

Konohagakure No Sato prison cell

Naruto looked at the smirking girl in front of him as the girl would walk closer to naruto as she would come closer then she would give him a deep kiss as they would part after a minute to catch their breaths as there was a line of saliva still connecting the 2 together.

I've missed this so much.said naruto

Oh come on it's only been 1 week and a half you horny son of bitch.said the girl

You know the stuff you do are special to me just like my lovely malta i went for that long without either of you i almost went insane as he was crying anime tears

The girl would burst out laughing as she would calm down you really do ove those drinks but you know you can always have me as long as you want as she would move her shirt a way that he could get a viue of her.

Naruto would suddenly get up breaking the chains like nothing and moving like there were no seals all over his body as he would grab her shoulder pushing her back on the wall putting a hand on her cheek as he would start to kiss her.

Meanwhile kakashi hatake was in his anbu clothing jumping from roof to roof alongside Yamato (Tenzo but i will be calling him yamato)

Kakashi and Yamato would stop on a roof top as they felt a weird presence as then the building would shake a little as they would wonder what could be happening.

They would both look at each other and give each other a node as they would both jump down going into the building as they would realise that there were dead people on the ground and there seem to be people alive here in a room in a room in the building as they would get to the door.

Putting their ears on the wall they heard weird noises coming from the room as they would open the door to see naruto with no shirt showing his muscular with the long blond hair with his black pants as he was kissing a girl that looked a bit younger than him as the girl was unzipping naruto's pants while naruto was rubbing his hand on her private area making her moan in pleasure she would suddenly pulled off of him.

What's wrong? asked naruto

She would point behind him as naruto would look back to see his old teammate and the anbu as naruto would sigh.

Why did you guys have to interrupt couldn't you see I was about to do this beautiful young woman here pointing at the girl making her wave at them as Kakashi's eyes and Yamato's eyes would go whide.

Y-you, how did you get here? Did you kill all of those people to free Naruto? well I did kill them but It wasn't to free Naruto sama. Then why? I did it so I could get the best view in the house of course!!!

Wood style wood prison as multiple poles would come from the ground making a box of wood trapping naruto and the girl "now they can't move kakashi those seals and my wood are stopping him and her so go and knock them out."

Naruto would look at Yamato then the wood prison then back at Yamato the the wood prison as he would keep on doing that for a good minute. "Are you god damn serious" naruto would scream.

Kakashi and yamato would look in horror as the seals on naruto's body and the wood would catch purple and black flames disintegrating them in a instance as naruto would the expod in a burst of power blowing everything except for the girl who was actually nowhere to be seeing as naruto would jump up looking down at the damage that he had made on the village.

At the hyuga compound

WHERE IS SHE WHERE IS SHE? screamed a voice as Hiashi was trying to get out of a meeting room from the 2 other elders of the clan.

I'm here father said a feminine voice as Hiashi would look back to see his daughter Hanabi Hyuga.

Oh there you are child, your fate of getting the cage bird seal like you were meant to have many years ago will be delayed due to the hidden leaf village being under attack.

"Oh by who father" said hanabi as she walked up to her father. "Who is attacking us, father?"

"That demon brat na- "but he could not continue as he coughed up blood.

"It's naruto sama get it right your old idot." Said hanabi as she pulled away from him after hitting him in the heart killing him knowing that his own daughter killed him as his soul would go straight to hell to get tortured for secretly forcing Hinata and Hanabi's mom to be with him but he didn't have enough time to remember the whole story as he passed away and died.

Remembering that her father forced her mother to be with him she got a look of anger as she would put her feet on his head and slam it down as it would blow up.

She would then capture the 2 elders and she would start to torture them.

Meanwhile in the middle of konohagakure

Naruto came from a circle of flame as he would say and now naruto has return to this piece of crap of a village and i shall destroy it as he would say that he would get sent flying away from a powerful punch to the chest making him crash into a building as he would look up to see that it was coming from tsunade.

As he would look down to see that his whole chest was caved in as he would say dammit that was a lot harder than I thought it would be as he would get it as his wounds would start to heal very fast almost instantly.

Tsunade would look at him, his look and his eyes filled with hate and evil intants, is this really you naruto?

Of course it's me you dumbass as he would dash at tsunade at tsunade would try to punch him back but he ducked and gave her a uppercut sending her flying up,he teleported up and with a doward kick he sent her flying down to the ground with a boooom!

Getting up tsunade realized she was hurt a lot more than she thought as she would activate her healing to try to recover.

Naruto tried making his way to tsunade only for hundreds of anbu, jonins, chunin and genin to try and stop him.

Naruto would drive his hand forward piercing through the last anbu as he would lift him up looking him in the eyes.

Yuu wants to dance but sorry I don't have any time to waste as his hand glows making the anbu explode.

Naruto would look at the downed tsunade and smirk.

You are no longer of any purpose to me so that mean you nothing more then garbage and you know what happens to that as he would slam his foot down trying to crush her skull but tsunade caught it as naruto would frown and start to punch her in the stomach making her caught up blood as he was about to finish her off but then he was sent flying by a powerful kick to the head from guy.

Crashing into a building Naruto was damaged quite badly as before he could heal he saw something that scared him.

It was kakashi and standing side by side with yamato behind the as then kakashi activated his ms(mangekyou sharingan, that's what i'll be calling it i'm lazy)guy had the 7 gait open with yamato having wood coming from his hand as they would all attack him at once as he would curse in his head getting into a defensive position.

10 minutes later

Naruto was bleeding a lot but was able to fight and was healing but guy was not really injured and Kakashi had his legs broken and was on the ground and so he was not able to fight anymore and Yamato was dying from a whole through his chest.

Well, it looks like you're the last one standing. Guy Said naruto with a smirk

Well it makes sense that this is the end. Said guy as he would take off his jounin vest on the ground but then he would start to push chakra through his body.

As the chakra coerced through him it got to his heart opening the 8 af finale gate the gate of death, as red chakra erupted from guy's body pushing everything back.

Well not a bad transformation but it looks like it uses your lifeforce making it a one time use but i can save you but you have to join me said. naruto with a smirk on his face


Guy charged in a sonic boom as he punched naruto but naruto blocked but you could hear all of bones shattered like glass making him wince in pain as naruto would get sent flying away only for guy to appear above him and punch him down into the ground making naruto caught up some blood.

Jumping back guy would grit his teeth feeling the pain of the 8 gait but he knew he had to do this as he would watch naruto get up.

He would start to run around naruto in a circle as he would making a circle of dust around naruto as then he would suddenly punch the air making it make a air cannon heading for naruto but naruto would raise his hand and out of the ground came a wall made of skeleton of dead people but they were covered in darkness as naruto would fly up trying to get higher ground but boom he tried to block a hit from guy but he failed making him get sent crashing down creating a giant hole.

As naruto would turn to his back coughing up blood he's using his speed to step on air and those punches he's creating some kind of air cannon it would be bad if i get hit by those fist directly as you could hear his bones snap back to solace as he would dash back up coming from the cloud of dust.

Guy seeing naruto back and ready to fight would immediately dash forward as he would start to make a circle around him as then he would punch the air saying first step shooting a air cannon at naruto second step doing another one third step making a third step fourth step making a fourth one making naruto trap and not able to move.

Seeing naruto not able to move he would dach at naruto's body with his single punch to his chest but something caught him off guard naruto managed to kick him back and made some darkness come around himself to take some of the pounches impact as naruto would get sent crashing away as he would get up again but this time he was buffer then before and had traces of darkness on him as he would smirk minilickly.

Of all of those that ive face over the years you are the strongest of them all i naruto uzumaki declare that you are the strongest in taijutsu as he would watch at guy knelt down as then a massive amount of red chakra would appear around around him "charge"

The chakra would create a mavive red dragon as he would dash at naruto with a kick his final kick as naruto seeing this would make a shield using some of the darkness on him but the shield was bending before it even made contact with guys attack.

What he's banding space as guys kick would slam into him going through the whole village leaving pure destruction making a massive smoke.

Meanwhile kakashi had goten healed enough to walk and use one more kamui as he would get up going over to the area where guy and naruto landed as he would get there to see something that shocked him

Naruto was laying on the scorched earth as there was a massive hole going from his chest going down to his leg. All of that was blown off his arms where ripped off and destroyed.

Naruto would slowly open his eyes as a small smile would appear on his face as he would start to cough but then it would change to a laugh as he would slowly sit up "you bastear i very nearly died" as darkness would start to seep from his wounds as it would start to heal him as he would get up with his legs shaking as his arms and chest would get healed from the darkness as blood would be leaking from his mouth.

Slowly walking to guy's disintegrating body he would chuckle dryly well it looks like you're turning into ash but I will finish you off as a sign of respect he would point his hand at guy as it was shaking as a small black and purple flame would come from it.

Farewell you were a wealthy foe as he would shoot the flames at him destroying it as then HAnabi would appear next to naruto "naruto sama are you ok"

Im fine but we're leaving as black wings would appear from naruto's back as he would hold on to hanabi as he would flap his wings taking off.

Unknown location

Naruto landed in an underground base. As they landed naruto's wings would disappear as he would collapse coughing up a lot of blood "naruto sama are you ok?"

Yeah i'll be fine just need to rest a little

Hanabi would put his arm around her neck helping him walk as they would arrive at a room to see there were 6 figures as he would smirk.

End of chapter 3

Will Naruto be ok?

How did Naruto meet hanabi?

What is Naruto's planning?

Who are those 6 people?

What will the hidden leaf do to retaliate?

What will Danzo do now that "his weapon" is gone?

What is Naruto hoping to accomplish?

I wonder who knows the answers to those questions that we are all asking?wait-i do HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z