed itachi and himself the two check on their sensei's condition.

"You, freak!" Tenma shouted with hatred and authority as he bore hate filled eyes towards him. "What did you do to Yuki-sensei!"

In response houzu grinned. "We made an agreement and he broke it. Simple as that. Why? Is he so weak he needs a child to defend him?"

Gritting his teeth, Tenma drew a kunai from his hip pouch and ran towards his direction.



{Itachi pov}


"Stop Tenma, don't make the same mistake Yuki made!" Itachi begged as he stood in front of houzu, only to recieve a hostile glare from him in return as the older genin stopped in his tracks.

"Shut it Uchiha! I'm tired of hearing your voice! Ever sinse you joined us you always defended that abomination! But like always, sensei told us to be nice to you and act like we're 'friends'. Uh! Every second of working with you was hell!" Hearing those words itachi felt a twinge of pain in his heart.

"Now be quiet, after I'm done teaching him a lesson, your next!" Tenma shouted as he continued his way towards them both.

In response itachi raised his gaurd in preparation for the inevitable confrontation as a new sense of resolve rose in his heart as he felt his eyes were beginning to burn irritably.

To protect his friend...

Suddenly, it was as if time slowed down as he could perceive Tenma's every action and intention. Without any hesitation itachi ran towards his former teammate and disarmed his opponent with ease.

"Wha-!" Tenma stuttered only to recieve a swift kick to the face causing him to fall onto his back. Before the eldest boy could get back up a kunai was pressed to his neck as he looked into Itachi's newly awakened sharingan.



{Houzu pov}


[Name: Itachi Uchiha]

Age - 8

Gender - male

Race - human


[Tier: High 8-C]

[Strength]: Class 1 > Class 5 (with chakra)

[Speed]: Superhuman > Subsonic

(with chakra)

[Chakra]: D > C

(Without chakra: Athletic human)


Ability: Sharingan (one tomoe)[new]


'Wow.. all those gains for just awakening his kekkei genkai? And he's only getting stronger..' Houzu thought with a smile as he walked towards his defender.



{Itachi pov}


As the young boy was about to take the traitors life a hand touched his shoulder. With quick reflexes he turned in time to see houzu looking down at him with a neutral expression.

"Thats enough itachi, don't stoop to their level, Or mine." Hearing his words itachi slowly came to his senses and got off Tenma.

"Besides, our friends up on high saw more than enough to make a solid case against them. Right you three?" Upon seeing Houzu addressing to the tree tops above a group of three anbu dropped down.

"Indeed." The leader spoke who wore a mask resembling a dog with red markings along with silver hair adorning his head as he turned his attention to his former teacher and teammate.

Quickly they apprehended both Tenma and Yuki who tried their best to resist, only to be rendered unconcious with a swift blow the back of their necks and looked to the remaining genin including himself.

For a time the three shinobi seemed to discuss amongst themselves. Itachi could barely hear their discussion but was able to tidbits of information. More importantly, whether to continue their mission. After another minute of contemplation they dispersed as the leader approached them.

"Itachi Uchiha, Shinko Inari, Houzu Uzumaki. I shall guide you to the daimyo's estate. However you are intructed to report your statements to the 3rd hokage as soon as you escort the daimyo to the village. Understood?" All children present nodded their heads without hesitation, not wanting to argue with the anbu.

Retrieving their tents and supplies they were immediately lead to the fire capital by the silver haired shinobi. While traveling across the various trees in an attempt to hasten their journey houzu gently nudged his shoulder as they continued moving.

"Itachi... thanks for sticking up for me." For a moment he saw houzu seem to be clueless in what he should say next, almost.. lost. "Sorry... it's just.. no one has ever done that before. I'm still getting use to the feeling."

Hearing his words he couldn't help but smile in return.

"No problem! We're freinds aren't we?" He smiled warmly as houzu's eyes widened as he remained silent for a few minute's.

"Yeah.." Houzu smiled as he looked into his eyes.

"I guess we are!"


~Fire capital, Early morning~


{Houzu pov}


The moment they passed the capitals fortified walls after 28 hours of non-stop travel, they wasted no time in notifying the daimyo of their arrival.

While waiting for the daimyo's summons to his estate, the anbu took them to a nearby inn. Paying the receptionist they were given their own rooms next to one another. Shinko wasted no time in taking advantage of their temporary window of relaxation by sleeping in.

Honestly, Houzu couldn't blame her for being in such a state. She wasn't anywhere near as strong or have the necessary stamina to travel as long as it took to get to the capital.

While itachi left a shadow clone to watch over Shinko, both children went off to train and sharpen their skills for the important task ahead.


~Outside capital grounds, Afternoon~




In the vast woods surrounding the land of fire's capital he and Itachi could be seen exchanging blow after blow while the uchiha had his sharingan active at all times. Most spars involved houzu holding back immensely in an attempt to allow his comrade to last for more than one second.

But now, his newly awakened sharingan gave the prodigy the ability to actually see his attacks without the aid of his curse energy and techniques.

Over the last 24 hours itachi's new gain in power from awakening his sharingan had finaly seemed to stabilized.

[Name: Itachi Uchiha]

Age - 8

Gender - male

Race - human


[Tier: 8-B]

Strength: Class 5 (with chakra)

Speed: Subsonic > Subsonic+(with chakra)

Chakra: C > C+

(Without chakra: Athletic human)


Ability: Sharingan (1 tomoe)


'Uchiha genetics are truly living cheat codes..' the pyromancer thought while he saw itachi dodging and analyzing his movements as the single tomoe in each iris rotated before his eyes.

Without warning Itachi fell back a certain distance away as he weaved a few hand signs as he breathed in a lung full of air.

'Fire style: Fireball jutsu!'

Exhaling once more, an enormous fireball rocketed towards houzu's position. However the young genin merely remained where he stood without a care in the world.


The resulting explosions caused trees and foliage to be blown away and set ablaze as the Uchiha searched the aftermath for his opponent.

From the epicenter of the carnage was a blazing inferno as houzu, Amidst the blaze, just stared at the flames coating his entire being with a nonchalant expression. Raising his hand the once raging flames surrounding the forests quickly gathered into a small sphere over his palm. Displaying his sheerexpertise in controlling the element.

Clenching his hand into a fist the sphere of flame was put out with ease like extinguishing a feebly lit match.

"Seriously itachi, fire? You should know by now that I'm immune to that element." He chastised as his friend wore a look of embarrassment.

"Oh... I honestly forgot about that." Itachi responded meekly as Houzu gave him a dead pan expression.

'Had the intelligence of a kage at an early age my ass...'


A/N: I'm honestly leaning on his next template being either Dagon, Mahito, Hanami or Toge Inumaki.