
Naruto The Demon

His lifelong dream was to join their ranks, yearning for friends, family, and something more. But it was all a facade, a lie he realized when constantly asked for forgiveness. The plea for endless chances shattered his hope. Fueled by betrayal, he vows to bring despair, with their blood as the catalyst...

Mystic_Verse · Anime & Comics
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74 Chs

Bloodbound Dictator

The guard roared with his sword overhead. "You disrespectful piece of Demon filth! How dare you threaten Shingen-sama's son?!" he shouted.

His sword shined under the light of their conference room. However, the guard wondered why he had gone from looking at the blonde who had just wished ill-fortune on his boss' son to staring at the ceiling. He even saw his blade floating in front of him. With the help of the lights, and the shimmer of his blade, he found his answer.

He saw his body drop to the ground to the shock and horror of all while his head spun in the air dislocated from its shoulders. It then crashed near the front of the door that both intruders had entered from.

Just before he died, he noticed the Anbu standing in front of the one he had tried to protect, in one hand a blade of steel. Yet, in the other hand, it was a blade of dark, pulsing red evil. It looked almost tangible in form and it was crafted like a sword. It looked as red...as blood. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he faded away into the afterlife.

"Any more volunteers?" Naruto asked.

Yugao slowly relaxed her stances with her blade of steel, and blade of blood, in both hands. Having looked at so many books, and the hours he he had put in, along with Yugao's experiences in swordplay and sword maintenance, Naruto was easily able to fashion a blade for his 'friend.' Even better, he glanced at the small scar he had made on her wrist, it was actually her own sword so to speak.

No one said a word for a moment, but quickly two more guards dashed for them both. Yugao's eyes hardened. Yes, these people were all the scum of the earth. Yes, Konoha had been trying to take them down for years. Yes, she was glad to be rid of them. However, frustration was prevalent upon her soul. She was not doing this because Konoha had gathered the evidence. She was not doing this to save anymore poor people from being exploited. She was doing this...to further her Lord's agenda.

Yugao jumped dashed for one of the guards. The clash of metal rung in the room when their blades collided. However, the guard stood not a chance when she swung her blade of blood for his midsection. He fell to the floor in pain, but Yugao quickly severed his head just like the previous one.

However, she allowed the other to pass her by merely because Naruto had told her to. He watched the man charge for him. He could see the man's pumping heart. So much easy material to work with.

He asked for the blood to harden and it followed his command. One thing Naruto noticed was that blood for humans was much denser than blood for animals thus it was much more difficult to form and bend, but...he had a lot of practice last night.

Raising his hand into the air, Naruto took a hold of the force which compelled the blood to obey him. In an act which quieted anyone who might rebel against him. He pulled his arm to himself and the most agonizing screams were heard from the guard as at least twenty rows of blood spikes bursted from his chest, killing him instantly. He dropped down and fell in front of the blonde.

The Kyuubi container tried not to let his thoughts linger for too long. He was sure he would tremble if he did at the idea of his first kill. Yet, he couldn't falter now. If he did, this really would be the end of him and he couldn't allow that.

A slow exhale made him calm his nerves. He turned to the rest of them. The blood from all three guards slowly drifted into the air. Each combined with the other until it formed a spherical ball at the center of Naruto's palm. He then imagined it as thin as possible. He imagined it as long as possible. A grin, he formed upon his face and he threw the blood into the air once again.

However, as it splashed through between them all. The vital fluids quickly formed over a hundred rows of senbon like needles ready to pierce any and all flesh. Given the tight space, and the many rows, escape...was not possible. "Anymore takers? I'm always happy to take more blood donations!" Naruto said. He noticed Yugao still remained between him and the others.

"You! So you're finally showing your true colors, Demon! I knew that old bastard of a Hokage was too trusting to let you live!" one of them said to which the others silently cursed. They did not want to die for another's stupidity. Even if they felt she was right. However, the only thing they all received was...a smile. The others shivered when a blood spike pierced the mouth of the one who spoke making her drop dead as well.

Naruto turned his hand and pointed the rest of his arsenal at his latest victims. "All aboard the next trip to the afterlife. All that is required for entry is you opening your damn mouths one more time unless I say so!" The blonde grunted out.

Color seemed to drain from everyone's faces. Yugao was not sure how she was supposed to take this. She was an Anbu, yes. She held valuable experience and wisdom which could hold the fate of a village in someone hands, but...with just her memories, her Lord was able to do this.

"We'll beat this...somehow." Hayate replied.

Desperately, Yugao wanted to believe those words, but...now the blonde had not just acquired her memories, but also the memories of the leader of Konoha's Underworld. If he gained anymore, what would become of them? What would become of her? Would she ever be able to get free from his grap? She could feel hope slipping away. As her hope slowly drained away, she was brought back to her deal with her Lord, her deal...with a devil. She found herself despairing. Would...Hayate kill her?"

She wondered what went through the minds of everyone around them both. She could see them lowering their weapons aware of their own pointless struggle. She could feel the surge of pride radiating from her Lord for he had won once again. This ten-year old boy, who sought the destruction of Konoha, had placed himself in a smaller goal to do so. She had helped with that. She had been instrumental in that. What could she say? Would death be enough to fix her mistakes?

"What? What are you all doing?! My husband won't stand for this! Do you not know how I am?! I am Kai Shingen! My husband will have your heads for this! You will all pay for this! Mmmmphhm!" The wife of Takamura Shingen said before she was gagged by one of the opposing officers.

"Take her to the cells. Tell them, the Red Dragon organization is under new management." One of them said, their voice filled with uncertainty and fear.

Though, whether this was fear of the blonde behind them, or whether it was fear that the Boss' wife would actually go through with her threats, it was anyone's guess. The woman was quickly removed from the presence of everyone which left the officers in front of the blonde. They stared at him. He stacked back. He closed his eyes and slowly lowered the spikes he had controlled.

"I knew we'd all see it my way eventually. It took me some time to see the village's way too, so I won't hold it against you. Now, we can talk like I wanted to do from the beginning," Naruto explained. He watched their breathing settle. Look at their eyes.

They were so full of hope, so full of relief, so full of joy, that they might live to see the rise and fall of the sun. How he loved those expressions. Just like the ones he had worn. His first direct kill fresh in his mind, Naruto swung his hand down. Let them learn just as he had learned.


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