
Chapter 68 : Tricking children is easy

{I usually write chapters with 2000 words but this one is 3000 because of the late update....Enjoy! }


In the bustling streets of Konoha that was full of life and vibrant energy. Crowds of villagers traverse the bustling marketplace, their conversations blending harmoniously with the clatter of food stalls. The savory scent of grilling meats and steaming dumplings wafts through the air, tempting passersby.

Children dash between market stalls amidst the lively chatter of merchants haggling. Ninja in their distinctive headbands moved like shadows on the roofs.

"So anyone knows what this is about ?!" Ken suddenly asked.

*step step step*

Amidst the crowd who were making way for us, Me and the boys were on our way to the Hokage tower for the clan meeting which is being held occasionally to talk about everything that needs to be talked about.

"Don't care"

"Burger cheese fries nuggets, new food ?"


We replied to him on our own way which made him make a dissatisfied face.

"Come on dudes, talk about something, I am getting bored here !" Ken complained with his arms crossed.

"Meetings are...boring, the old men will talk about some news, bicker for no reason and then go back home" Yuji said with a tired and bored expression.

"Really ?" Ken asked, looking disappointed.

"Yea" Yuji replied.

"Have you already been there ?" I asked Yuji.

"Sighh, My father always brings me with him to the meetings so I will get used to how politics work because soon I will become the clan head and the official strategist of Konoha, so I am being prepared for the job" Yuji replied while rubbing his forhead tiredly.

"Well bad for you I guess" I replied with a shrug.

*pat pat*

"I got you bro don't worry, Just yell my name through the Hokage tower and I will immediately bring the softest of pillows and sing the best of lullabies beside your ear, kiss you and hug you gently with love and care until you fall asleep !" Ken said with a motherly tone which made me burt out laughing.

"Bwahahaha mama Ken bwahahaha and gugu gaga Yuji !" I said between laughs and looked at Yuji who was glaring at Ken who was gently shaking his arms as if he was carrying a baby.

"Sighhh, Shut up Ken" Yuji Sighed and replied to the blonde guy tiredly, and if not for conserving energy, Ken would already be dead.

"Hehe Don't forget the milk tho" I said with a chuckle that made Yuji twitch his eye for a second because Ken was already touching his non-existent boobs.

"Would have been one of the best things happening to me if I had a pair, I would never stop groping them until eternity make us apart" I heard Ken mutter under his breath which I was the only one to hear it which made me raise an eyebrow and blink for some seconds in confusion.

'This dude better not touch me again' I thought with a frown 'Now that I think about it, even with my repressed smelling capability, I can still smell something weird in the air, let me check !' I thought again as I actively smelled the air, focusing on Ken, more specifically, his hands because the smell was coming from there.

*sniff sniff*

"Hmm ?"


"Oaarghhh" I gagged immediately but quickly held my mouth.

'Uuughh Damn !! it smells like women's panties when it's soaked wet with their fucking nectar and it was dried and got wet again and again without washing it like holly shit the smell is so thickkk too !!' I thought in shock as I immediately stopped breathing in the horrendous smell which was nothing like Tsunade's one unless I vomited whatever shit was inside my stomach

"Urggghhhhh brrrrrrrrrrrrrr" I let out some sounds of discomfort as goosebumps went throughout my body non stop.

"What's wrong with you ? Your eye is all red !" Ken asked me in confusion and Yuji gave a glance too which made me look the other way with my teeth gritted, holding my self back unless I beat the crap out of him for making me smell that absolute shit.

"My eye..is..red but I wanted to ask, have you decided on the name of your soon to be born child ?" I asked in slight anger to change the topic before he continued to pester me which was successful as his face brightened.

"Ohhh! My wife said if it's a girl, she will name it and if it's a boy ,I will name it and I already have a name in my mind which I plan to give my child which is... Inoichi !" He replied enthusiastically which made us smile.

"Means well headed and strong, nice name you got there" Yuji simply said and patted the guy and Satoshi sharing Ken a chicken nugget which he grabbed and ate it happily.

"Thanks !" Ken replied.

*step step step*

We walked in silence for some moments and looking around for some time "I won't be able to attend the birth of the boy by the way" I suddenly said which made them turn to look at me in confusion.

"Why ?!" Ken somewhat yelled in surprise.

"No food ?" Satoshi said sadly.

"And how do you know it's a boy ?" Yuji asked with his eyes narrowed at me.

"Why gou ask ? Well, I will tell you the reason later, and no food for a while Satoshi, as for how I know it's a boy ! It's just a feeling" I replied to them with a smile which made them more dissatisfied with my answer.

And with that we became quite and continued our way through the streets until we reached the Hokage tower where the meeting will soon start.

We went inside the building and the secretary was already there and bowed to us then lead us and opened the door of the meeting room to reveal rows chairs and a long rectangle table in front of the chairs with one chair with the red kanji "fire" stood out among them in front of the table which was the Hokage's sit.

"Ohh you guys are here ! Come here, and you, come sit beside me hubby !" Tsunade said in a sweet voice and patted the sit beside her for me which I obliged and sat beside her and gave her a kiss on the cheek which made her smile happily and hug my arm.

The room was empty and she was the only one here and was going through some papers related to I don't know.

"Ayo I didn't know you had this side of you Garou !" Ken suddenly said beside the other two who were looking at me weirdly.

"Which side ?" I asked.

"You know what I mean, public affection and stuff !" He said with a smirk.

"I was always a romantic man and not give a fuck type of person !" I replied and kissed Tsunade's hand that made his smirk vanish.

"Didn't expect that from a barbarian !" He muttered to himself in surprise.

"What was that ?!" I cried in annoyance as I heard what he said.

"Nothing !" He instantly replied and looked the other way nervously.

"Good" I said with a nod and look at them boys who were not sitting and just standing behind a chair each.

"Waiting for your pops ?" I asked them and they nodded.

After that we talked about some random stuff and stayed here until the other clan heads and the Hokage arrived one by one.

First was a white eyed man called Hiroto Hyuga who bowed to Tsunade with his head and sat opposite to us on the 4th seat, totally ignoring me for some reason I didn't give two shits about and was laid back on my chair with my arm around Tsunade while looking at the ceiling in a daze.

Second came a guy with sunglasses who bowed like the Hyuga and sat far away from all of us and just started to look at his front.

Third came a handsome man with black hair, his name is Inazumi Uchiha and like the other two he bowed and sat opposite to me and Tsunade in the 1st seat.

And like this, all the other clan heads slowly arrived and I recognized no one except knowing the names of some of them like the Yama-Shika-Cho trio who arrived at the same time while laughing and making jokes unlike the other clan heads.

They approached me and respectfully greeted me unlike the others to which I greeted back and they sat on their places waiting for the elders to arrive.

But the funniest of all was when a woman with canine and some red tattoos one her face came inside, her ears immediately twitched with heightened alertness the moment she arrived, and her hair stands on end in a display of agitation. The luminescent glow of her eyes intensified, she gritted her teeth and growled then quickly turned her head and locked her eyes with mine.

I grinned, and under the curious gazes of all the clan heads, I cleared my intentions to her and let out some of my battle spirit which took the shape of a wolf that made her more vigilant with sweat coming down her face and I could see her muscles twitch which was an indication that she was ready to lunge at me any time but unfortunately, the Hokage and his goons came inside which made our staring contest come to an end.

"Hmph, You better wait for me outside when this is over !" She said with her fists clenched and sat on her seat while continuously glaring at me which I reciprocated with my own.

"Psst, what's that all about ?" Tsunade whispered with a frown as she also glared at the Inazuka woman and hugged my arm tightly as if to show who I belong to which was cute.

"I don't know" I simply replied and look away from the woman and focus more on the new comers.

The Hokage and the elders sat one their places then with a gesture "Thanks everyone for attending this meeting, now should we start ?" He said and asked then looked at the Nara clan head who Sighed tiredly and stood up then went beside Hiruzen to start what this is all about.

He then started to talk about what has happened throughout this month inside and outside Konoha. inside like the the economy, the social stability, addressing the needs of the citizens. And outside like the bandits and some samurais going rogue for some reason.

"And I think in about 2 to 3 years a fight with the Kageru village of the land of mountains is inevitable which requires a lot of preparation and money that currently we have but if our informations from the underworld is true then soon a world war will happen !" Shuraku, the Nara clan head said with a frown which made all the others listen carefully too.

Meanwhile, I was just looking and listening to the guy with one eye opened and the other closed the entire time and I felt some others look at me weirdly but I didn't care. This meeting is already killing me, the guy was speaking non-stop for around 35 minutes now and what else could I do besides sleeping with one eye closed which I created this technique back in the day by shutting down the left part of my brain through some rigorous training I did like not sleeping for weeks and force myself to sleep with an eye opened.

"Then that's some serious matter needs to be solved as soon as possible !" The Uchiha guy said.

"I agree !" The kurama clan head said.

"Do we have the necessary funds ?" The Hyuga clan head asked calmly.

"Fortunately yes but if the world war starts as expected, then it will not be enough and we will run out of it quickly" Shuraku said.

I took a glance at the elders for a second with my one eye and look back at Shuraku.

'You tell me a huge ass village that has a very prosperous economy and environment where merchants, nobles and people around the world visit it then pay huge amounts of money to have citizenship, buy properties and also taxes, and on top of that, the Fire shogun is funding this village with a billion ryo every year so the ninjas protect the borders and the royal family or nobles when asked them to do, so now you tell me that all those money will be spent in just 5 years of war ?' I thought in ridicule.

I am sure if not for Hiruzen himself or the elders who for sure must do shady things in the shadows and spend that money  in the underworld just for shit and giggles then Konoha can go to war for more than 5 years without a problem.

"Sighhh, as you can see, this is a huge problem that must be solved and if not, then Konoha will be in huge trouble !" Hiruzen said in a sad tone as if he was an old man in his 90th that's tired of life which made me scoff internally.

"As the Hokage said, this is a problem that cannot be ignored, so can I ask if the clans are ready to help Konoha ?" Danzo said coldly which made all the clan heads look at each other for a few moments before the Hyuga guy raised his hand.

"Hyuga clan is ready to help !" He said proudly and arrogantly as if he was above everyone.

Then after him the other clan heads raised their hands too to not be left behind and not embarrass their clans and later be called poor by their peers, but I held Tsunade's hand before she raised her hand too which made her look at me in confusion but I only shook my head to her and told her to wait.

Ok so clearly, this people are not stupid and know that there's something wrong with what Danzo and Hiruzen are demanding and know that Konoha is much more competent to fund for its own wars, but this is the time of peace and they are filthy rich, so they simply don't care

This gesture from the clan heads made the Hokage and the elders smile but it all vanished when they all looked at the one and only.

"What about you boy ?" Danzo asked me coldly as he narrowed his only eye at me to intimidate me which I glared back with my open eye too.

"Boy ? Last time I checked I was a clan head, so show some respect to me... Shimura !" I said with my eye narrowed which made him angry and all the people here to get surprised.

"What did you say ?!" He asked with a little higher volume.

"Want me to spell it for you ?... I said, show some respect S.h.i.m.u.r.a !" I said with a deep tone that made the room become silent and heavy while the boys held their breath as I talked back to one of the elders who was none other than Danzo.

Clearly, all the people and Tsunade didn't expect this...

*Bam !*

With a red face Danzo hit the table and shouted "How dare you talk like this in front of an elder?!"

"Show some respect boy !" Koharu said after him with Hamura nodding.

I gave her a stare with my red blood shot eye which made her flinch and shut up the next second. She and Hamura are low jonin, so I didn't even put them in my eyes as I faced far stronger, as for Danzo, he is a very low level kage, maybe even elite jonin, but that doesn't mean I am afraid of this fucker, he can't do shit to me here...even after.

"Cough... Can I know the reason for not helping out Konoha Hatake-san ?" I heard Hiruzen who was more formal than this weirdos.

"Do I have to ?" I replied with another question as I rested my head on my hand.

It made him silent as he knew that this is not mandatory and everyone is free to choose to help out or not.

This move from me will hit my reputation which I didn't care about as I didn't have any and was already bad in the first place if what I hear from the villagers could mean anything.

"Hmph, You are the richest individual here and you won't help ?!" Hamura said in dissatisfaction.

"Ohh, a guilty trap ? Bitch please, I don't give two fucks and won't waste MY money on you even if Madara Uchiha made war with you, so stop it" I said nonchalantly which made the trio pissed off more.

"Quite down !" Hiruzen said calmly which made us look at him to what he gotta say "Hatake-san, I still didn't quite get it, why don't you want to help Konoha ?" He asked with a frown.

"As I asked before too, Do I have to ?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.

"No you probably don't have to but as a very wealthy man I thought maybe you lend us a helping hand and make things easier for everyone here !" He said with some disappointment, probably trying to make me feel bad.

I lock my eyes with his while slowly getting annoyed "Look, do you take me for a stupid fucker who could be manipulated just like that huh ?! I admit I don't know two shits about politics and stuff but do you really think I give a fuck ?!" I replied coldly which made the room become heavier.

"Watch your tone bo-"

I interrupted the cyclops "I don't do politics, I do things my way, and my answer is that its MY freaking money and I worked hard to get what I have now, so if you want money then..."


I snapped my finger and pointed at the clan dumbasses who waste money on this shit heads "you can beg elsewhere" I said calmly which made Hiruzen to twitch his eye and the trio to get mad with some people here to take offence too like the Hyuga slaver and the Uchiha duck.

*Bam !*

"How dare you ?!" Hamura said.

"Watch what you are saying" Koharu said.

"A vulgar mouthed and usless boy like you, what was your father thinking by making you the Hatake clan head and bring you here, show some respect brat !" Danzo said who was fuming with anger.

"Sighhh, I think Sakumo should have been much better to deal with" Hiruzen muttered to himself but it was loud enough for some to hear which made me pissed off.

*pinch pinch*

"If you want respect then you have to earn it but I can see that this applies to me too as it seems that no one is acknowledging my presence here despite being the richest of you all !" I said coldly to the crowd of people who were looking down on me and some in disdain while ignoring Tsunade who was trying to shut me up by pinching my side.

Even though I am the biggest and the most intimidating of them all if my appearance could mean anything, but they all know that without chakra, even if I was double my current size and richer, nothing will change the fact that I am weak... that's what they think.

And I don't blame them to think like this, this is a ninja village where many ninja clans are living, and the rules of jungle where the stronger had more respect applied here, especially with this people who went through wars, but that doesn't mean that this fucking inferior beings could disrespect ME.. a fucking primogenitor of an entire race like this.

I have my own pride and this fuckers are stepping on it just because I am harmless ?

So I did the most logical thing one would do in this situation.

I released all of my Hado.

The End

Next chapter