
Naruto: The Bloody Ice Prince

In the Hidden Mist Village, there is a figure known as "The Bloody Ice Prince." His name echoes his tragic past rather than his villainous deeds. Initially feared as a demon, he has since become their hero, for he is the one who united the village and shaped its destiny. The "Bloody" represents his haunting history, while the "Prince" signifies the strength he embodies in the present. Discover the captivating story of a man whose past has shaped him, but whose actions have made him their savior. ————————————————————————— -Op Mc -Smart Mc -AU —————————————— Additional Info you might want to know: 01 - I haven't decided yet, but there will probably be romance. Upload Schedule: 02 - Not sure yet, but I'll try to upload atleast 4 chapter a week. 03 - This Fanfic has some AU elements. But I assure you that you'd like them, so give it a try. 04 - This story plays 38 years bNb ( Before Naruto Born ) 05 - The mc is in the same generation as the three Sannin 06 - The mc is born in Kirikagure ( Hidden Mist Village ) — — — —— — — —— — — —— — — —— — — —— — — — I own nothing except my OC. I don't claim the cover, nor do i claim the pictures displayed in the Fan-Fic/ ================================================================

Pluxx · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

The Ice Clone Technique!

Toshiro awoke to the soft rays of sunlight filtering through his bedroom window, casting a warm glow on the wooden floor. With a mix of anticipation and determination, he rose from his slumber, feeling a surge of excitement coursing through his veins. Today marked a significant milestone in his journey as a shinobi - he had finally achieved the rank of Genin.

As he quickly dressed in his standard shinobi attire, Toshiro's demeanor remained composed and serious. His icy blue eyes flickered with a steely resolve, reflecting his unwavering commitment to his path. Becoming a Genin not only granted him the status of an official shinobi but also bestowed upon him a special privilege - access to the village library.

Knowledge held immense importance to Toshiro. He understood that it was the key to honing his skills, expanding his repertoire of jutsu, and ultimately becoming a formidable shinobi. The library had recently been relocated, and it now housed the vast collection of scrolls and books belonging to the various clans within the Hidden Mist Village. Toshiro knew that within those ancient texts lay the secrets and techniques that had been passed down through generations.

Each clan's section in the library was meticulously organized, safeguarding their most prized knowledge. Toshiro's thoughts drifted to his own clan, the Yuki clan, renowned for their mastery over ice release. While their most powerful techniques would undoubtedly be kept hidden, he hoped that the library would provide him with a foundation to build upon.

Stepping into the imposing library building, Toshiro was greeted by an old woman, her warm smile conveying a genuine interest in helping him. Her gray hair was pulled back into a neat bun, and her wrinkled hands held a gentle strength. "Welcome, young shinobi. How may I assist you today?" she asked kindly, her voice filled with a wisdom acquired through years of guiding eager minds.

Toshiro's response was direct and devoid of unnecessary pleasantries. "The Yuki clan section," he stated firmly, his voice carrying an air of purpose.

The old woman nodded understandingly, her eyes gleaming with a spark of recognition. She knew that Toshiro's request indicated a hunger for knowledge, an insatiable thirst to uncover the secrets of his lineage. Leading him through the labyrinthine aisles, she guided him to the designated area, granting him access to the Yuki clan's collection.

As Toshiro entered the Yuki clan section, he couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence. The shelves were lined with ancient scrolls and weathered books, their spines bearing the weight of generations past. Among the titles, one particular book caught his attention - "Ice Clone." Although he was familiar with the concept of shadow clones, the idea of an ice clone intrigued him.

Carefully, he extracted the book from the shelf, its worn cover soft beneath his fingertips. He leafed through the pages, absorbing the knowledge they contained. The ice clone technique fascinated him. It involved the delicate fusion of chakra and ice release, combining two elemental forces to create a unique and formidable clone.

Unlike ordinary shadow clones, the ice clone possessed enhanced durability and resilience. When destroyed, instead of simply dissipating, the ice clone shattered into icy fragments that enveloped and froze the opponent, effectively immobilizing them. It was a technique that demanded precise control and mastery of both chakra and ice release.

After delving into the intricacies of the technique, Toshiro approached the old woman once again, his eyes gleaming with determination. Without hesitation, she granted his request to borrow the book, recognizing the fire within him and the potential that lay dormant. With the borrowed knowledge clutched in his hands, Toshiro returned to the solitude of his bedroom, ready to embark on the path of mastering the ice clone technique.

Seated on the edge of his bed, Toshiro took a moment to gather his thoughts. The room was bathed in a soft, cool light, casting a serene ambiance. With focused intent, he positioned himself in his preferred meditation pose, his back straight and his breathing steady.

Closing his eyes, Toshiro sought to meld the ethereal energy of chakra with the frigid essence of ice. It was a delicate dance, requiring a level of precision surpassing even the challenge of walking on water. Each attempt demanded meticulous control, as he strove to strike the delicate balance between chakra and ice.

He gritted his teeth in concentration, pouring his chakra into the task. He visualized the fusion of chakra and ice, the intangible and the tangible intertwining to create a perfect harmony. Yet, despite his determination and unwavering focus, the ice clone continued to elude him.

Days turned into nights, and Toshiro's relentless pursuit of the technique persisted. He was met with frustration and disappointment as his early attempts fell short of his expectations. The ice clones he managed to manifest were short-lived, melting away before his eyes.

But Toshiro refused to yield to discouragement. He recognized that mastery required not only patience but also a willingness to learn from each setback. He analyzed his failures, dissecting the minutiae of his technique, searching for the missing piece of the puzzle.

With each subsequent attempt, Toshiro adjusted his approach, fine-tuning the flow of his chakra and the manipulation of ice release. He experimented with different levels of intensity and concentration, seeking the precise balance required to manifest a stable and enduring ice clone.

Gradually, he began to witness progress. The ice clones he conjured held their form for longer periods, resisting the inevitable dissolution that plagued his earlier endeavors. Though imperfect, they exhibited the tenacity and resilience he had yearned for.

Toshiro's mastery of the ice clone technique grew, as did his understanding of the intricate interplay between chakra and ice release. With each passing day, he gained better control over the fusion of these elemental forces, crafting clones that stood strong and unwavering in their icy visage.

Though perfection remained just out of reach, Toshiro relished in the progress he had made. A glimmer of satisfaction shone through his otherwise stoic demeanor, a testament to his unyielding dedication and the cold determination that resided within him.

The path to mastery stretched endlessly before Toshiro, his journey far from complete. But armed with the knowledge and experience he had gained, he embraced the challenges that lay ahead. He knew that true mastery would come not only from technical prowess but also from an indomitable spirit, a spirit that would guide him through the trials and tribulations of the shinobi world.

End of Chapter