
Naruto The Demon

His lifelong dream was to join their ranks, yearning for friends, family, and something more. But it was all a facade, a lie he realized when constantly asked for forgiveness. The plea for endless chances shattered his hope. Fueled by betrayal, he vows to bring despair, with their blood as the catalyst...

Mystic_Verse · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

15 A Path of Isolation

This got a laugh. "Hahaha, you? Training? What could you possible hope to train on in a week? Tired of being the class clown? Or are you going for the Sasuke 'Hn' route?" Kiba asked. The Inuzuka heir held his stomach, but his canine companion did not feel the same. For Akamaru, the smell of blood which surrounded his friend's blonde classmate was very worrying. He whimpered.

Naruto got just a tad angrier. His old self still popped up. The one that desired to defeat Sasuke at all costs, but he eased this emotion. He had something that Uchiha Sasuke would never have. He had information that Uchiha Sasuke would never have.

For now, he was more than happy with the silent victories. "Caring about Sasuke is stupid. Not to mention he's a waste of my time. In fact, all of you are a waste of my time. Especially those drooling piles of female hormones gawking at him. It's pathetic." Naruto answered.

Kiba, Shikamaru, Choji, and nearly all the class heard his words. Uchiha Sasuke turned around and stared at the one who had spoken against him. The girls which surrounded the Uchiha turned their eyes to him in anger. "Oi Naruto! Don't badmouth…,"

The blonde sucked his teeth. He didn't have time for this. He pushed passed the others. However, he noticed Sasuke looking at him angrily. Naruto snorted and continued walking away. He didn't need to provoke Sasuke yet. If he could make plans for that emotional ball of mess then no doubt he'd have more…

Naruto stiffened when he felt a sharp blow to his head. Instantly, he learned that though he possessed nearly all information in Uzuki Yugao's memories, his body had not. He had not been prepared for that blow for he had not been in actual combat. Thus, he clenched his head in pain. "Naruto, you idiot! Who do you think you are talking about Sasuke-kun like that! Apologize immediately," came another voice he was very familiar with.

No. No. No. No. No. No. NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! The first one. The very first one he would break. The very first one he would crush. The very first one he would let suffer...would be...would be…

Naruto turned around and stared at Haruno Sakura, proclaimed smartest girl in the academy. She came from a shinobi background as her parents were former shinobi. He still remembered the sight of her long pink hair. He remembered the days he tried to vy for her affection, her appreciation, her understanding, her...love. If he could, he would go back and force himself to regret this action. He watched her stand over him, cracking her knuckles as she did so.

"Apologize?" Naruto asked.

The wood beneath his feet cracked which made everyone take a step back. Naruto turned around and everyone gasped when Sakura doubled over in pain when his fist blew the wind from her lungs.

Hinata Hyuga, former heiress of the Hyuga clan, widened her eyes. Kiba and Choji stood stunned. Shikamaru and nearly the whole class remained speechless. Ino took a slight step back. Everyone stood wondering, what...happened to Naruto?

"You're right, Sakura. I should apologize. I should apologize to myself for wasting even one second on thoughts of having friends with anyone in this pathetic excuse for an Academy. I should apologize to myself for putting up with your name-calling, your snide remarks, and your petty grievances about your appearance. Get. Out. Of. My. Face," Naruto said before he pushed her away and sent her into Ino's arms. Sakura's legs fumbled and she fell to the floor.

The young blonde turned and saw the others looking at him. "Tsk. Why am I wasting my time with any of you?" Naruto asked. He continued walking through the room before he noticed Hyuuga Hinata staring at him. She seemed to want to say something, but she kept his head down. The holder of the Kyuubi grunted before he moved out of her way.

He headed for the door and closed it behind him. No, he wasn't worried that they would say something to the teachers. Because he had mentally suggested them all to not do so.

Granted to do that to a call of about twelve to fifteen kids was a very hard task, he had only been able to do it because everyone was too shocked to recover the mental fortitude needed to disregard his suggestions. They had been strong suggestions that what transpired should be ignored. Save for Ino helping Sakura to the Nurse's Office, it had worked.

"Though, I'm going to need to take a break. I almost released my hold on Yugao with that stunt. Hmmm, nearly taking control of academy students is easier than controlling an anbu. Gee, who would have thought that?" Naruto figured.

He understood that the reason he couldn't command the students was because...he hadn't partaken of having their blood transfuse with his own. He had intermixed a large quantity of his blood with Uzuki Yugao's blood which allowed him to take control of her much easier. He hadn't had the opportunity to do that with the rest of the class, but that did give him another idea for down the line. His mouth formed up.

The academy ended and Naruto left before any of his classmates could catch up to him. The walk home was nothing to worry about. He took a deep breath and opened the door to his apartment.

He walked in. "Hmmm, no traps. As a former prankster, I was expecting that almost instantly," he thought. Then again, he was dealing with an Anbu. No doubt hers would be better than his. Traps, he meant.


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