
Naruto:The Bird Freed from Its Cage

Restricted-Level Naruto On the day the cage was broken, the imprisoned bird could finally soar across the sky. The taste of freedom is wonderful, yet Hyuga Shin aims to forge a cage for the world. Wherever the sun shines, who dares to disobey? pateron link for more chapter ;https://shorturl.at/eDNRL

KUMOsgusjj · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 1: The Bird Freed from Its Cage

Chapter 1: The Bird Freed from Its Cage

After last night's autumn rain, fallen leaves covered the courtyard. An old tree swayed in the wind, giving off a desolate and melancholy air.

Steam rose from teacups on the low table. The room was silent, as if everyone was waiting for something.

A servant hurriedly entered and bowed to whisper to the young man seated at the head of the room.

"Lord Hiashi, he has arrived."

All eyes turned to the doorway, where a figure now stood.

The youth had refined features and a cool, aloof demeanor. Though he was from the Hyuga clan, his eyes were unusually black. His smooth forehead was bare, lacking the headband or silk band worn by most present to cover it.

Various gazes scrutinized him, all with strange expressions.

This meeting had been specially convened for this youth. Previously there had been heated arguments, but now everyone fell silent upon seeing him.

The bird freed from its cage...

The unattainable wish of all branch family members.

"Lord Hiashi," Hyuga Shin walked to the center of the council hall, bowing in greeting to Hiashi Hyuga at the head seat. He then bowed to the clan elders seated in rows on either side.

As one of Konoha's noble clans, the Hyuga had many complex rules and strict hierarchies between the main and branch families that could not be disregarded casually.

To Hiashi's left knelt an elegant, graceful woman. Seeing Shin enter without a headband, she frowned slightly as she noticed the eager looks in the eyes of the clan elders.

Branch family members bore the Caged Bird seal on their foreheads, which was rarely shown and usually covered by a headband or band. Only main family members would leave it exposed.

"How is your body recovering?" Hiashi asked calmly.

"The doctor says there are no major issues," Shin replied.

Hiashi nodded slightly. "The battlefield is fraught with danger. Your emergency eye transplant was likely unavoidable and understandable."

He paused, his pale eyes fixed on the youth before him.

"We won't blame that girl either. Your survival is what's most important to the clan."

Shin lowered his gaze and replied evenly, "Thank you, Lord Hiashi."

"Your current condition is unsuitable for returning to the front lines. Stay in the village for now. Once we find a compatible Byakugan among those preserved by the clan, we can transplant new eyes for you."

As the first person to survive after the Caged Bird seal was fully activated, Shin now faced this unusual situation.

Unexpectedly arriving in this world of Naruto, his soul had replaced that of this Hyuga branch family ninja who had perished on the battlefield.

When Leaf ninja found him among the dead, his eyes were already blind. A field medic had temporarily transplanted someone else's eyes.

The cause of his blindness was the self-activation of the Caged Bird seal as this body neared death, destroying his eyes.

After being brought back to the Leaf Village as a casualty, the incident shocked the entire Hyuga clan. Even Hiashi had to rush back from the battlefield, as it concerned whether the main family's position would remain unshakable. He could not afford to be negligent.

The clan had thoroughly examined Shin's body multiple times, but the conclusions were always the same.

His body had suffered fatal injuries but received timely treatment on the front lines. The Caged Bird seal had indeed activated and disappeared. His destroyed eyes were still present, replaced by ordinary human eyes...

Nothing seemed amiss, or rather the only thing amiss was that Shin was still alive, when the Caged Bird seal should have destroyed his brain.

Had the seal malfunctioned? Or was there some other issue? How else could this variable of Shin's survival have occurred?

Seeing the clan members' expressions change as they pondered this, Hiashi understood their thoughts.

The divisions and barriers were already deeply rooted, beyond one person's power to change.

Of course, he had no need to change anything.

He was the beneficiary.

Hiashi's role was to maintain the status quo, benefiting his own lineage of descendants.

A pair of branch family Byakugan eyes was insignificant - better destroyed than in others' hands. But he would not allow the existence of an anomaly outside main family control!

The meeting dispersed.

As they left, people kept glancing at Shin, their gazes lingering long on his forehead.

Though they all knew it was impossible, each of them wondered what it would feel like to be free of those shackles.


As Shin was about to leave, a voice suddenly called out to him.

He turned to see the elegant woman who had been seated to Hiashi's left approaching.

Though called a woman, she was really just a girl of about 20. Her mature, refined makeup and white kimono gave her a dignified, matronly air.

"I couldn't find any information about Hinata's mother's name. If you happen to know it, please share!"

This was Hyuga Ayanami, Hiashi's fiancée and likely Hinata's future mother.

"Lady Ayanami."

Ayanami smiled gently. "No need to be so formal. You can call me Sister Ayanami, like you call Ayari sister. Ayari has been very worried about you."

Ayari was her younger sister. In Shin's original memories, he often played with Ayari as a child.

But the sisters' fates were completely different. Ayanami was destined to be the future clan head's wife - that had long been decided.

Shin's gaze inadvertently swept over her smooth forehead.

The entire Hyuga clan was permeated with the concept of fate.

Shin simply said, "I'm sorry to have worried Sister Ayari."

Ayanami's eyes quietly studied Shin's face. A person's demeanor could change so dramatically after a brush with death - he seemed like a different person entirely.

"The main thing is that you're alright now. Didn't Ayari visit you too?"


"The clan is actually very concerned about you. It must be strange without the Byakugan," Ayanami said gently, like a caring older sister.

In her, Shin could see shadows of the adult Hinata.

"It doesn't affect daily life much," he said.

"That's good then. The clan has many preserved Byakugan, so they'll be able to transplant new eyes for you soon. You needn't worry," Ayanami said, taking out a white silk band and offering it to Shin.

"In the future, please be mindful when moving about the clan compound. Don't let other clan members form any misunderstandings."

Shin looked at the band she held out, his eyes flickering slightly.

Ayanami was likewise observing his reaction.

"My apologies, Lady Ayanami. I was inconsiderate. I'll be sure to be careful in the future!" Shin said, bowing his head as he accepted the band with both hands.

Ayanami's expression froze for a moment before she said softly, "It's not your fault. After all, no one would want something like this to happen. The Hokage has also heard about your situation and asked Hiashi about you. He's very concerned."

Her gaze shifted as she spoke with gentle care. When finished, she even reached out to lightly pat Shin's shoulder in comfort. Standing close, he could smell a faint fragrance from her.

"Just stay in the village and rest easy for now."

Ayanami left, and gradually the people in front of the council hall dispersed.

The courtyard was cold and empty, with only Shin remaining.

The wind suddenly picked up, blowing chill against his face.

Did they want him to become a caged bird again...?

These ordinary human eyes might see farther than they thought.

pateron link for more chapter ;https://shorturl.at/eDNRL