
Naruto: The Chronicles of Uzumaki Naruto

In a world where war's the norm and peace is but a distant dream, brace yourself for an unlikely hero—Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, a soul as arrogant as it is kind, and compassionate beyond measure. His arrogance isn't just for show; it's earned. He's no crown prince, but he's claimed the throne of greatness through sheer determination. Despite being tossed to the bottom by life's tide, he's risen to honor. In this era of challenges, he'll blaze his trail, smashing obstacles left and right. He'll dive deep into the void era's abyss, reaching heights even the Narutoverse hadn't dreamed of. Join us as we ride the waves of time, curious to see where they'll take our hero and the adventures that await. --- Once a war orphan, born from the very peak of human jealousy and hatred, he was an abandoned soul. Yet, he refused to surrender. Battling against life's confines, he hacked his way to victory. From rags to riches, he mastered the art of becoming a multimillionaire, even creating vast business empires. And then, as fate would have it, he met his demise. No grand exit, just a knowing smile. But fate isn't quite done with him. Reborn into a world he wished to escape—a world of war and suffering—he's back for more. This time, he's determined to seize his destiny, clawing his way back to the pinnacle. Like a blazing star, he's our beloved protagonist, reborn as Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze. So, dive right into this wild adventure, as the river of time carries us toward the unknown. Welcome to the grandest escapade you'll ever embark upon. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Alright, listen up, fellow otakus! Just so we're clear, I'm not the grand mastermind behind Naruto Anime or Manga, nope, that honor goes to the legendary Masashi Kishimoto. He's the genius who conjured up this epic universe that made our childhood triple the awesome. And hey, I'm not claiming any ownership over those cool pics you'll see here either. I'm just gonna keep sprinkling in those visuals and make sure to give a shoutout to the sources. Much love and appreciation to all you fellow fans out there! BTW Cover was collected from Pinterest- Ani-manhwa, Shoutout guy, if you have problems with sharing your images let me know i will take them off. Stay shinobi-strong! (fire emoji, uzumaki emoji)

ARO2004 · Anime & Comics
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02: Flexing Chakra Muscles and Swag:Training Montage

Hey everyone, I'm a new author here and I'm still learning the ropes. I'm hoping you'll be kind enough to collect me, read me, and stone me (Damn, that sound so wrong, figuratively speaking, of course). I'm only able to upload 5-7 chapters a week and believe me I work 60 hours a week so mass release is a luxury for me, but my chapters are pretty large so enjoy them (1500-2000± words). I'm open to any constructive criticism you have, be honest and give review, i can take it, believe me. Thanks in advance!"


Naruto is now six years old, one year to enter the academy. Training daily, and doing that only was his daily routine for last few years. Now he comes to think of it his last few years were not so different from the original naruto, but what made a difference was how he percieve those incident and how he reacted to it, he was already used to it so its was no difficult task for him. His primary goal in his life for now to become strong and really really strong. I mean he doesnt wish to become hokage an protect this shitty land but as someone who knows the future strenght being the zeroth priority is normal, and he will not able to avoid the war no matter the situation he goes with he is nine tail jinchuriki status after all.

He was eating ramen, at that time he heard a footsteps, felt chill down his spine, he look back, it was hiruzen with a menacing look, completely different from his grandfatherly look he is used to.

"Ah! Hey, Jiji." "Naruto, what happened to the civilian that was complaining about blasting his ball and destroying his lineage from sprouting?" Hiruzen asked with a scary smile in face! "Ah, How would i know that? Big konoha i suppose, Hahaha." Naruto answered like a cornerd cat, imagine strongest person from the hidden leaf, a military village behind your ass demanding answer from you, its not something he would like to even imagine let alone in reality. "Oh, then the person claiming that you blast his ball was sprouting nonsense? Or the guy who claimed that you paint his entire room in pinkish color and mix some unknown medcine in his food which resulted him spending the whole freaking day in bathroom? YOU ARE SAYING YOU HAVE NO RELATION TO WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM?" Hiruzen told him or rather scolded him in one single breath, the prank he pulled some time are extreme, but deep down he was also aware why he did that to them. But that doesnt mean he dont have to deal with the civilian annoyance and he needed pour that frustration to naruto. "OH THEM? yeah yeah i remember, they just paid for their act of ignorance and stupidy infront of me, i am superior to them still they dare to look down on me and curse me, one insect even tried to kick me thinking i am one of the lowly kinds like them just becz i am younger so i had to teach them a lesson….. yes that what it is!!!" Naruto cursing himself internally feeling like a chineese peng clans young master saying all those, he still think he is superior to the people but that doesnt mean he is comfortable using the words 'dare' every now and then. Listening that hiruzen cursed himself for not properly teaching the child about will of fire ideals and 69 other bullshit. Hiruzen sighed seeing the kids weird sense of superiority, its true that kid was an absolute genius no doubt, son of yellow flesh and Red Hot-Blooded Habanero would be a genius, it wasnt hard thing to predict, but he has seen fair share of genius in his life, heck even he was one with mastery of five elements, from humble to arrogant he has seen it all, but one so brazen enough to declare it with smiling face was his first time. he rubbed his forehead and said, "No, No Naruto, you have to embody the will of fire, you cant just kick and put medicine in every one's food, you will be a great ninja, wont you?" "No i wo….." Naruto grabbed his mouth, he was going to sent himself in torture and intergation department.

"You said something?" Oblivious hiruzen asked naruto, naruto just shook his head meaning no in reply.

"Greetings Hokagesama, you want something?" "Ah, teichi, can you please give me a miso ramen? You want something naruto?" "Um, One biiiiiig miso ramen?" "Ofc you want them, two miso ramen for us please." Well he was at least getting something to eat rather than jail bread…..


Amidst the dust, destroyed tree logs and rock, Naruto was huffing for breath while holding a iron rod he managed to pick up from waste space.

"So you are using that iron rod even now. I thought your desire to weild a weapon would diminish eventually, but you are training with it for six month straight, thats some good consistency."

"What can i do now! I dont have those crazy bloodline neither i have crazy strong parents or family to get their awesome genetics. heck i dont have anyone to even teach me stuffs, so yeh, i have to be creative." He said huffing and seeking breath from time to time. Ofc he knew how awesome his uzumaki bloodline, how crazy and genetics and how strong his dna was, even if he left the fox inside him out of chart his luck for genetics was absolutely crazy with two of the strongest ninja of their time as his parents, he was literally the child of prophecy, but he dont need to maarket it around, do he? Hiruzen chuckled while saying with amusement "Hu, and here i thought you got your mothers intelligence rather than your dads!"

"What you said?" "Nah nothing,i will give you some advice on weaponry so train well, i will get going!"

Hiruzen started to leave and then naruto shout out "HEY jiJi wait for me…." Hiruzen looked back watching naruto spitting his dirt and running towards him "Ummmmm, hey jiji" "Do you want to say something?" "Um, jiji, can you give me .....uhhhhh…. a weapon that is um long versetile and pointy." " YOU want a spear or stuff?" "I dunno whatever you can get for me??? But i will keep it for a while so keep it in mind…" It was kind of weird for him to ask something to someone else, he never asked for anything, he acheived that with hard work, but here he was going to take advantage of hiruzen. Hiruzen laughed at him and said he will take care of it, may be by doing such small favor he might able to face minato in the pure land.


Six freakin' months zoomed by before you could even finish a bowl of ramen. I was doing my usual grind in a total wasteland of a training ground next to a river. No fancy jutsu classes for me, but guess what? I was basically turning into a total beast, a non-jutsu master, if you will. I went all Rocky Balboa on my own body, maxing out my physical prowess. Like, seriously, my muscles had muscles, and they were flexing even in my sleep.

Now, when I finally woke up from my not-so-narcoleptic slumber and realized I was/were(?) in the ninja world, I had one thought: "What's the secret sauce to being the strongest mofo around here?" I recalled every anime fight, every cool move I have ever seen – I was basically marinating in a hotpot of inspiration.

Remember that time when Original naruto used byron mode and went toe-to-toe with Jigen? Yeah, even then, it was taijutsu that saved the day. So I decided to tap into my inner Jackie Chan and started mimicking moves from "One Piece," "Baki," and heck, probably even "Hello Kitty" if it looked like a good workout.

But hold up, that's not all. Your ninja-in-training wasn't just flexing his biceps; I was also flexing his chakra muscles. It wasn't rocket science – well, ninja science, technically – 'cause i already knew the basics. So while I was busting out push-ups that would make Saitama proud, i was also honing my chakra skills. You know, multitasking like a true shinobi.

My training plan was like a two-fer deal. First, i turned my body into a shredded masterpiece, sculpting myself like a ninja Michelangelo. Second, i was all about upgrading my chakra game. I had theories, man. Big, brainy theories on how to make my chakra do the Macarena or something even cooler.

And don't you dare think awakening chakra was like a surprise party – nope, everyone's invited from the get-go. But knowing how to rock that chakra, that's the real shindig. Chakra was like the ninja version of everyone having a pair of roller skates, but only a few knowing how to breakdance on them.

That's what separated the cool ninjas from the regular folks. So, Naruto was all in for becoming the chakra DJ, mixing and scratching his way to ninja greatness.

So yeah, Naruto's training party was still going on. He wasn't summoning meteors or pulling rabbits out of his kunai pouch just yet, but hey, he was getting there, one training montage at a time.

( A/N: Alrighty, we've got ourselves a whopping 3.5k+ words in the bag, and guess what? Still no character chit-chat! I know, it's like watching a ninja show without shuriken, and a john wick movie without pencil. But don't sweat it, that last chunk of chapter two was all about cracking open Naruto's noggin to let you peeps in on his vibe. You know, that vital stuff – how he looks at the world and all that stuff.

Now, let me spill the beans on why Mr. Whiskers over here is strutting with a peacock's confidence. I mean, c'mon, he's no Itachi or Kakashi prodigy, and his parents ain't exactly alive and kicking to boost his ego. But hey, here's the twist – rewind to his past life! In his previous gig, Naruto was your classic underdog, orphaned and stuck in a war zone. But guess what? Fast forward a couple of years and bam, he's swimming in the gold like Scrooge McDuck. Dude made his own company hit the unicorn status in just two freakin' years. Sure, he had his share of "oh crap" moments, but the taste of success turned him into an super duper confident smugger. Think Tony Stark levels of swagger without the Iron Man suit.

And here's the kicker: Naruto's not acting all high and mighty just 'cause he's got talent or a silver spoon like our beloved Gojo Sensei, the honored one. Nah, man, he's got his arrogance locked on his potential. He's like that dude who bets his last ramen bowl on winning the eating contest, and you know what? He's determined as heck to scarf down the whole table. MY BOY GONNA BEAT HINATA IN THAT CONTEST.

So there you have it – a sneak peek at the mastermind behind the bravado. It's gonna make the story pop like a kunai at a water balloon fight. Oh, and let's clear things up real quick – I'm no webnovel guru. Just a regular reader who thought, "Hey, why not toss my stories into the ring?" So if you're diggin' what I'm throwin' down, scoop up my tale, give it a bump with those power stones, and spread the ninja love. And don't hold back on the reviews, folks – constructive criticism is the ninja way to make this baby even better!

Anata wa tsuyoi, ganbatte kudasai :3
