
Naruto The Demon

His lifelong dream was to join their ranks, yearning for friends, family, and something more. But it was all a facade, a lie he realized when constantly asked for forgiveness. The plea for endless chances shattered his hope. Fueled by betrayal, he vows to bring despair, with their blood as the catalyst...

Mystic_Verse · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Mizuki's Night

The sounds of club music played above the underground floors while Naruto sat in his chair. He sighed. "And to think I have to go back to that pathetic academy like some dressed up clown! Tsk! Well, it could be worse. At least I'll be able to advance my goals a bit further. Especially if Uzumei-chan is finished with her assignments. Izumi should have things in place as well for the coming weeks," Naruto said. His eyes fell for a moment.

His tongue cursed. Try as he might, advance his mind as he might, his body could not keep up. He hadn't been sleeping great these days. He pushed himself back from the desk he had been working on. "So...how was your day off?" Naruto asked the Anbu next to him.

Yugao frowned when she looked at him, but she cleared her throat. "I've been training. The new recruits make for welcoming stress relievers," she admitted. It was no surprise to either just what she meant by that statement. Naruto's grin widened, but he didn't reply to her.

Then again, he had seen the training procedures she had passed on to the new Anbu recruits. Who knew such a young boy could get under a professional shinobi's skin. Again, he wasn't even surprised when she told new recruits to keep their masks on. He knew what she was trying to do, but it didn't matter. If he needed that information then he could always make another command if truly needed.

"So if I could so graciously know, what is your plan for Uchiha Sasuke and the others? You have nothing, but animosity towards him. But the chunin, Mizuki, has been nothing, but fair to you. Why involve someone that you hate and someone who's been fair to you?" Yugao asked. Naruto balanced a glass cup on the table with his forefinger. His eyes lingered on the apple cider inside. He then stared at the ceiling. He hoped he could get a massage from his training earlier.

"Hmmm, you know...it might be that I'm still ten, but I do still hate Sasuke. I at least know why now. After all, I did shift though about ten hours of business memories. Turns out Shigen and his wife had his own hate as well. So maybe I have an answer for it now. Sasuke was always better than me. He had what I wanted."

"Good shinobi skills, recognition, family, and the girls at school would practically drop their premature panties for the guy, who says only men are perverts?" Naruto questioned off which got a glare from Yugao, but he ignored that as well.

"From the memories I've had to watch, you ladies come up with some weird stuff, but anyway we're not here to discuss that. Truth be told, I don't know what I'm going to do with Sasuke yet. Perhaps I'll corrupt Konoha's golden boy. Imagine Konoha's reaction when the Kyuubi Brat uses the Uchiha to burn the village to the ground. Rather interesting poetic justice don'tcha think?" The blonde asked.

Yugao did not respond. Naruto didn't expect her to. He finished off his drink. "Besides, you might think I'm doing this out of spite, but I'm just being what Konoha told me to be. I'm giving them what they all wanted, and I'll make use of any advantage I can get. As for Mizuki, I have wonderful plans for my 'fair' teacher," Naruto responded until both heard a knock at the door. The blonde allowed the person to enter.

Both saw Uzumei come through. "All tasks are done, My Lord. I...would like to ask for the night off. My head has been hurting since I bumped into a jonin," She said. Naruto rose an eyebrow. Yugao did the same.

"Alright, I don't mind that. However, before you go...tell me what led up to this headache. Do you need to go back to the doctor?" He asked.

Uzumei thought over his question for a moment. "I...don't believe so. It was ever since I had observed Uchiha Sasuke. When I gave him the scroll under the guise of a delivery, he called me… 'Kaa-san.'," Uzumei said.

Naruto's eyes shined red under the low glow of light within his office. Oh, well this was surprising information. So Uchiha Sasuke was a bit of a momma's boy? How interesting.

"Then after I left Mizuki's apartment, I bumped into a jonin with silver hair. He wore his hitai over the side of his face. He apologized to me, but...I quickly got angry when I saw him. I got so angry I almost alert the area to my chakra. Since then, I've had my headache," She claimed.

Yugao blinked. It sounded like she had come into contact with Hatake Kakashi, her former Anbu captain. Yugao turned and she noticed Naruto looking at her. She shivered. Oh right, he had seen her memories. It was obvious he also knew that. It was also obvious that she was not going to like the words that came out of her mouth in the coming minutes.

"I...do not like him, my Lord. I do not like him at all. I think I slowly understand...Izumi's hate!" Uzumei replied. Naruto fought hard to keep a grin from appearing and splitting his face. Oh boy, now this was even better than what he had planned. There was a reason he had not delved into the mysteries about Uzumei just yet. It was just that. It was a mystery that he wanted to solve. This...was an interesting piece.

"I see. Well, you go get some rest. You'll have training in the morning. You did well today," Naruto remarked. Uzumei bowed and then exited the room. As soon as the door closed, Naruto didn't even have to order his Anbu friend to do it before Yugao was speaking. She already knew the order was coming so it was a save of her mental resistance.

"Hatake Kakashi. He's the only jonin I know who matches that description. This...isn't going to be a short information rundown," Yugao replied. Naruto placed his feet on his desk. What did he care? He wasn't going anywhere. He allowed her to continue. Thus Yugao Uzuki told Naruto Uzumaki, from A-Z, everything she knew about Kakashi Hatake.


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