
Naruto: The Fool in Konoha

As one of the many first casualties of a devastating nuclear attack, he thought his life was over. Little did he know fate is not done chewing him yet, he would be reborn into the world of Naruto as an ordinary orphan during the aftermath of the Kyuubi's attack. With only the uncertain blessings bestowed upon him by a mysterious ROB, he must navigate this harsh and illogical world, and carved his place in the sun. He starts as a weak individual but gradually becomes stronger, focusing on seals as his main technique. AU.

Stalkah · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter XIX

I found myself wandering back to the training ground where I had sparred with Shisui not long ago, wondering if Itachi would be there as well.

With Itachi using shadow clones in class, I couldn't help but be curious about his activities.

Most likely, he was training diligently. The exams were approaching rapidly, and I had no doubt that he would graduate ahead of the rest of us.

As I cautiously observed from the bushes, my suspicions about the Uchiha brothers were confirmed.

Should I approach them? Would it be a disturbance? But deep down, I yearned to grow stronger, to surpass everyone else. There's no other reason why would I be reincarnated here.


Suddenly, my eyes met with Shisui, who smiled and waved at me. He had sensed my presence faster than I had expected.

"Yo, Nobuyuki! Why don't you come out and join us? No need to be shy," he said, ending his sentence with a grin.

I hesitated, my eyes darting left and right, trying to suppress the rising nervousness within me. Finally, I stood up and walked towards them.

"G- good evening," I greeted, my voice trembling slightly.

"Nobuyuki-kun, good evening," Itachi nodded in acknowledgment. Curiosity sparked within me as I noticed he was carrying a real steel sword, not just a wooden practice one.

"This?" Itachi explained, understanding my gaze, "Shisui has been teaching me Kenjutsu footwork all this time."

"I- I see," I replied, trying to absorb the unexpected revelation.

Shisui clenched his fists together, enthusiasm evident on his face. "Now that the whole gang is here, shall we continue?"

The old me wouldn't have believed that I would become friends with the Uchiha I had been avoiding all this time.

I felt a wave of gratitude wash over me.


After my lesson with Shisui, I found myself wandering to the bustling market district of Konoha. It was the busiest place in the entire village, especially during the evening hours.

Shinobi on duty discreetly blended in with the crowd, while others kept a watchful eye from the rooftops. Off-duty shinobi gathered to meet their comrades, enjoying dinner or drinks together.

As for my purpose, I couldn't help but wonder. I had been testing a new clone technique that I had developed, but the results were far below my expectations.

The clones lacked physical strength, struggling to even lift a few sheets of paper, let alone a book or scroll for absorption. And performing techniques was out of the question.

Increasing the Yang element would drain me too much, leading to an imbalance that rendered the solution ineffective.

Then it dawned on me—I had a favor to ask of Magoroku Ojii-san, the merchant associate I had befriended before joining the academy. I made my way to his shop, curiosity driving me forward.

As I opened the door, a peculiar sound caught my attention. It resembled the clatter of metal against rough surfaces. Inside, I found Magoroku disassembling an Eastern-style armor, piece by piece. I couldn't help but wonder why he possessed such an item.

Was he planning to sell it? It seemed unlikely that any shinobi in Konoha would be interested in such armor, as it had fallen out of grace in favor of lighter and more agile composite leather vests and jackets.

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before speaking, "Magoroku Ojii-san, what are you doing?"

"Oh, Nobuyuki-kun? I'm just getting rid of this junk. It's been gathering dust in my shop, and I need space for new merchandise. I plan to scrap it for materials," he explained casually.

"I see..." I watched as he placed the armor pieces into a box.

Clone... I wondered if I could compensate for the lack of a physical body by storing it in a container instead.

My mind raced with possibilities, and before I knew it, the words slipped out of my mouth, "Could you give it to me, or perhaps consider it a reward once I finish your job?"

My request came without much thought as I continued to contemplate how to make this work.

He turned to me, his gaze shifting between me and the armor pieces. "That's a fine idea. Come back tomorrow; I have several deliveries to make. But I'm curious, what do you plan to do with it?" he asked.

"A test," I replied concisely. "Just a test for my project."

The old man sighed and smiled. "Sometimes, I forget you're training to be a shinobi. You know, you could become my protégé and work under Kousuke in the future."

I pondered his words for a moment. "I will consider it," I replied, though I couldn't help but sense a hint of doubt in his tone when mentioning Kousuke, his son.

"That's all I can accept for now," he said, accepting my decision.

I nodded and bid him farewell. My visit had been productive. Just as I reached for the door, Magoroku called out to me.

"Oh, Nobuyuki-kun, would you mind having dinner here tonight? I'm sure Kousuke is busy playing his game in his room."

I paused, considering his offer. "Thank you for the invitation, but I must decline," I explained. "As you know, I have a young charge to attend to."

"Understood. I won't keep you then," he replied, a wistful smile on his face.

I nodded in appreciation before making my way out.


As I held the bag of beansprouts in my hands, I realized that tonight's dinner would be a modest one.

Normally, I would indulge in chicken katsu or fried fish, but due to financial constraints, I had to make do with what I had.

Ramen was out of the question, especially the instant kind.

Those were nothing but evil, and even in my most desperate times, I refused to succumb to their allure.

Besides, cooking my own meal allowed me to have three portions' worth of food for the price of one store-bought meal.

I had also purchased bean seeds, foreseeing the need for self-sustainability in case of rainy days. It made no sense to keep buying them when they were easy and quick to grow.

"Home sweet home," I announced as I opened the door.

Suddenly, I felt a jolt as Izuna almost tackled me to the ground.

"Onii-chan!" she exclaimed, her eyes brimming with joy. I smiled wryly as I tousled her hair. "Izuna, you need to be careful. We're on the second floor, so we can't afford to play rough."

If I lost my balance, we could both fall, or worse, I could hit my head on the metal railing. It would be a rather unpleasant outcome.

"Ehm, ehm, Izuna understands," she replied unapologetically. I gently guided her hand away as she stubbornly clung to me.

"Hello, Naruto," I greeted the toddler who had observed the commotion from the doorway. I picked him up, and he gleefully soaked up my attention. However, I had to set him down near the low table where his scattered toys awaited. He wasn't pleased with that arrangement, but a small piece of cookie from my secret stash managed to pacify him.

Izuna assisted me in the kitchen, mainly rinsing the rice and beans and preparing the table.


A knock at the door interrupted our activities. I wondered who could be visiting me. As an orphan with little significance, there were only a handful of people I could count on to pay me a visit.

I quickly removed my apron and washed my hands before opening the door.

Unconsciously, my mouth went dry when I saw who was standing before me.

"Etto... Katou-sensei?" I stammered, my mind racing to decipher the reason for his unexpected visit.

Was he upset that I hadn't sent Izuna home yet? Or perhaps he wanted to discuss the time I skipped history class again? My mind spiraled into a frenzy, concocting numerous scenarios fueled by panic.

"Good evening, Nobuyuki-kun," the imposing teacher greeted me.

"G-good evening to you too, Sensei," I replied nervously, unsure of what else to say. "You can come in. We were just about to have dinner."

He nodded, entering the room.

"You have quite a spacious room, Nobuyuki-kun."

I paused for a moment, gathering my thoughts, before responding, "Y-yes." My words evaporated, and I considered elaborating on how I managed to strike a deal with the landlord, thanks to Magoroku ojii-san who spoke on my behalf.

Reflecting on it now, I owed him a great deal for making my life comfortable after leaving the orphanage.

"Eh, Papa?" Izuna exclaimed in surprise upon seeing the visitor. She placed the stuffed plate down and, just like before, lunged into his chest. "Papa!" I was amazed at his anticipation as he reciprocated his daughter's embrace without flinching.

Someday, I vowed, I would be like that—a presence to rely on.

"Um... we were just about to have dinner. Would you like to join us, Sensei?"

"Again, I apologize for intruding. Thank you for taking care of my daughter," he nodded.

"No, no, it's alright, Sensei. I don't mind Izuna's presence at all. In fact, every day has become much more fulfilling since she came into my life."

"Is that so? Well, I'm glad."

His somber tone struck a chord within me. No, this couldn't be. It wasn't a sign of impending doom, was it? Was it a bad omen? It didn't matter. Katou-sensei's uncharacteristic behavior had me on edge, and it felt strange.

As I served the simple dinner I had prepared—stir-fried beans and a platter of fried tofu with soy sauce for dressing—I hoped he wouldn't mind the modest fare.

Izuna continued to snuggle up to her "Papa," a name that still made me chuckle, as he sat across from me. Naruto obediently sat by my side, but his curious eyes fixed on the dishes. However, he would not be getting any, despite his protests.

The dinner proceeded in a rather uneventful manner. We ate in silence, occasionally interrupted by Izuna's lively commentary on her imaginary adventures and whimsical tales.

"That was a delicious meal, Nobuyuki-kun," Kato-sensei complimented.

"Thank you, Sensei. I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I can tell that something is troubling you. Why have you come here with such a solemn expression?" My voice grew quieter as I spoke.

"I have a few matters to discuss with you. It's nothing troublesome, but it's something you need to consider," he explained.

"Okay..." I responded, and my curiosity piqued.

"I have shared my thoughts with the Hokage, and he has decided to expedite your education, so to speak. He has granted you permission to skip grades by the end of the semester and, if possible, become a genin by the end of the year."

My breath hitched at the unexpected news.

That does sound troublesome. I always knew I would become a ninja someday, but not this soon. I suppose there are benefits to it, though. Kato-sensei seems to be trying to convince me by mentioning increased scholarship funds and the acceleration benefits for civilian children, which include the opportunity to choose a private instructor if I impress them enough. It's quite tempting, to be honest.

On the other hand, it will place me in the spotlight, following in Itachi's footsteps.

"May I have some time to think it over, Sensei?" I requested.

"This is not a choice, but an order. I have discussed it with the Hokage. Since you are part of our scholarship program, it is imperative for you to follow through with this opportunity."

Was there a clause like that when I signed the paperwork? What a hassle. I should have read it more carefully. But I suppose they can do whatever they want since orphans like me are automatically enrolled in this program, receiving a monthly stipend and a place to live in an apartment or dormitory.

I don't want to sound ungrateful, though. When I consider it further, the benefits outweigh the risks. This means that the Hokage himself has taken an interest in me and sees me as an investment. From that perspective, I'm sure Danzo won't try anything funny until I cross that line.

Obtaining a genin license would also grant me access to a wealth of resources from the library and the resources of Konoha. However, it also signifies the end of my peaceful and monotonous life. Or maybe I'm just being dramatic. I have been preparing myself for what lies ahead ever since I entered the academy.

What about my resolution to maintain my innocence? Perhaps that was merely wishful thinking. Sometimes, when life gives you lemons, you have no choice but to eat them.

After much internal debate, I finally reached a decision. Not that I have any in the first place if his words were to go by, but it was the thought that matters.

I met his gaze without hesitation.

"I understand, Sensei," I said firmly.

He nodded appreciatively, but then a voice interrupted, "Eh, that's not fair! I thought Izuna would be in the same class as Nii-chan next year."

Obviously, that won't happen, silly Izuna.

"It seems you still have something else to say, Sensei," I sensed there was more he wanted to share.

His eyes shifted towards Izuna and then back to me. "Once my teaching contract ends this semester, I will be embarking on a long-term mission," he revealed.

"Eh, you're quitting as a teacher?" I asked, surprised by the news.

He clenched his teeth, clearly annoyed by the idea. "Initially, I took this job to spend more time with Izuna and avoid frontline duty, but I discovered my passion for teaching along the way. However, due to Konoha's precarious situation, they won't allow me to extend my teaching contract and will call me back to active duty."

"So, this is where I come in?" I asked, beginning to understand.

"I apologize for intruding on your life, Nobuyuki-kun. Many of my relatives perished in the war and during the Kyuubi's attack. I have no one I can rely on who hasn't grown senile, so I can only entrust Izuna to you," he explained.

"But why me?" I inquired, genuinely curious.

He sighed, ruffling his hair and looking back at Izuna, who had grown bored with her father and was now playing with Naruto. "You have proven yourself capable and reliable in taking care of children. Your maturity exceeds your age, and you excel at time management. When we converse, it feels more like talking to a fellow junior than a student, perhaps that's why," he praised.

Unbeknownst to me, my cheeks reddened at Kato-sensei's words. It felt good, I must admit. To have someone I admired acknowledge my strengths.

"Ahahaha..." I chuckled bashfully, momentarily lost in the unexpected shower of praise.

Feeling a surge of confidence, I didn't hesitate to respond, "Leave her to me, Katou-sensei."

He clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Somehow, I find your way of speaking offensive," he retorted.

"But isn't it you, Sensei, who decided to entrust your daughter to this undeserving student?" I replied, laughing in amusement.

"Now you've done it, Nobuyuki!" he exclaimed, clearly exasperated.

I continued laughing, undeterred by his irritation.

"You shouldn't joke around like that," he clicked his tongue again, his hand resting on his waist. I wondered what he was about to do. "Here. Think of it as... um, a stipend. There will be more to come. I don't want Izuna to live in poverty, after all."

He handed me an envelope filled with a substantial amount of money. It was a four-digit sum. So, Katou-sensei is wealthy, huh? Receiving it only fueled my motivation further.

Perhaps sensing the mischievous grin forming on my face, he coughed and said, "Don't spend it all. I'll seriously behead you if I come back to find Izuna malnourished."

"You don't have to worry, Sensei! She'll be nice and plump when you return!" I responded energetically.

"And don't let her become overweight either!"

I tilted my head, puzzled. "Then what's the point?"

"Moderation, Nobuyuki-kun. Do everything in moderation. She's adamant about joining the academy, so you should understand."


"Anyway, aside from that, you will receive additional funding from the village. Remember, Nobuyuki-kun, survive. A failed ninja is trash, but they still can try. A dead ninja is utterly useless as dirt."

How Machiavellian of you, Sensei. I'm truly touched. Though I have my doubts about a dead ninja being completely useless, body theft is a fairly common and established practice after all, Anbu operatives were specified to burn their bodies using technique if they died in a mission, also excerbating the problem there's someone like Orochimaru lurking around with his reincarnation jutsu.

Grim prospect aside, shortly after, Katou-sensei left with his daughter. Izuna waved goodbye to us. It was already late, and Naruto was still awake.

A good kid eats a lot, plays hard, and fu-... sleeps early.

Believe it... right?

No maiden I mean no chapter next week. Sorry, I want to stockpile for a while to see where this will be going and rectify any mistakes before uploading it to public.

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