
Naruto: the blonde assassin (up for adoption)

One of the most deadly assassins was reincarnated into the world of naruto... but the world is very different. I own nothing. Synopsis sucks I know. and OC will be Naruto if I didn't make that clear.

Idk_wqe2 · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs


"We spent four years in the academy, in that time we learned the history of our village, the wars, the clans, we learned to create illusions of ourselves, we learned to replace ourselves with Items such as logs, to Dodge a fetal attack and disguise ourselves flawlessly for infiltration. now, for the love of god, could you tell me why are we picking weeds?!".

Naruto exploded, throwing another weed in the basket on his back.

as he straightened up, he glared at their sensei who was sitting on a tree branch, reading the same damn orange book.

"well, what can I say? community service".

she responded, not even looking up from the book.

that caused a tick mark to paper on everyone's head.

"at least let me use my clones and we can train".

he suggested and his teammates picked up at that.

but their teacher only waved a hand in dismissal.

"but Naruto, using jutsu on a D-rank mission is looked down upon".





"sensei, since we completed the three daily D-ranks, are you going to train us now?".

asked Ouka, expecting to receive a positive answer.

"Nope, take the rest of your day off".

and the Hatake was gone in a swirl of leaves.

leaving three students alone, to themselves, annoyed and pissed off.


Naruto offered, putting his hands in his pockets.

"I'm going to train with my brother".

Satsuki responded, turning around and walking off with Ouka following her.

(... sakura was a fangirl, Ouka is a SIMP).

with a shrug, Naruto walked into the alley and out walked a random civilian.

while in the alley, had also made a few clones to go to the library, he needed to know history, to see how much this world was different from the one he remembered.

heading to the marketplace, he looked around for the items he was looking for.


and rubber balls.

(I will learn Rasengan, though I won't be stopped enough to announce my damn moves, It's much more silent than Chidori, and it can also serve as a chakra control exercise, and powerful can't forget that).


"Okay... so rotation, and force... then combine that together... easy right?".

Naruto stood there, in his team's training ground, looking at the water balloon.

he then looked up.

"... how the hell do I do this?".

with a sigh, he channeled the chakra into the balloon and tried to rotate the water inside it.

and failed miserably.

with a groan, he created about fifty clones, and since he held the balloon in hand those got copied too.

so he bought extra balloons for nothing.

feeling stupid, he created more clones and got them started on chakra control, doing leaf exercise combined with tree walking.

unaware to him, someone was watching from the trees, concealing his chakra and presence so that he would not be noticed.

a pale man with golden slitted eyes was observing the blonde Genin, his long black hair, green vest, and tattoos over his eyes coming down to the bottom of his nose.

the figure was observing Naruto with a smirk, enjoying his process.

"looks like my godson grew up splendidly, I wonder what he's working on right now".

it would be a few hours later that the man saw the balloon pop and water spill out.

he only raised an eyebrow at this, speculating what the use of that would be.

"is he developing a chakra control exercise?".

he sat down on the branch, he had time, he would spectate, for now, he still wasn't allowed near him, he understood why, but that didn't mean he had to like it.

"so he figured out the use of clones and is abusing it... lucky brat, I could get so much research done like that".

the day turned to night and finally the blonde succeeded in exploring the rubber ball full of air.

(hmm, maybe I will observe you a little longer, I will meet you personally soon, but wait a little longer).


"we will take the Tora mission".

this time Naruto groaned, confusing the other two Genin on the team.

he knew the tora mission, it was pain, and it was only day two.

"we will take it!".

his sensei exclaimed, suspiciously enthusiastic about it, rising the suspicion of her students.

"very well, Hatake-san, hope you succeed".

the old man gave the scroll to their sensei, looking as innocent as ever.

Naruto was looking very irritated, knowing what was about to come.

fifteen minutes later, team seven members were on the tree branches, following a black cat.

"This is whirlpool, target in sight, ready to engage".

"confirm the target".

the scarecrow commanded in a serious voice, but that didn't fool the three students, she was still reading.

"ribbon on the left ear, target confirmed".

said the only Uchiha on the team, crouching down on the tree branch behind Naruto.


the order was given and the three dashed forward.

landing, Satsuki tried to catch the feline, but when the cat jumped into her face and left claw marks before leaving.

Naruto was right behind it, following quickly, but then the cat turned sharply, Naruto fell face down into the mud.

and Ouka, who was chasing the feline for a while, ran out of breath.

"what the hell is that cat? what does it take to catch her?".

Naruto questioned, cleaning the mud off his face.

"it's like a pet of the Devil, are we sure she isn't the spawn of a Biju?".

questioned Satsuki, wincing when she touched the scratches.


they went after the cat again, hoping that luck would be on their side.

too bad Tora was a black cat.