
Naruto: The Fool in Konoha

As one of the many first casualties of a devastating nuclear attack, he thought his life was over. Little did he know fate is not done chewing him yet, he would be reborn into the world of Naruto as an ordinary orphan during the aftermath of the Kyuubi's attack. With only the uncertain blessings bestowed upon him by a mysterious ROB, he must navigate this harsh and illogical world, and carved his place in the sun. He starts as a weak individual but gradually becomes stronger, focusing on seals as his main technique. AU.

Stalkah · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

A Not-so New Team

Dear Mother,

Months have passed, and the Sakura trees have finally bloomed magnificently this year. Time seems to fly by when my main concern is how to escape the rigorous training under the Third Hokage.

Each day, I nurse the purple bruises and endure the deformations caused by his relentless staff. And to top it off, he has the audacity to assign me a mountain of tedious homework, which he deems as "practice." How can he expect me to read decayed books and summarize them while he beats me with that stick?

However, I must admit that there are some benefits to his training. He has taught me useful tricks for shortening chakra molding, emergency maneuvers in close-quarter combat, a few impressive jutsus, and even shared his knowledge of Fuinjutsu.

He certainly lives up to his title of "the professor," but did he really have to mix his lessons with beatings?

I despise that stick. I despise that monkey. I'm tired of this world.

From my observations, it appears that he forced me to train under the guise of limited timeframes for both of us.

I would recite specific Fuinjutsu mantras aloud while sparring, with him pointing out my faults and insisting on maintaining proper footwork. Then, he would lead me into the forests, disappear abruptly, and set traps for me to navigate when I was driven into a corner during our spar. This was just one example of his unorthodox methods.

Luckily, my thought partition technique allows me to pay attention to multiple things simultaneously. Perhaps the monkey sees it as a sign of my competence and ability to learn everything at once.

But I am done with striving for competency. Once I have my team and new Jonin sensei, as tradition dictates for newly minted genin, I plan to embrace laziness and take some time to relax.

With love from your fortunate son,





I crumpled the letter, reminding myself that I didn't have nor remember a mother to write to. I doubt the postal service would extend to the Pure Land.

Today, I purposely arrived late after receiving my hitai-ate. The final exam was easier than the one I had taken when I skipped a grade.

With a yawn, I slid open the door, my feet stumbling as my hands rested in the pockets of my jacket.

All eyes immediately focused on the newcomer, only to quickly divert once they realized it was me.

I wasn't sure why, but it seemed I had gained some sort of infamous reputation. Like that time when a Hyuga kid challenged me to a duel and I pranked him with explosives and itching powder. He didn't even mention a time frame, so I assumed it was fair game. This is a ninja academy, not a dojo, after all.

And another thing, why didn't I have a fan club despite consistently surpassing Itachi, the number one student? Don't you think I'm awesome enough to warrant a group of die-hard fans who would do anything for me? It's so unfair that Itachi hogs all the attention from the girls.

Sometimes a man desires romance, that elusive bloom of youth that I can't seem to possess.

Huh? I will get anxiety attack if I was being surrounded? Who cares, as one figure, Neil Armstrong, once said, "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence," I'm filled with jealousy.

Well, despite all the complaints, many things have happened, and I'm generally content and carefree.

"Morning," I greeted, trying to maintain a casual demeanor.

I had grown comfortable enough with Itachi that I didn't experience as much anxiety and stuttering around him.

"Morning, Nobuyuki," Itachi responded.

That was it. We didn't engage in much conversation, simply acknowledging each other's presence. Itachi was more sociable outside the academy, for some unknown reason. In class, he preferred to keep to himself.

"Do you think we'll end up on the same team?" I asked curiously.

His gaze met mine, and he pondered for a moment before responding, "I don't know."

"Do you want us to be on the same team?" I inquired further.

There was a pause, and then he replied, "That would be wonderful."

I leaned back, contemplating the future. "Well, let's hope that our new teammate isn't too annoying."

I can see where this will be going. I despised the predictable pattern. I could already envision one clueless idiot consumed by jealousy, a girl scolding the idiot, and another idiot too full of himself, all under the watchful eye of an enigmatic Jonin sensei who couldn't care less.

I had a feeling I was that clueless idiot, too high huffing on my fart. But if I ended up on a team with Itachi, would I regress into a dead-end idiot driven by jealousy and an unbridled rivalry?

Hmm, what a pointless thought indeed.

What matters is that our Jonin-sensei must be an attractive and busty Onee-san! Preferably with fishnet and thigh-fitting outfit. I'm so proud of you.

Oh, I hope so. I'm tired of being taught by an old monkey. Give me something refreshing! I have a feeling today is going to be a good day for Nobuyuki as these thoughts race through my mind.

Just then, the door slides open and our homeroom sensei walks in. He moves lazily and his eyes seem incredibly lethargic. In contrast to the stern Katou-sensei, this one lacks energy. I wonder how he managed to reach the rank of Chuunin with such a lanky body that seems to sway with the slightest breeze.

I don't even remember his name. His presence hardly registers in my mind, and he mostly ignores me during class, which suits me just fine.

"Err..." he starts, scratching his head before sighing. His eyes scan the paper in his hand and then he looks at us. "First, congratulations on your graduation. Yay..." he says with the enthusiasm of a rock.

"Now that that's out of the way, I'll announce your teams. You need to wait here for your new Jonin-sensei to come and fetch you. So be good boys and girls for once and sit down."

"Team one," he announces, "Tenma Izumo, Shinko Inari, Suzuki Inoue."

"Moving on to team two," he continues, "Uchiha Itachi-"

Somehow, I feel apprehensive when he announces Itachi. I wonder if I really want to be on the same team as him. On the other hand, it's ironic that I didn't want to get too close to him once, but at the same time, I don't want to be paired with anyone else.

Well, he doesn't talk much, respects personal boundaries, and we can communicate just fine with a nod or a few words. Making new friends out of my new teammates sounds like a hassle.

I shift my attention back to the sensei. "Hyuuga Natsu-"

Somehow, my heart starts beating faster. There's no way, right? I keep denying it. Ah, this is so frustrating. I want to pull my hair out.

But who is Hyuuga Natsu? I don't remember her at all. Well, unless she interacted with me on a daily basis like Haguro or Izuna, I doubt I would bother to remember a girl or woman who had a flat chest, let alone an underdeveloped one.

Oh well, stop being so sexist, Nobuyuki. I know we're not at risk of being canceled in this world, but there's a line you shouldn't cross.

Time continues to pass as I shift my focus again, muttering to myself in frustration.


It's so unfair that I don't have a surname at all. I want something cool like Hakuryuu Nobuyuki -the White Dragon of Happiness. Or Akagi Nobuyuki -the Red Castle of Truth. Or... Wait, huh?

"Continuing on to Team three," the sensei drones on, but I can't help but sputter.

I don't dare to interrupt the teacher, so I simply look over at Itachi and say, "I didn't hear that wrong, did I?"

"No," he briefly replies.

Come on, man. Why the heck do I have to be on the same team as this guy? Talk about a bad day for Nobuyuki. It's not like I'm happy or anything, alright. On the contrary, just so you know.

"It seems we're on the same team, Nobuyuki-kun," Itachi informed.

"Yeah..." I responded with as much enthusiasm as I could muster. Ninety-nine percent of it had already been assigned elsewhere, I'm sorry.

I let out a sigh, realizing that we still had to wait for our new Jonin Sensei. I hoped that whoever they were, they would be someone responsible and punctual.

What was Naruto magic word again?

Believe it, yeah?

Is it next week yet?

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