
Naruto: the blonde assassin (up for adoption)

One of the most deadly assassins was reincarnated into the world of naruto... but the world is very different. I own nothing. Synopsis sucks I know. and OC will be Naruto if I didn't make that clear.

Idk_wqe2 · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs


team seven was waiting at the red bridge, it has been about an hour since their designated time.

Naruto had a kunai in hand, balancing it with chakra.

getting a little bored, he decides to experiment a little but regretted it as soon as he added more chakra to his hand.

the kunai shot forward, going right towards Ouka, passing right in front of his fave and hitting a nearby tree.

"watch it, you almost killed me!".

he shot a glare at the blonde, angry that he almost left the world early because of his stupidity.

"wouldn't that be a tragedy?".

Naruto mumbled under his breath but was heard by Satsuki since she was closer than Ouka and spits out the rice ball she was eating.

that was when Anzashi decided to arrive at the bridge, to find one of her students coughing, one chuckling, and one glaring at the other.

"... Good morning team, hold onto your socks because we have a C rank today!".

she decided to ignore everyone and act cheerfully.

Naruto leans over to his female teammate and whispers.

"you think she's this happy because that Obito person proposed?".

in answer to the question, she just shrugged, but unfortunately, she wasn't the only one that heard the question.

"if you must know Naruto, im happy because a new book came out written by Lord Jiraya, my favorite writer".

his sensei remarks, putting her hands in his pockets and starts walking towards the Hokage tower, followed by her students.

(...I miss the butterfly knives, that's how I passed time in my old world... wait.)

sighing at his stupidity he makes a clone to go to one store that actually accepted him, the Higarashis.

the old man there made weapons so if he delivered a blueprint it would be made, and it didn't have to be the only knife that had to be made, Karambit was also a good choice.

sometime next week he would have the knives.

for now, he just had to complete the C rank mission.


"you will have to go to a Konoha district and investigate a gang that was accused of producing a new drug and spreading it amongst the civilians, the rest of the information will be in the scroll".

a chunin said as Anzashi was handed a scroll containing all the details of the mission.

even if it was in the village if it wasn't doing chores it was higher than a D-rank.

they walked out of the Hokage tower and started heading towards Konoha's abandoned district.

it was full of criminals, hands, addicts, gamblers, basically, the dark side of the Konoha.

"Black wing... what a lame name".

his sensei muttered while looking at the scroll, before shrugging and rolling it up.

"The Gangs name is Black wing, they even have a building, most likely the Hokage will transform the whole district after the gang is gone".

she explained the situation but didn't t explain what they had to do so Naruto remained quiet, too bad Ouka didn't have the same idea.

"so what do we have to do, Sensei?".

he asked, tilting his head slightly.

"you have to go in there and take down the head of the gang, we do need him alive though, so we can do whatever we want with the others".

she shrugged as if she didn't just suggest killing off an entire gang.

Ouka faltered, and so did Satsuki, Naruto just looked on with indifference, before getting a spark in his eyes.

"can I do it?".

Anzashi looks at the blonde with a raised eyebrow, and his teammates look at him with a surprised expression.

"Hmm, why not? let's see what that extra training has brought you".


Anzashi and her two students were standing in front of a building, looking up at it.

that's where their blonde-haired teammate was, going through some thugs, probably reaching the boss already.

"Why couldn't we go with him?".

asked Satsuki, arms crossed, leaning against a wall.

"... remember when he used to paint the Hokage monument while wearing that Hideous rags he called clothes... in the middle of the day?".

Ouka and Satsuki had to agree, their sensei had a point.

a sound of a window shattering was heard and everybody looked up, seeing Naruto, holding a man out of a window by his collar.

"what's he doing?".

asked Ouka, looking at the two above them.

"that is a good interrogation tactic for civilians, threaten their lives and people like him will spill everything".

Ouka nodded, storing the advice for later.

little did he know he wouldn't get to use it.


it was the next day, and he was practicing the summoning with Orochimaru.

a few handseals later a white snake the size of a horse appeared in front of him.



"getting Gezo, haven't seen you in a long time".

Orochimaru greeted as the snake and Naruto looked at each other.

the snake looked over to Orochimaru with what accounted to be surprise on its face, he responded.

"Lord Orochimaru, Was it you who summoned me?".

Orochimaru just shook his head and pointed at Naruto, who stood up from the crouching position.

"Naruto-Kun is the new summoner, he's my godson and I am training him as well".

the snake looked him over and nodded, before starting a conversation with the Sannin about the details, but the blonde tuned them out.

he just got another pack of memories, he was done with tier two of the sealing arts, and he had explosions now.

... may the gods show his enemies mercy.

because Naruto wouldn't.