
Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

"First a car accident, and now a gunpoint?! Is this universe taking me as a joke?" The MC will look like a d*ck at the start but will have his character development and become a lot better so bear with him and give him a chance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. It may seem rough the first 10 chapters but my readers said it got a lot better afterwards which I think you should read most of it then decide if it's good or not. 2. many were confused about the timeline... so the timeline is AU and Tobirama is already dead but Hashirama is alive and very sick, also Hiruzen is the Hokage. mc is reborn the same age as the sannins but the OG naruto canon events will still be the same if no butterflies caused a storm. 3. My writing was not that good first because english is not my first language but some kind hearted souls corrected and taught me to be better which I am so thankful for and much appreciated, so when you read I know many will be annoyed but I assure you I became better with 35th chapter onwards until I can say that literature is my bit--cough cough anyways, you got the point. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Garou from one punch man FF btw. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ he'll have no system, only status. AU !! I am a proud member of the Non-Harem sect, so you know what that means. I write this myself and it's not Chinese or mtl, so no worries there. enjoy ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The cover photo and the OG naruto don't belong to me .

The_Zen_Boy · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 62 : Soryu Shiki Style

As I walked towards Tsunade ready to unleash my fury on her I suddenly remembered that my clothes are now tattered and not fitting to fight or move.

"Wait for a moment" I said and stopped which made her stop and look at me with a confused frown.

"What now ?!" She asked with an angry yell.

I didn't answer her and just muttered so only Katsuyu could hear me "take out my clothes" then put my hand in my hair and took out my kong fu clothes which made Tsunade raise her eyebrow.

"How did you do that ?!" She asked in surprise.

I didn't answer again and then started to remove my now tattered kimono infront of Tsunade that became surprised at my action immediately "W...what are you doing you Jerk ?!!" She shouted with a huge blush and quickly covered her eyes in embarrassment but still looked at me between her fingers.

"Ohh come on ! you are blushing even after around 5 years of being together ? Besides, I just bought this kimono today and now look what you did to it sighhh. Also, will you fight in those ?" I said as I looked at her loose green kimono while removing my pants to reveal my dragon balls which made her even more embarrassed and became tad bit red for no reason.


I started with my underwear...

*Gulp !*

Tsunade gulped but I ignored her horny ass and slowly wore my tight, black, long-sleeved shirt, loose-fitting white martial arts pants, a yellow sash around my waist, and tai chi slippers on my feet.

As I finished "So you won't change ?" I asked a shocked red Tsunade who had her mouth opened wide open saliva falling down her mouth like a waterfall and a nose bleeding.

"Huh ? Ahh umm huh ?"

"Don't give excuses later when I beat you up, so change" I said as I made myself comfortable while stretching my arms and later throw my tattered kimono away.

"O...okay I...I...guess I will change" She stuttered and turned around to go somewhere.

"Change infront of me !" I said with a frown and arms crossed.

She turned and looked at me with a frown of her own "What ?" She asked.

"I said... change infront of me like I did" I said in a low creepy voice.

"Are fucking out of your mind ?!" She suddenly yelled in anger with tick marks over her forhead while pointing at me as if I was some sort of crazy.

"Isn't it more fair for me to also see your body like you did to mine ?" I asked with a shake of my head in disappointment while my arms still crossed.

"I am a woman you jerk !" She yelled again angrily.

"Who cares ? You are my wife at this point and I already saw somethings beneath all that fabric throughout this years of being together, do you really need to react like this ?"I said and asked boredly.

"That's because I am not a shameless barbarian like you !" She exclaimed in embarrassment which made me shake my head again in disappointment.

We stared at each other for some moments as the leaves of the trees danced with the windy orange sky "Get back quickly" I said and she just disappeared without answering. I concentrated and sensed that she left to change behind a boulder far from here.


I narrowed my eyes and exhaled every last one bit of air inside my lungs then nodded my head down for a moment, after that, with a bit of force I inhaled strongly until I achieved what I wanted to smell...

"She really likes Wisteria flowers huh ?" I muttered as I scratched my chin and thought about how her body always smelled so nice.

'Now that I think about westeria flowers, if Rokushiki worked out for me except Geppo and Kami-e, could I use the breathing styles of that samurai guy of the demons world ? Maybe I can recreate Hamon or those breathing styles in order to be able to manipulate the Nature Energy in this world, even though I have some doubts that it will help me out manipulating the nature energy but even if it didn't work, then it's not like I will not benefit from the techniques, but my only concern is that I don't know if the physics and the biology of this world could support the uniqueness of this techniques just like Geppo and Kami-e where I still have problems performing them because of how nonsensical it's that I doubt only Duy or Guy at their 8th or 7th gate form can perform the Geppo...for now... but I am sure I am missing something in this and doubt that I won't be able to recreate them' I thought as I slowly removed my hand from my chin and get out of my thinking posture and looked around me to analyse the place where I will fight in.

'I need to get away from that cliff' I thought as I continued to look at all the trees and boulders as I slowly made a clear imaginary map of this place in my head.

After that, I narrowed my eyes and raise my hand to...

*Swoosh !* *Bam !*

Without moving an inch, I just blocked a punch from Tsunade with my palm in front of my chest that disturbed the air around us. I just put some force in my arm after her momentum died down and threw her away which she just flipped in the air and landed on her feet gently.

"I was always curious about how strong you were since our days of our academy, so maybe I will have to find out how much those muscles can help you out now !" She said with an arrogant smirk.

I bet she thinks she can fuck me up easily because of me having no chakra and all, she thinks that even if I beat down those Genin kids back in the day, I can't do the same for the ones who are more powerful and experienced like some Chunins and Jonins.

I can't blame her though for thinking like that, she has been going out of the village a lot for missions and she has years of fighting and killing experience. she has seen the horrors of this world in person and knows how 'weak' I am compared to the true powerhouses of this world, so she is clearly underestimating me now which doesn't sit quite well with my psych.

In my base and carnage form, I have high and peak chunin prowess respectively which is not even near enough to beat her, but I am still confident in my monster form to go toe to toe with her if not completely overwhelming her because of my plethora of techniques and skills.

"Bring it on woman" I said with a smirk of my own and went into a Wing Chun stance with my legs slightly bent, my left arm forward, left palm relaxed and my right hand positioned near my forearm, right palm relaxed.

[ Wing Chun is a concept-based martial art, a form of Southern Chinese kung fu, and a close-quarters system of self-defense. It is a martial arts style characterized by its focus on close-quarters hand-to-hand combat, rapid-fire punches, and straightforward efficiency. ]

Tsunade raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything and just disappeared and reappeared in front of me with her right fist already moving and aiming for my face.

I didn't panic at her high chunin speeds as I already used my psycho mode technique, so I can clearly see her and react to her movements.

As I looked at her fist slowly getting near me, I simply moved my left arm then moved slightly to the right so that I could position the back of my hand on the forearm of her moving fist where its trajectory now was beside my head than my head.

I didn't let go of her opening and extended my right arm to hit her neck but as expected, she just blocked the fist with her palm.

To my surprise, she flicked her other hand beside my head and a kunai appeared out of nowhere that was nearing my neck but I immediately grabbed her wrist with my still vacant left hand so she couldn't move, I broke my Wing Chun stance and flipped sideways to deliver a 360° kick to her head which made contact and...

*Paw !* *Poof*

"A shadow clone" I muttered with not so much surprise as I already sensed the slightly weaker Aura emitting from this clone unlike the usual vigorous one of Tsunade who was looking at me not far away from me.

"That shadow clone was at least a high chunin, so it's quite impressive of you to be able to take care of someone of that level" She said with her arms crossed, her hair dancing with the wind and looking strong standing there with her jonin outfit on.

All this exchanges of blows took only around 2 seconds at most because our movement speeds already surpassed what a normal eye could see.

"Thanks but...Is that really all you have got ?" I asked as I rubbed my wrist, not really impressed.

"Remember that I am putting some sense into your head right now and don't have time to play with you, so get ready..." She said and didn't wait for my response as she vanished instantly and all of a sudden, I had to jump backwards because a fist already hit the place I stood before !

*Booooom !*

I looked at the ground of 30 meters that was decimated by this wench in surprise as I lost balance and tried to dodge the rocks and debris until a huge boulder came my way.


With every muscle in my body hardened, I greet the boulder head on and it hit my body which didn't even make me tickle. As the dust and debris settled, within the now settled tremors and dust, I looked at Tsunade who was still in her punching position.

"You could dodge that ?" She said in surprise.

"What does it look like to you ?" I said with a smirk while seriously thinking that that punch could have really messed some of my bones up if it was hit, and let's not talk about her speed that jumped into the special jonin rank already.

She dusted her hands "It doesn't matter, even if surprising, it is just a fluke !" She said and shouted at the end and again vanished from her place to lung at me.

She appeared before me really fast which made me frown as I could react to her speed but my body was a little slower, so I put force in my legs in a split second and tried to side step really quick...

'Flame kata: Phantom Pace'

I left an afterimage as I stepped to the right side which made Tsunade's fist go through it but she didn't bother to react to my move and just came forward me again with fists surrounded by chakra and threw 5 punches to my upper body parts which made me sweat a little and tried to dodge each one with the Phantom Pace technique which left afterimages again in my previous place I was in but it seems that there was a feint amongst one of her punches that the moment I side stepped for the last time with Phantom Pace...

'Combination arts : Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist : Tekkai'

*Pawww !*

I was hit in the stomach and was sent through the area until my back hit a tree but it couldn't stop my momentum and broke the tree to pieces then I hit the ground many times like a rag doll until my momentum stopped with me facing the orange sky, laying on the ground.

*step step step*

"Only peak chunin ?" I heard her say in a mocking tone which made me narrow my eyes at.


"With only this strength you want to go out ? Don't make me laugh, you think you will be alive if I were serious or someone else was in my place ?...you wouldn't even stand a chance !" She said and yelled at the end angrily.

I wipe the small trail of blood on my lips and then look at it for some seconds and think...

Most of the force behind her punch was rendered useless as I used one of my advanced moves I created throughout this years through some enlightenment I got from the Xiaoli martial arts of that old man from Baki world and my own Ultimate redirection of forces martial arts from my old man Bang.

I used Tekkai so my bones wouldn't break but I am still considered an object so most of the force still remains there, so I used the water stream art to distribute the force my body absorbed throughout my body so my internal organs would remain safer but it seems her punch still did some damage which means she is serious and wants to immobolize me, fuck me on bed, and then use her healing voodoo later to get me back on shape after being raped.

'This horny bitch' I thought.

"Where did your cockiness go ? Didn't you want to teach me who is the boss of the house ?" She said with a not joking tone and looking down at my laying body as if I was just a waste of her time which made me really pissed off but I was still thinking if I should really show my monster form to her or not.

I know for a fact that Tsunade is not dumb and will seriously question my being unlike my parents who just shrugged and celebrated because of my 'Kekkei Tota'... she is more observant than she let's out and a mad scientist who will immediately ask for my blood to check and research on just like that creep Orochimarru who gets wet about the slightest new things related to body and whatnot.

'It's decided then, I will tell her my secret when I come back from my journey where I am sure I won't be weak anymore and don't have to be low key because of people like Hiruzen and Danzo even I never tried to be' I thought with an imaginary nod to myself.

"Don't blame me then, you asked for it ! Huuup !" I said and with a huup, I levitateed as I floor jumped using my back muscles and then front flipped in the air to deliver a kick with all the strength I could muster aiming for her shoulder.

"RAHHHHH !!" I shouted and my downward kick made contact with the shoulder of the bewildered Tsunade who was surprised and didn't know how to react to my sudden attack.

*BOOOOOMMM !!* "AGhhhhh !"

The ground beneath her broke into pieces, the powerful kick sent shockwaves through the ground, causing it to fracture and shatter within a 100-meter radius. The once solid surface splintered into countless pieces.

The air was thick with swirling dust, reducing visibility to mere shadows and as the commotion died down after some moments, I back flipped to get away and sense Tsunade who also got away from the clatter I made.

As the dust dispersed, I could see her far from me healing and tending to her broken and blooded shoulder with her hand which emitted a soft green light until she stopped and stretched her shoulder then turned to glare at me with red angry eyes "Is this how you treat your lover and wife ?!!" She yelled.


"Answer me !!" She yelled again.

"You be fucking joking right ? I mean, if not for my strong body, I would have become a cripple because of your punch, so I will have to ask you the same actually !" I said boredly while removing the dust from my hair.

"But even if that was the case, I could have brought you back into perfect shape with my Mystical Palm Technique you stupid jerk ! But what about you ?!" She yelled with veins covering her forehead and I was about to retort but stopped midway and put a hand on my chin.

"Well You know what ? You actually make a good point but who cares ! You hurt me, so I hurt you back. Actions have consequences and this applies to both men and women, so..." I said with a shrug which made her grit her teeth.

"Good good ! Not only I have to bring you back to your senses, it seems you need to be taught how to show respect to women too !" She said as she stepped forward and cracked her neck trying to be intimidating.

'I must stop her at all costs but I can't do much with peak chunin prowess against her even with my superior techniques, and I don't want to use my Whirlwind Water stream : Roaring Aura Sky Ripping Fist as I am not sure if she will be able to come out unscathed like Mito did, so I have to defeat her real quick with less brutal means. Also, I have analysed some of her fighting style and let's just say it doesn't seem one bit like a proper ninja who are tricky and fight in an unorthodox and dishonorable way unlike her and Duy' I thought as I got ready and slowly raised my hand in a karate chop style...

"Although I love fighting, but fighting my own wife is something rather disturbing to do, so get ready them cheeks to be spanked angel !" I exclaimed with a wide grin and maniacal stare as I finally went on offense.

'Whirlwind Cutting Fist : Rankyaku'

I thought the name of my technique as I Looked at Tsunade who tried to lung at me not knowing what will come next as when I finally pulled down my hand very strongly with the tip of my fingers emitting a reddish aura, then instantly, a reddish projectile air slash of 3 meters wide and 10 meters long was sent towards her.

*Swooosh whistleeeee !*

With astonishing speeds, the reddish air slash that made a whistle like sound travelled and cut through the ground like paper towards a very surprised Tsunade who likely didn't expect something like this from me but unfortunately, she seemed prepared and then she did some few hand seals to puff out of existence leaving a tree trunk in her place which was shortly cut in half after with my rankyaku air blade that continued its way towards the forest cutting many trees that made contact with it until after cutting approximately 8 trees, it stopped and dispersed.

I immediately sensed my surroundings and located Tsunade not far from her previous place and then send another blade with my arm towards her again but this time I concentrated hard so I wouldn't miss what she does next which was as I expected, she simply dodged the blade this time and disappeared and reappeared behind me with a flash but I was prepared despite the differences in our speed.


I vanished and travelled the distance of 60 metres in an instant to get away from the trajectory of her punch that hit the ground of my previous place...

*Booooom !!*

Her punch again made a big commotion as a huge cratter spread that sent boulders and sharp rocks everywhere. my back was still facing her but I too didn't wait and jumped then I created a strong momentum to spin then...

'Comvination Arts Whirlwind Cutting Fist : Rankyaku ×6'

Using my legs I sent 6 reddish sharp air slashes towards all the dust and debris that hide Tsunade in it.

*whistle whistle whistle !*

The slashes quickly approached ger place and dispersed the dust immediately after contact but it seems I miss calculated in something as I felt cold in my spine and goosebumps hit my whole body as the world around me slowed down and I slowly side glanced at my back to see a chakra fist approaching my back which I couldn't dodge...

'Sighhh, How I wish I could use Geppo right now, but no crying over spilled milk I guess' I thought with an imaginary shrug as I heard a whisper...


"Chakra enhanced strength"


With her fist making contact with my back, I was flown with a sonic boom and was sent far away into the forest, broke many trees in my way and hit the ground many times until I hit a huge boulder that I was dug through it because of my unstoppable moment that made the boulder break into pieces but fortunately, I stopped and unfortunately, I got buried inside the now rubble.

"Aghhhh fuckkk !!" I cried as some pain assaulted my back which made it slightly difficult to move.

"M...my back is broken I swear !" I exclaimed as I easily pushed the huge broken rocks aside and came out of the rubble to see my clothes ripped to shreds much to my extreme annoyance "Not fucking this clothes again !" I said angrily as I also felt some unbearable back pain that I am sure the bones are fractured caused by that fucker of a wife.

I turned to look up at the place I came from which was now a total mess with many trees broken to pieces and the ground damaged, then I looked far into the distance where Tsunade was looking my way with a surprised expression "You thought I wouldn't be able to stand up huh ?" I muttered to myself as I put my dislocated shoulder bone back to its place that made me wince for a moment but hardly cared about it and my regeneration will probably fix it not long after, so no worries.

I wipe the blood coming out my mouth 'Fucking body flicker is too troublesome !' I thought in annoyance as I contemplated about a way for me to approach her real quick and catch her off guard so she wouldn't be able to use either body flicker or body replacement technique like the previous times.

*inhale exhale*

I breathed to calm my nerves down and thought about a very easy looking technique I wanted to learn for some time now which also can help me use it for long distance attacks more discreetly than Rankyaku as the air blades are visible and easy to dodge for someone experienced like Tsunade.

"You survived that ?! How are you this strong without chakra ?! You shouldn't be able to stand up anymore !!" She yelled in shock but I didn't respond as I don't want to unknowingly utter something and raise her curiosity more about me unless I find myself in a lab.

I closed my eyes as I inhaled and exhaled for some moments and went into a horse stance, I extended my right arm forward with my palm relaxed and opened like a buddha, then clenched my left hand into a fist beside my trunk...

'One's movements should all flow like water, always straightforward, never jagged, never struggling' I thought about the words of my old man as I tried to recreate this one art fit for this situation.

"So you are not going to give up ?!! " A fly buzzed far from here, attempting to disturb my moment of realization.

'Every martial art detests clumsy blows that only smash the weak. Pointing this out should not be considered esoteric. All moves should flow smoothly, like a large river, and they should also be full of intrinsic power. A large power can overwhelm and crush a small power when hitting it head on, like a torrent. This power can even move a rock. This is a strong power, "Hard." Meanwhile, if one could divert the torrent, one could change the flow itself and neutralize it. This is the resilient power, "soft." Power' I contemplated and took a huge breath as I slowly understood the philosophy behind my old man Bang's words.

As I thought about this things "Become Water my dear disciple" I heard a voice and opened my eyes to see the spirit of Bang smiling kindly at me which made me look at it in a daze.

'Is this illusion ?' I thought.

My lips trembled for a moment before smiling slightly as I nod at my master gratefully and say out loud with a huge grin on my face...

"Soryu style : Destructive Death : Compass Needle"

The End.


{ Sorry for the late chap, I am very busy and fighting scenes are hard to write 🙏 }