
Naruto: System Shinobi

Haruto, a high school student and avid Naruto fan, finds his life forever changed when a bizarre twist of fate transports him into the world of shinobi. Awakening as Shimio Toji, a young orphan in the hidden village of Konoha, Haruto grapples with the sudden realization that he has been reincarnated into a different existence. He realizes that he can fulfill a life with powers that were only a dream on earth.

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6 Chs

Ch3. The Training continues

Toji woke up before dawn, his anticipation for another day of rigorous training fueling his every move. He had set his sights on excelling in a crucial area which is kunai throwing skills. He understood that although in the future becoming kinda useless, throwing skills are easily one of the best skills to have.

With a determined mindset, Toji ventured out to find his serene spot amidst nature. The tranquil morning air brushed against his skin as he closed his eyes, grounding himself in the present moment. Taking a deep breath, he felt the familiar surge of energy within him—the chakra that flowed through his body.

With his mind focused and his chakra gathering within him, Toji delved into the leaf concentration exercise. He gently plucked a few leaves from the ground, cradling them in the palm of his hand and placing them on his head. Channeling his chakra, he infused each leaf with his energy, using them as a focal point to enhance his concentration and control.

Toji could sense the subtle vibrations of his chakra as he delicately pressed the leaves against his forehead. He adjusted the flow, the intensity, and the direction of his energy, seeking the delicate balance required to make the leaves adhere. There were moments of frustration and moments of success, as the leaves occasionally slipped and fell. But Toji remained steadfast, unwavering in his dedication to mastering this foundational skill.

Toji's progress became increasingly evident. The leaves clung to his forehead more readily, a testament to his growing mastery over his chakra. He marveled at the connection between his concentration and his ability to manipulate the leaves. Through countless repetitions and unwavering focus, Toji honed his chakra control, allowing him to achieve greater precision.

In parallel with his chakra control practice, Toji embarked on refining his kunai throwing skills. He recognized the significance of kunai as versatile tools for a shinobi, invaluable in both offensive and defensive situations. Toji sought out a renowned training ground known for its target practice area, where experienced shinobi often gathered to sharpen their abilities.

Immersing himself in the atmosphere, Toji observed the seasoned shinobi as they practiced their kunai throwing techniques. He absorbed every detail—their stances, their grips, and the fluidity of their motions. He admired their precision and accuracy, understanding that he had much to learn from their expertise.

Toji started with the basics, ensuring a firm grip on the kunai and focusing on his aim. He stood before stationary targets, his eyes fixed on the bullseye. With each throw, he meticulously adjusted his stance, scrutinized his technique, and analyzed the trajectory of the kunai. At first, many of his attempts missed their mark, but Toji's determination remained unyielding.

Day after day, Toji's aim improved. He paid close attention to the subtleties—the force behind his throws, the angle of his release, and the follow-through. He dedicated himself to countless repetitions, seeking the perfect alignment of mind, body, and weapon. Gradually, his kunai found their mark more often than not, hitting the targets with increasing accuracy.

Toji didn't settle for mere stationary target practice. He understood that true mastery required adaptability and precision in dynamic combat situations. With nimble footwork, he introduced movement into his practice, simulating the chaos of real combat. Evading imaginary attacks, Toji maintained his focus, throwing kunai with unwavering precision even amidst simulated danger.

As Toji continued to hone his kunai throwing skills, he also dedicated himself to physical training, essential for becoming a skilled shinobi. In the ninja village of Konoha, the training methods were focused on agility, strength, and endurance, tailored specifically for the demands of a shinobi's life.

Toji's physical training took place in the village's designated training grounds. The vast open space provided ample room for him to engage in a variety of exercises and drills. He focused on enhancing his agility by practicing swift footwork, lateral movements, and quick changes in direction.

To strengthen his body, Toji engaged in bodyweight exercises and functional movements with his weights. He performed squats, lunges, and jumping exercises to develop lower body strength and explosiveness. Push-ups, pull-ups, and planks helped him build upper body strength, while core exercises such as sit-ups and leg raises improved his stability and balance.

As the time came near the academy examination, Toji's body was stronger, his movements became more fluid, and his chakra control became more refined, and his chakra capacity slightly improved. Toji was extremely happy as he noticed his changes and realized he might even be a genius. Although even kids in clans didnt train as hard as he did as they were still kids and not every kid is just like itachi who would master all the academy material at a young age.

The day before the highly anticipated Konoha Academy examination arrived, and Toji's excitement filled the air. He knew the importance of getting a good night's sleep, so he decided to go to bed early, eager to rest and prepare for the challenges that awaited him.

As he lay in bed, Toji's mind raced with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. He was excited that he could finally join the academy and fulfill his naruto life. Toji closed his eyes and focused on relaxing his body and clearing his mind. He took deep, steady breaths, allowing the tension to melt away. With each exhale, he let go of any worries or doubts, embracing a sense of calmness and confidence. The room was dimly lit, with only a soft glow coming from a small lamp on the bedside table. Toji's eyelids grew heavier, and his thoughts gradually drifted into a realm of dreams and possibilities.

When the morning sunlight filtered through the window, Toji slowly opened his eyes. He felt refreshed and energized, ready to face the day. With a newfound determination, he got out of bed and walked over to his closet. He chose a black long-sleeved shirt that provided freedom of movement and comfort. Paired with black shorts that were just comfy. Toji slipped on his trusty black ninja sandals, completing the ensemble. Looking at himself in the mirror, Toji felt nice and confident.

"Damn this guy looking at me is pretty handsome" Toji said to the mirror.

After a quick breakfast of some eggs to fuel his body, Toji made his way to the Konoha Academy. As he walked through the bustling village, he observed the familiar sights and sounds. Toji joined the other candidates who had gathered for the examination. The air crackled with nervous energy and excitement.

The Examination happened with a physical test of understanding the skills and strength of the students. They also asked questions on the will of fire bullshit and their dreams in the village. After the exam all those who passed were gathered outside the school and all the dumb kids lost their shit in excitement as the hokage stood to give a speech.

"Blah Blah Blah. get Brainwashed with my will of fire! is all im hearing from this geezer." Toji sighed in boredom

"It's now my enrollment at the academy and i get to see Naruto, Sasuke, and the others in reality for the first time." Toji thought

Anyway, i see one boy who isn't accompanied by family or friends.He looks really sad, except when he notices that someone looks at him, then he sends a challenging glare to them.

Who could it be other than the protagonist of the story, Boruto's Da .... I mean Naruto Uzumaki!

ooooh! i see duckbutt hair.

Sasuke is accompanied by his parents and by the goat itachi

Sakura is... holy shit her forehead is really big why did naruto like her so much.

Then there is Iruka who stands next to the Hokage.

It sure is weird seeing them in reality... but Hiruzen is making me hella sleepy with his boring ass speech.

Should i make a change where his system awakens for joining the academy or keep it to when he becomes genin?

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