
Naruto: The first shinobi country

this fanfic is created with the help of google translate and I apologize for any spelling errors. follows a boy from the earth, who is transmigrated into the body of an uchiha and subjugates the land of fire and creates the first shinobi empire.

KEV0024 · Anime & Comics
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am i an uchiha?

I don't know how I get to transmígrate in the world of naruto, I don't remember my previous life the only thing I remember is the naruto canon, now i find myself in an orphanage of the uchiha clan being cared for by the staff.

-what happened to the parents of this child- his mother died in childbirth yesterday and his father died 5 months ago in the war- sighing-another umm this war will leave many orphans-well now we have to continue with the others children what is their name-uchiha asashi (I am not convinced by this name, I accept suggestions).

ok so my name is uchiha a sashi and konoha right now is at war but i don't know which war, from what i just heard from the staff the first ninja war is already over this leaves only the second and third ninja war, born in periods of war in villages other than konoha would be suicide as i was born in konoha i only have two concerns danzo and orochimaru but as uchiha i have protection from the clan this should allow me to defend myself from them and grow up peacefully, Now I must start collecting information to start creating a growth plan.

Now that I was born in this world I will have to have a goal to become strong, I have always thought how powerful a ninja village could be if it became a state, it would go from doing missions and requesting financing from the daimyos to collecting taxes to finance it, this new state instead of using the small population of his village to grow his ninja forces to use the population of an entire country to grow his forces that these would go from being between ten thousand to twenty thousand to about two hundred thousand, this will be my objective in this new world become invincible take konoha and the country of fire and create a powerful country but for this I need information.

two weeks later

well with the information obtained from the staff I have discovered that I was born in the second war this started a year ago and the only threats to my growth are danzo and orochimaru and as for madara he will die at the end of the third war I have about 25 years to start the Serie.

This is a beginner's work so don't expect the fanfic to be very good, it will be mediocre and the updates will not be constant at least 1 or 2 times a week.

I accept suggestions.

If you know any page where the Naruto timeline is, I would appreciate it.

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