
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Anime & Comics
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158 Chs

Chapter no.4

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"..." after a moment of silence Shisui was about to speak before Naruto raised his hand up.

"You know of the circumstances dealing with the sealing correct?" Shisui nodded, "Demonic chakra can take years to fully assimilate itself into a jinchuriki's body, that's why they tend to be a few years older than they look. That is also the case with my siblings. While we may only be born a few minutes apart, in reality they are close to three years younger than me. For some reason my parents decided to keep us together, so I can't attend the academy until I turn twelve."

"So why aren't your parents supervising your children until then? Surely they can't expect you to sit around and do nothing for three more years." Shisui noticed that Naruto had a deadpanned look on his face as opposed to his angry one he had a minute ago.

Naruto sighed as he began his story from the very beginning...


Naruto and Shisui were starring off into the distance at the setting son as Naruto's tale was coming to a close, "And that is what's written so far in my story. I'm out here because my parents have refused to train me or even acknowledge my existence. I don't want to sit back in the warmth of the Uzumaki-Namikaze Estate while everybody moves forwards with their lives. I want to prove to myself that my existence is worth something, that it was good that I was born."

Naruto looked over to Shisui and noticed he had tears flowing down his face, "Oi stop crying! I didn't mean for this to sound like some sob story! You're a grown man for Kami's sake! And get off of me dammit!" he yelled as Shisui clung to him.

"Sorry kid...*sniff*...it's just that...*sniff*...our life stories are pretty similar" Shisui managed to get out while wiping the tears from his eyes.

"How so?"

Shisui sighed and turned back towards the sunset, "You ever heard of someone named Uchiha Itachi?" Naruto looked at him confused but nodded, "He's my best friend, but he's also some kind of prodigy that the Uchiha clan hasn't produced since the era of Warring States. Even though I'm stronger than Itachi, I'm a different kind of genius. I'm a genius of hard work as Maito Gai would put it."

"I've worked my ass off since before I was your age kid, and still I'm always compared to Itachi. Even my own parents told me that they wished that they had Itachi as a son instead of me. Trust me I get where your coming from."

Naruto let out a small small on that nobody has seen for a long time.

"From what I saw today I can tell that you have the potential to be both Naruto" Naruto looked shocked, this was the first time all day that Shisui had called him his name. It was the first time that somebody had genuinely him like they cared for him.

Shisui noticed the tears in Naruto's eyes that he refused to show, "Itachi has a little sister too, she's about the age of your siblings I think and He's already started training her too...What do you say Naruto... will you become my student?"

That was the final dam. The tears started pouring out of his eyes, "...*sniff*...yes...Shisui-sensei."


[ Two and Half years Later ]

Two and a half years that is how long it had been since Shisui had taken Naruto on as a student. It had gone by in the blink of an eye and yet so many things had changed for him during that time.

One of the things had changed was that he was actually training to be a shinobi. Serious training, not those children's training regimens that Minato and Kushina had his siblings on or even those taijutsu classes at the academy that he had seen a few times. No, he was going through training routines that would make Maito Gai break a sweat. What do you expect, Shisui was currently one of the top shinobi in Konoha right beside Hatake Kakashi, Maito Gai, and Uchiha Itachi.

His daily routine was to wake up at 5 AM, before anybody at the estate was awake, eat a small breakfast and head to the Uchiha Compound to meet up with Shisui. From there they would head out of Konoha and Naruto would be given the task of running at least ten laps around the village. After which, they would head to the clearing where they met for the first time for taijutsu training.

If you remember, Naruto's eyes aren't exactly normal. They aren't any kind of kekkei genkai, but when he was born the Kyuubi's chakra fused with them granting him with exceptional eyesight. Shisui once referred to them as 'the eyes of a hawk' because they can track even high speed movements. These unique abilities are quite similar to the sharingan's ability to read and predict movement. It is because of this that Shisui was able to start teaching Naruto the Uchiha's Interceptor Fist style of taijutsu, which he excelled at.

Naruto shivered as he remembered all those taijustu spars he had with Shisui, which were actually more like beat downs than anything.

They usually ended their taijutsu training at around lunch time, so they would usually take a break and grab a bite to eat. They would either head to the Uchiha Compound to grab some home made food, or they would head into the village and stop at a sushi bar that Naruto had taken a liking to.

They stopped at Ichiraku's once for ramen, and ironically enough he wasn't very fond of the stuff.

After lunch they would head back to the clearing for either ninjutsu or genjutsu training. They would switch off between the two every week.