
Naruto: teaching disciples for ten thousand times the Reward

After traveling through Naruto, he became the weakest villain Mizuki.   Fortunately, the system is activated, the apprenticeship will be returned ten thousand times.   Granting apprentices ninjutsu, illusions, taijutsu, ninja tools, items, bloodline, etc. will receive a system refund of up to 10,000 times.   【Ding! 】   [You grant Naruto a bowl of miso barbecued pork ramen, triggering a thousand-fold return. 】   [Congratulations on getting a bowl of Miso Barbecued Chakra Noodles. Eat it all and your chakra limit will increase by 1 kakashi. 】   【Ding! 】   [You grant Uchiha Sasuke the treading water practice method, triggering a ten thousand times return. 】   [Congratulations on acquiring the art of stepping on the air. You can step on the air to spiral up into the sky and stay in the air for a short time. 】   …   According to the tradition of Naruto, the disciples are taught to kill their masters?   It doesn't exist. In my case, the master is always better than the apprentice.

Ahmed_Riaz · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Chapter 59

  At this time, Sasuke's face was ferocious, and the magatama in his eyes moved faster.

  "He could obviously refuse, why didn't he refuse?" Sasuke asked hoarsely.

  Mizuki: "Because Danzo is threatening your life. If Itachi doesn't take action, the village will take action, and then the entire Uchiha clan will die."

  "And if Itachi agrees to take action, then his brother can survive."


  Powerful mental fluctuations suddenly radiated from Sasuke.

  The double magatama that was rotating rapidly in his eyes suddenly changed position, and a new magatama appeared.

Chapter 55: Eternal Kaleidoscope

  "What you said about the Uchiha genocide has no basis at all." Kakashi frowned and said.

  "I was working in the Anbu at that time. Why did I never hear about these things, or even notice them?"

  Mizuki didn't explain. The storage ring in his hand flashed slightly, and an object appeared and he threw it to the ground.

  Everyone looked at the object on the ground, and Sakura asked doubtfully: "Is this a broken arm?"

  Although it was covered with bandages, the shapes of the arms and palms were clearly distinguishable.

  Mizuki looked at Kakashi and asked, "Whose severed arm is this? Does it look familiar to you?"

  Kakashi said: "If you guessed correctly, it's Danzo's right arm."

  "Yes, it's Danzo's right arm. I'll take off the bandage, and you'll know whether my words have any basis for it."

  The kunai passed by, the bandage was cut, and Danzo's right arm was revealed.

  The pale skin was inlaid with eleven Sharingan eyes, which made Sakura's scalp tingle and she covered her mouth, fearing that she would scream.

  Naruto's attention was also diverted and he stared blankly at his arms on the ground.

  Kakashi looked even more horrified, his lips moved slightly, but he didn't know what to say.

  Even Mizuki was extremely moved.

  The one who reacted the most was Sasuke. At this time, his eyes were blood red, his body was shaking, and his anger had almost turned into substance.



  "Kill Danzo!"

  "Kill the third generation!"

  "Kill everyone in Konoha!"

  Sasuke was already going crazy, but the next moment, he fell to the ground with a "plop".


  "Sasuke-kun!" Sakura exclaimed.

  Mizuki frowned, looking at Sasuke as if he was mentally damaged.

  Sakura had just said that Uchiha Itachi and Inogaki Kisame had been here. Mizuki felt that Sasuke was probably educated by Itachi using Tsukuyomi, so he was so depressed.

  My stupid brother...


  "In short, Kakashi, I will take Naruto and Sasuke away and will never let them stay in Konoha."

  "I hope you won't stop me. Of course, you can't stand still now, so you can't stop me."

  "Of course, you can come with me if you want."

  Kakashi looked ugly.

  As an adult, it is difficult to change your thinking.

  Kakashi had long known the cause of his father's death, but he had stayed in Konoha and had no intention of rebelling.

  It can only be said that the brainwashing of the third generation was very successful.

  Shuimu couldn't instigate him to rebel with just a few words.

  "Although there is darkness in Konoha, it cannot be denied that Konoha is bright and peaceful on the surface, and the villagers of Konoha are also living a good life."

  "I will not defect! Now I just want to protect the villagers and the village. Let him go in the past."

  "There is a genocide feud between Sasuke and the village, and I have no right to keep him. However, as Naruto, as a Jinchuuriki, is an important asset of the village, I will never allow you to take him away."

  The next moment, he opened his left eye protector, revealing his Sharingan, looking ready to fight.

  Mizuki just looked at it, not even bothering to do anything.

  Sure enough, in less than a second, Kakashi threw himself onto the street and fell to the ground with a thump, following in Sasuke's footsteps.

  "Master Mizuki, I'm coming with you!" Naruto said with firm eyes.

  Sakura held the unconscious Sasuke and looked at Sasuke's face with a struggling expression. Finally, she gritted her teeth and raised her head and said, "Master Mizuki, I'll go with you too."

  Shuimu shook his head and said, "What will happen to your parents if you leave?"

  "They worked so hard to raise you, and you just walk away like this?"

  Sakura shed tears and choked up: "I...I'm sorry for them, but I want to follow Sasuke-kun more. I don't want to become Sasuke-kun's enemy."

  Sasuke already had a desire for revenge against Konoha.

  Sakura knew that if she returned to Konoha, she would be Sasuke's enemy from now on and would fight to the death when they meet again.

  But she likes Sasuke. For the person she loves, what do her parents and the village mean?

  Mizuki still shook his head.

  "I'm sorry, I won't take you away."

  "Your parents are in Konoha, and there is still a bond between you and Konoha. If you follow us, our whereabouts will be exposed sooner or later."

  Sakura shouted: "No, I won't."

  Mizuki asked: "If Konoha threatens your parents' lives and asks you to pass on information, do you dare to refuse?"

  "I..." Sakura was speechless.

  No matter how Sakura answered, Mizuki would not take her away.

  If she dared to answer, she would be an unfilial person who didn't even care about her parents' lives. Shuimu wouldn't dare to stay with such a ruthless and unjust person.

  If she answered that she didn't dare, then she would be a future spy, and Mizuki wouldn't dare to keep such a person.

  "Naruto, carry Sasuke on your back, we're leaving immediately."

  Sakura was anxious and hugged Sasuke tightly, not wanting to let go.

  The next moment, Mizuki was behind Sakura and knocked her out with a knife.

  Naruto carried Sasuke on his back and said nothing. He has been completely silent since just now.

  Mizuki glanced at Sakura who fainted on the ground and sighed.

  He picked up Danzo's right hand from the ground, dug out a three-magatama Sharingan, put it in a potion bottle, and placed it in Sakura's hand.

  Sakura has one last chance to give back this month, so she can't waste it.

  As for whether this Sharingan would be useful to Sakura or what kind of trouble it would bring to Sakura, Mizuki didn't care at all.

  "After this, our relationship as master and disciple is over!"

  Sakura's qualifications are not bad, and the return multiple is not low, sometimes even ten thousand times.

  But there was no way, Mizuki couldn't take her away, lest it cause all kinds of trouble later.

  [Ding! ]

  [The host grants disciple Haruno Sakura a three-magatama Sharingan eye in her left eye, triggering a thousand-fold return. ]

  [Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan in your left eye. ]

  Before the system finished speaking, Mizuki felt a swelling pain in his left eye, which forced him to cover his eye socket with his hand to relieve the discomfort.

  This discomfort soon passed. When he put down his hand and opened his left eye again, the original single black pupil had changed.

  The blood-colored background and black lines form a simple yet symmetrical and exquisite pattern.

  The outer circle is a six-pointed star made of black lines, and the inner circle is six lines forming a clockwise vortex, which seems to lead to a bottomless abyss.

  "This feels really good!"

  Thank you Danzo Lao Tie for the gift, thank you Lao Tie!

  I wish Lao Tie a different bride every day, a groom every night, and a different mother-in-law every day!

  At this time, Mizuki had already noticed that there were two pupil techniques in this eye.

  One is of course Susanoo. One-eyed kaleidoscope can also activate Susanoo, such as Uchiha Shisui.

  As for why Obito and Kakashi can't do it, we can only say that Obito's talent is too low and Kakashi doesn't have Uchiha blood.

  Of course there is no comparison with a genius like Shisui who has Uchiha blood and is highly talented.

  Although Mizuki does not have Uchiha bloodline, the things returned by the system do not need bloodline to match them.

  Moreover, this is the eternal kaleidoscope, which is more advanced than ordinary kaleidoscopes.

  Therefore, it is very easy to open a Susana. Of course, it can only be opened to the fourth stage at most, and it is impossible to open the whole thing.

  Susanoo is divided into multiple stages.

  The first stage: partial state, such as just one arm.

  The second stage: half-skeleton state.

  The third stage: half-body flesh and blood state.

  The fourth stage: half armor state.

  The fifth stage: Full body armor state. In this state, the caster will be located between Susana's eyebrows.

  Stage Six: Complete body, with wings growing from its back and the ability to fly.

  There are also senjutsu suzuo, majestic suzuo, etc. at the back.

  It's already good that Mizuki can reach the fourth stage.

  After all, there is only one eye, and the pupil power is only half.

  But this is not a problem for Mizuki.

  "Sasuke has another chance to return it this month. Give him a right eye, and I can put together the Eternal Kaleidoscope for both eyes."

  In addition to Susanoo, there is also a pupil in his left eye.

  However, Mizuki doesn't know what this pupil technique is yet, and he will have to do further research to understand it.

  "The things in Konoha are over, it's time to find a new place to stay."

  As soon as he walked out of Dazuna's house, Mizuki saw an unexpected person standing outside.

  He has a burly figure, snow-white hair, iconic flip-flops, and an alternative forehead protector with the word "oil" written on his forehead.

  Jiraiya, the Toad Sage of Mt. Myoboku, appears now!

  Beside Jiraiya was Konohamaru who was unconscious. Before Mizuki entered the house, he put Konohamaru on a small boat and planned to take it with him when he left, but now it was in Jiraiya's hands.

  Mizuki frowned, Jiraiya was actually here, and there were traces of battle on his body.

  Uchiha Itachi and Ingakaki Kisame came, but they didn't take Naruto away. It was obviously not Kakashi's fault.

  In this case, Jiraiya and the two members of the Akatsuki organization should have fought.

  "I recognize you, Chuunin Mizuki!" Jiraiya stared at Mizuki, his eyes full of hostility.

  "It seems that you became a traitorous ninja. Not only did you capture the old man's grandson, you also wanted to take away Naruto and Sasuke."

  "As Jiraiya, one of the Sannin of Konoha, I will never allow this to happen."

  "Ninja Technique: Dance of Random Lion Hair!"

  Jiraiya's hair suddenly grew, and he came towards Mizuki from all directions.


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All the fanfiction is 30-chapter ahead but this fanfic Naruto: Teaching Disciples For Ten Thousand Times The Reward is 30 chapters ahead there