
Naruto The Demon

His lifelong dream was to join their ranks, yearning for friends, family, and something more. But it was all a facade, a lie he realized when constantly asked for forgiveness. The plea for endless chances shattered his hope. Fueled by betrayal, he vows to bring despair, with their blood as the catalyst...

Mystic_Verse · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Sparkling Cider Diplomacy

Yugao blocked Kō's palm strike with the arm guards of her Anbu uniform. The surprise from Kō wasn't even allowed to register before he heard Santa offer a grunt of pain. He turned around and he noticed his associate with his arm locked and a kunai at his throat. "An Anbu works for him?! What kind of nightmare is this?!" Kō asked. He turned back to the blonde.

"Hmm, my consequences will be numerous, will they? I have to say, I'm impressed it took you so long to attack me. I almost thought I figured you wrong based on the nigh eight hours of memories I've had to sift through in a closet, but I'm glad I was wrong. You're both as stupid as I thought.

Now then, I like to think of myself as better than the rest of the Konoha garbage that walks the streets. So, I'm going to give you both a task. I'm not going to give it to you now, or maybe I won't even give it to you ten, twenty, or even forty years down the line, but if you accomplish it, then I might give you the information you want," Naruto offered.

Kō and Santa did not speak. There came a knock on the door and Naruto moved for the person to enter. Uzumei returned with the drinks. She placed a tray on the table. Naruto took one. "Oh, don't worry about me drinking. Its sparkling cider. I have to say, taking the memories of a woman who worked at the hospital has its benefits. I don't know why you people drink that junk anyway, but...I'm not here to discuss dietary habits. Now please, take your seats again and let's discuss your place here," Naruto proposed.

"You...What makes you think you can control one of the most powerful underground empires in the elemental nations?!" Kō asked. Naruto sat back in his chair and placed his feet on his desk.

"Oh, you'll find that I have a LOT of professional experience working in my favor, Kō-san," Neither jonin knew what the blonde was speaking of, but the Anbu which stood between them and their target had not left them with many options. Both took a seat. They did not take their drinks. Whether this was out of caution or out of mere spite was debatable. Yet, Naruto didn't mind. As long as he was satisfied then there was no problem. Now...if only he could get some decent ramen.

That instant, Naruto frowned. It had been a couple of days and he had not returned to the one place that made him constantly question his growing hatred for Konoha. The one place that one could argue was where people of trust existed. Teuchi and his daughter, Ayame were some of the very few people that did not betray Naruto's trust.

What would they think of him now? Perhaps they would hate him now for what he was doing. Even so, they were not enough! Their kindness was NOT ENOUGH! He stared at the two jonin. He kept his smile forward, though he was not sure he felt it as clearly as before.


"Ugh, I feel like I just aged another ten years. Where's the fun in being an adult anyway?" Naruto asked as he laid on top of his bed. Yugao removed her mask and placed it on the desk that the blonde had brought from the bar office that he had been using. As much as Yugao tried to hate him, a spiteful grin did appear on her face.

"Shorties like you need their bedtime instead of hanging around criminal organizations," She replied. He turned his head to her and childishly stuck out his tongue. He then propped himself up on his bed.

"Har har har, very funny. I wonder how the rest of your colleagues are gonna take the fact that you got outsmarted by a shorty. Besides...based on my age, and medical knowledge from...some lady, I'm bound for a growth spurt...sooner or later," He said. He switched out his clothes for his pajamas and turned off his light, not waiting for her response to his comments.

"What are you going to do with the Uchiha and Uzumei-san? I doubt they will be comfortable around the guards there," Yugao asked. Naruto turned over in his bed and let out a yawn. He pulled his covers over his body.

"They're safe. That's all you need to know for now. Also, before you ask, I did mean what I said. Takamura Shingen isn't going to be showing up. He'll play his part as well. Now, I assume you don't wanna be hovering over me all night so go do whatever you want, baring the obvious things," He ordered. He then quickly fell asleep.

Yugao frowned for a moment. She thought to pull her blade, but she decided that the frustration of failure was not something she felt like going through. In addition, now that she thought if it, if she did manage to kill him then she would not be ready to explain why the Kyuubi was rampaging through Konoha again. So, she walked away in disapproval. She jumped out of the window and dashed off into the darkness...not knowing that she was being watched by eyes from far away.


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