
Naruto : The Fastest Ninja

A Naruto fan from Earth gets transmigrated into the Naruto world with a not so overpowered system. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS : This is my first book, so sorry for any inconveniences in advance. English is not my first language and there is no proper uploading schedule .

Kayden_Break_ · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

The Black Zetsu

Sorry for not uploading the chapter yesterday. I had my reasons

Enjoy the chapter!!


<3rd POV>

"It's been a while Obito."


The sudden revelation of the murderer's identity left Obito shocked and brought him out of his rage mode if only for a while.


Obito said and punched Shirou straight in the face and sent him tumbling to the ground.

Shirou slowly got up and wiped the blood off of his mouth. His mouth kept twitching every few seconds and his movements were shaky as well.

"Why?.....Because I wanted to."


"I killed them because I felt like i-"


Shirou was interrupted mid way because he had to dodge the wood spike that was sent his way. Obito gave in to his rage once again and attacked Shirou with all of his might.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Obito yelled, put his mask back on and charged towards Obito. Shirou counterattacked by performing a vertical slash. However, to his surprise the slash went through his body without harming him in anyway.

Shirou received the next attack getting sucker punched into his stomach and regretted giving Obito that opening.

Obito however was relentless. With his new found power of Kamui he has the most powerful defence as well as offence.

Shirou relentlessly launched more attacks and continuously got pushed back but he was slowly getting used to the Kamui. For every attack Obito 'phases' through, he has to launch a new attack at the exact same time so that he doesn't get an opportunity to attack like before.

Following this tactic wouldn't have been possible for every shinobi but by increasing his perception as well as using his maximum speed, Shirou was able to follow it.

One has to realise that Obito got his ability just now and thus doesn't have much control over it. Had he mastered it completely, Shirou would have stood no chance and would be defeated in seconds.

Realising that Shirou began to slightly get used to his ability, Obito decided to turn the battle into ninjutsu one.

He stopped in his tracks suddenly causing Shirou to stop as well.

There was something like a pulse in Obito's arms, until Wood started sprouting out of his body continuously causing the entire battle area to be covered with trees. The sudden change in terrain of the battlefield caught Shirou off guard which resulted in him going through numerous attacks from Obito until he finally made some breathing space for himself.

After this bout, Shirou's face was completely covered in blood. He had multiple fractures in his body yet he still had this indifferent look in his eyes as if he had no emotions at all.

Obito on the other hand was lost in his own thoughts.

'Why didn't he dodge? He willingly took on such strong attacks on himself and there was no trap hidden there. What is he thinking?'

'Whatever. He killed Rin and Kakashi. That is a fact and I don't need to know the reasons.'

Obito again dashed towards Shirou. This time with the intention to kill and to just end this fight already.

However when he was just an arm's distance away from him. A yellow light flashed before eyes and he was blasted away. Reorienting himself in the air and landing safely, he saw Minato Namikaze standing before him guarding Shirou.

"Shirou! Are you okay?" Minato asked in a worried and concerned tone.

"Yes Sensei I am fine. But I can't say the same for Kakashi and Rin the person in front of us killed them."


Minato looked around only to see a bloodied figure covered in white spiral mask and not far away from him lay two dead bodies. Seeing his student's dead bodies in front of him, Minato's bloodlust emerged suffocating everyone present there. Even the parasitic black sludge attached to Shirou.

"You will pay for this!!"

"So you are in on this too huh?"

Obito said as he revealed his face and took off his mask once again.


Minato was speechless at this sight and was utterly confused.

"Obito? Is that really you?"

"Yes. It has been a while Sensei."

"It really is you. But then-"




Minato felt immense pain on his back luckily the attack was shallow and he wasn't that injured.

He looked back at the attacker to see Shirou holding his sword where he previously stood. He had sensed danger behind him even before the attack landed but he refused to believe that Shirou would stab him in the back.

Not knowing about the infinite tsukuyomi plan yet, Obito still had concern and worry about his teacher.

"KeKe KeKe. Look at this, to see the yellow flash of the leaf in such a state is a huge pleasure" Shirou laughed maniacally.

"Why are you doing this Shirou?!" Minato asked

"Why? It's simple. Because if I leave you alive you will grow to your full potential and might end up becoming a threat to my plans. I had honestly never thought that someone who isn't a Jinchuriki or an Uchiha could get to this level. But you, You are just an enigma, aren't you boy?"

Shirou's voice had changed into something of the robotic kind and a lot more lower pitch.

"You are such an enigma that even your students are so powerful. I had came up with a few schemes in the past few years to get rid of them as well but they just continued to survive. Even now, that brat with silver hair and that pathetic kunoichi lying over there are still breathing though there end is very near. And especially the strongest of you students is this one right here." Shiro said as he placed his hand on his chest.

"I will have fun using this toy. Just wait and watch as the chaos ensues in this world. Ke Ke Ke Ke"

Lightning flashed under Shirou's feet as he fled from the battlefield.

Neither Obito nor Minato tried to go after him as they had more important matters to attend.

The wound on Minato's back was shallow but it was more than enough to hinder his fightning ability. Also on hearing the news that his students might still be alive, he could not even think of prioritising to chase Shirou than help Kakashi and Rin.

He walked over them to see that Obito was already clutching Rin's body. He took her in his hands and stood up and ran away.


Minato yelled only to be completely ignored by Obito.

Having no other choice whatsoever, he gritted his teeth and made his way to Kakashi. He put his hand over his chest and both of them teleported away.


<Shirou POV>

We were headed to the border but on our way we encountered an ambush of Kiri ninjas.

The best way to deal with them was to lead them away from that place and kill them somewhere we have an advantage against them after destroying whatever formation and strategy they have come up with.

As such, Kakashi and I used high speed attacks to cut down as many enemies as possible and drive their attention towards us to make them follow us. Rin would follow Kakashi as I had instructed her to because there is no way that the Kiri ninjas will harm Rin as that might lead to Isobu getting loose on their territory.

Rin would be able to provide Kakashi with a lot of backup.

I lead the larger part of the enemy ninjas to a different place from them and fought them there.

It took a little over 10 minutes but I managed to get rid off every one of them.

I pulled out my sword from the enemy's body and sheathed it quickly.

I was about to move out but--


My body refused to move and I felt an immense amount of pain in my back as well a sinister presence that wasn't there until just a moment ago.

"KeKeKeKe So you are the pest that has been toying with my plans for so long."

Though my peripheral vision I could only make out the thing behind me to be a black coloured creature. But that was enough to make me give an accurate guess as to who that person was.

The person who I feared the most. The most intelligent and most devious plotter in the entire Naruto world who had been manipulating the entire history from shadows.

"T-The B-Black Zetsu." I muttered in fear and shock.

This was game over.

"Oh so you know who I am? What an interesting creature you are. Let's see what else you know."

'System make sure that he doesn't know about your presence or my past life. The only memories he should be able to access should be Shirou Hatake's not Nate River's. PLEASE!!!'

[That will be done.]

'Oh thank fucking god.'

If Zetsu finds out about how the original story of Naruto universe went, he would kill Naruto and Sasuke the moment they are born and this world will be done for.


I felt my consciousness fading away? No, he was taking control of my mind and body as he attached himself to me.


I heard the voices of Kakashi and Rin.

'No Don't DON"T COME HERE!!'

I tried yelling but there was no way for me to actually be able to do that.

"I am sorry I zoned out. Let's go and get out of here"

Black zetsu in my body led Kakashi and Rin away till they reached a clearing where they again met with many Kiri Anbus.

'That bastard led them into a trap!!'

Before he could stab Kakashi in his heart, I managed to use all the mental strength I could gather and used it to take back the control of my body but I only managed to divert the attack and the sword penetrated Kakashi's gut.

Doing this, I felt my mental strength shatter. I felt even lesser in control of my body.

He continued on to attack Rin after him and I again tried to stop him but couldn't and rin was stabbed in her heart.

I could only cry my heart out as I saw him killing my friend using my own body.

Fuck I have never felt so helpless in my life.

'Stop it. I SAID STOP IT!!!'

I didn't know whether he could hear me or not. But I could only try screaming and pleading to him to stop.

Just few seconds after he killed Rin, Obito arrived. We fought. Zetsu made me out to be the murderer.

Later I again used what little strength I had to stop him from killing Minato Sensei but after that it felt as if I was bounded by chains and was sent to the deepest part of my conciousness where now I could not even see or hear what was happening in the outside world.

It felt as if I had died because shortly after that, I fell asleep not knowing when and if I would ever be able to take control of my body again.


I puked blood on the floor as I saw myself being impaled by a man in a lightning armour.

'What? Isn't that the Raikage?'

He pulled out his hand and left me with a gaping wound on my chest. Blood continued to flow out without giving any signs to stop and I fell down.

What the fuck? Did zetsu gave me control of my body just before I would die?

Ha ha ha

What a fucking pathetic life.

"Congratulations Raikage-Sama!!"

"Yes the world will be a much better lace now with him gone."

"Yes. Shirou Hatake, the most wanted person in this world is finally dead."

Slowly, I felt my vision getting blurry and I could feel the strength vanishing. Soon the memories of whatever had transpired in these past few years flashed before my eyes as I was dying.
